20 Tips in 20 Minutes David, Enrick, Luc PTC/User Montreal RUG David, Enrick, Luc PTC/User Montreal RUG.

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2 20 Tips in 20 Minutes David, Enrick, Luc PTC/User Montreal RUG David, Enrick, Luc PTC/User Montreal RUG

3 Assembly Manipulation Techniques u Create the Simplified Reps you need for the drawing. u Use Simplified Representations to prevent Pro/ENGINEER from retrieving unnecessary models into memory. u Use as few assembly features as possible because intersecting components creates hidden copies of the model and this uses additional memory. When sketching assembly features, use closed sections and manually select the components to be intersected. This will prevent Pro/ENGINEER from intersecting extraneous components and will speed up drawing performance. u Create the Simplified Reps you need for the drawing. u Use Simplified Representations to prevent Pro/ENGINEER from retrieving unnecessary models into memory. u Use as few assembly features as possible because intersecting components creates hidden copies of the model and this uses additional memory. When sketching assembly features, use closed sections and manually select the components to be intersected. This will prevent Pro/ENGINEER from intersecting extraneous components and will speed up drawing performance. Prior to creating a drawing Tip 01

4 Which Dimensions are Shown? Which are Added? (Edit, Highlight by Attributes) Tip 02

5 Relations Tips u Add Comments to remind yourself and others what your relations are controlling u Modify your dimensions with Logical names –Length instead of d20, etc. u Relations are evaluated from top to bottom. Relations towards the bottom have more precedence than those higher up. u Parameters must exist before they can be used in relations. u Maximum Line length is 80 Characters use \ to continue on a second line. Recommended Maximum of 5 lines total. u Add Comments to remind yourself and others what your relations are controlling u Modify your dimensions with Logical names –Length instead of d20, etc. u Relations are evaluated from top to bottom. Relations towards the bottom have more precedence than those higher up. u Parameters must exist before they can be used in relations. u Maximum Line length is 80 Characters use \ to continue on a second line. Recommended Maximum of 5 lines total. Tip 03

6 Existing Parts and Sections Tip 04

7 Including a drawing into Word document Tip 05

8 How to cut a part using datum plane Tip 06

9 Pro/INTRALINK Table Display Fit Table Column Width Right clicking on a column header will fit the column width + Right clicking on a column header will fit all the columns width Tip 07

10 Pro/INTRALINK Table Display Saved Table Display Column Width Table display columns are now saved with a width! Commonspace Status Compare Status Workspace Status New in Pro/I 3.3 Only! New in Pro/I 3.3 Only! Tip 07 (cont’ d) Tip 07 (cont’ d)

11 Pro/INTRALINK Table Display Keeping Columns Visible While Scrolling Click and Drag the this small vertical bar to freeze the display of the column on the left Use the horizontal scroll bar to see the column on the right These columns will remain visible during the scrolling Tip 08

12 Pro/INTRALINK Table Display Dynamic Table Configuration Sorting Unsorted display Left-Click on a column header to sort the table by the parameter displayed in that column Left-Click on the same column to change the sorting order from ascending to descending Hold down the key and left click on a second column to add it as the second search criteria Tip 09

13 Pro/INTRALINK Table Display Workspace Dynamic Table Configuration Sorting Dynamic sorting done locally +500% faster Column width is lost Manual resize is required No benefits when Applying a saved Table display New in Pro/I 3.3 Only! New in Pro/I 3.3 Only! Tip 09 (cont’ d) Tip 09 (cont’ d)

14 Easy Pro/INTRALINK Table Export BOM Report 1 Generate in Pro/INTRALINK the Commonspace BOM report for the desired assembly. 2 To quickly import BOM data into Microsoft Excel for further processing, follow these steps: Tip 10

15 Easy Pro/INTRALINK Table Export BOM Report 3 When the HTML browser is open, copy the file location from the Address. 4 Paste the file location in the file open dialog box of MS Excel. Tip 10 (cont’ d) Tip 10 (cont’ d)

