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Interpersonal Communication Skills Effective Presentation Skills: Verbal and Nonverbal.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Communication Skills Effective Presentation Skills: Verbal and Nonverbal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Communication Skills Effective Presentation Skills: Verbal and Nonverbal

2 Today’s Menu Turn in A3 – Listening Exercise Discussion of Presentation Skills A4 – Sales Pitches of Product Proposals (Due Thursday)

3 What is the…? #1 fear in most adults: #1 predictor of professional success and upward mobility:  Public Speaking

4 It’s almost all “public”… Only the size of the audience changes  A large audience in a public forum  A conference room of board members  One other person in a sales presentation

5 Everyone Experiences It Physiological signs of stage fright  Quaking voice  Trembling knees  Fidgeting hands  Clearing throat  Lack of eye contact  Monotone delivery  Blank expression  Pacing or rocking

6 Training the Butterflies Training the Butterflies Admit you feel anxious Remember you are the expert Focus on the audience’s needs Know your material well Practice, practice, practice Get the audience to participate Establish rapport  Use names, eye contact

7 Training the Butterflies Check the facilities in advance Research the audience Relax. Breathe deeply. Visualize. Dress comfortably and appropriately Use your own style Use audio visual aids Smile

8 Start with a clear objective Why am I giving this presentation? What do I want my audience to know or do at the end of the presentation?  Understand an issue?  Take action?  Change attitude? Is my objective realistic?

9 Know your audience Analyze the needs of the audience:  Why should they listen?  How does what you say affect them?  What benefit will they get from listening? What do they already know? What do they need to know? What do they expect?

10 Get their attention  An interesting story  Examples  Meaningful quote  Startling statistic Appropriate/relevant Never apologize Start with a bang!

11 The Introduction What’s in it for them? Establish your credibility Present your agenda What do you expect of the audience?

12 The Main Message Make fewer points, but make them well Consider how to organize the main points  Problem-solution, cause-effect, feature-benefit?  Strongest point first or last for emphasis What kind of/how much information is needed to support the main points?

13 The Main Message Include organizational signposts Make arguments explicit Anticipate and neutralize counterarguments

14 The Conclusion Sum up/stress main points  Signal the windup  Repeat main ideas  Emphasize consequences and benefits Include a call for action Finish with a bang!

15 Nonverbal Presentation Skills Gestures Eye contact Voice Expressions Stance/Movement

16 Assignment 4 Sales Pitch of New Product Proposal – Due Thursday  Group selects one new product  Define “customer”  Decide how to communicate product benefits and persuade to purchase  Present for 8 minutes – share time equally  Focus on practicing your nonverbal skills

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