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The Change Proposal Review of the Elements Chuck Vergon / 6933.

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Presentation on theme: "The Change Proposal Review of the Elements Chuck Vergon / 6933."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Change Proposal Review of the Elements Chuck Vergon / 6933

2 The Needs Statement A compelling proposal clearly defines the problem to be addressed through the findings of a thorough needs assessment.

3 Needs Statement CLEARLY states the problem; Uses multiple methods to document the problem; Uses multiple data sources; Uses local data to document problem; Uses easily measurable, quantitative data; Uses qualitative data;

4 Needs Statement (also) States who is affected by the problem; States when and where the problem exists; Documents the factors contributing to the problem; Discusses consequences of not dealing with problem

5 Types data Demographics Survey Data Interviews / Focus Groups Antedotal Data

6 What’s the Problem? What data will demonstrate it?

7 Goal

8 A general statement regarding the nature of the change desired and the approach for promoting the change. Improve the reading comprehension of fourth grade students by means of an after school tutoring program.

9 What’s your goal? ?

10 Objectives are the measurable outcomes of the program. They define methods. They are tangible, specific, concrete, and achievable in specified time Objectives

11 Limited in number Specific and measurable Related to goal Responsive to needs and causes

12 Types of Objectives Process Product Outcome

13 A human action is anticipated. 80% of children will learn how to swim after participating in the program Behavioral Objective

14 A specific time frame within which a behavior will occur, at an expected level of proficiency 85% of the children participating in the program will learn to swim within eight weeks and will pass a basic swimming proficiency test administered by a Red Cross-certified lifeguard. Performance Objective

15 The manner in which something occurs is an end in itself. The staff development program will be designed with the active participation of those to be trained as evidenced by minutes of the LPDC. Process Objective

16 A tangible item results A manual of best practice tutoring strategies will be created by Sept. 1st to be used in the after school program. Product Objective

17 Your Objectives ?

18 Innovation Description describes the approach and specific activities that will take place to achieve the objectives.

19 Helps others visualize the change Convinces them you know what your are doing Innovation Description

20 The What

21 Explains what will occur from the time the project begins until it is completed. The How

22 Establishes the order and timing for the tasks or activities The When

23 Explains why innovation will lead to outcomes Identifies research to support its effectiveness Points out successes in settings like your own Notes own prior successes with such approach The Why

24 Intervention description must clearly set out Who will guide the intervention Responsibilities of key actors or groups Who will carry out specific activities The Who

25 Innovation to be Recommended ?

26 Proposal Tool Kit

27 A. Personnel: $10,292 B. Fringe Benefits: 1,808 C. Travel: 15,990 D. Equipment: 8,107 E. Supplies: 807 F. Construction: 0 G. Consultants 9,900 H. Other: 2,640 A. Total Costs: $49,544I The Resources

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