16 Easy Pro/INTRALINK Table Export BOM Report Voilà! This printing technique is also applicable to most Pro/INTRALINK windows! Tip 10 (cont’ d) Tip 10 (cont’ d)

17 Commonspace New Report: Family Table Structure Shows nesting of Instances Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! Tip 11

18 Commonspace New Report: Model Structure Mimics Pro/E Model Tree Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! Tip 12

19 Commonspace New Report: External SimpRep Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! Wildfire And Pro/I 3.3 Only! A great tool to reduce Workspace size for Large Assemblies! Tip 13

20 Suppressing Components By Program To Open Large Assemblies In Master Rep u Allows the user the usage of all menus u Trick was used to restructure a large assembly –Drawing updated automatically u Allows the user the usage of all menus u Trick was used to restructure a large assembly –Drawing updated automatically Tip 14

21 Redefining Models u When making major changes –Redifine features from the bottom will eliminate the need for regeneration, thus saving time –Works for Parts and Assemblies u When making major changes –Redifine features from the bottom will eliminate the need for regeneration, thus saving time –Works for Parts and Assemblies Tip 15

22 Copying Views u Create a detail view of the desired view u Edit the view and change it to General u Edit the view and change it to full View u Usage –Creates an exact duplicate of the original view –Keeps all member, edge and process Display u Create a detail view of the desired view u Edit the view and change it to General u Edit the view and change it to full View u Usage –Creates an exact duplicate of the original view –Keeps all member, edge and process Display Tip 16

23 Enabling Intent Objects u To allow Intent Chains and Surfs of Models Prior to 2001 –Set the config option « logical_objects » to yes –Force Regen with Model Player u To allow Intent Chains and Surfs of Models Prior to 2001 –Set the config option « logical_objects » to yes –Force Regen with Model Player Tip 17

24 Using The Model Player u Excellent tool to identify issues –Force Regeneration –Use Session Info, Message Log –Repair the model if necessary u Will identify the following: –Line Errors in Relations –Geometry Checks –All Warnings (model missing, assembly cut outside the model, …) u Excellent tool to identify issues –Force Regeneration –Use Session Info, Message Log –Repair the model if necessary u Will identify the following: –Line Errors in Relations –Geometry Checks –All Warnings (model missing, assembly cut outside the model, …) Tip 18

25 Playing With Accuracy u Lowering Accuracy –Faster Regen –Eliminates Geometry Checks of « Tiny Edges » –Bigger Files u May cause part to fail (in the case of complex rounds for example), so use with caution u Lowering Accuracy –Faster Regen –Eliminates Geometry Checks of « Tiny Edges » –Bigger Files u May cause part to fail (in the case of complex rounds for example), so use with caution Tip 19

26 Creating « Cute » Symbols u Convert your bitmaps to a standard format (dxf for example) u Import the file in a Pro/E Drawing u Select References as if you were in Sketcher u Sketch Splines as required u Result: u Convert your bitmaps to a standard format (dxf for example) u Import the file in a Pro/E Drawing u Select References as if you were in Sketcher u Sketch Splines as required u Result: Tip 20

27 Dynamic Trim In Sketcher Tip 21

28 Finding Small Components Using Component Info Tip 22

29 Checking Out Only Required Assemblies u When working with Large Assemblies u Check-out Top Level Assembly with Relationships set to none u Open the Assembly in a simplified rep Excluding all Components u Redefine the targeted simplified rep u Check-out the marked assemblies in the simplified rep u You can also retrieve the top level assembly directly and use the Quick Fix, Find Component as you go. u When working with Large Assemblies u Check-out Top Level Assembly with Relationships set to none u Open the Assembly in a simplified rep Excluding all Components u Redefine the targeted simplified rep u Check-out the marked assemblies in the simplified rep u You can also retrieve the top level assembly directly and use the Quick Fix, Find Component as you go. Tip 23


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