Assessing Animal Welfare. Components of Welfare* 1.Animal Bodies (gestation stalls vs. group housing) – Health, disease, growth, reproduction, etc. 2.Animal.

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1 Assessing Animal Welfare

2 Components of Welfare* 1.Animal Bodies (gestation stalls vs. group housing) – Health, disease, growth, reproduction, etc. 2.Animal Minds (anesthesia for castration) – Pleasure, pain, etc. 3.Animal Natures (nest building materials) – Natural conditions, natural behaviors, etc. *Mike Appleby, 1999, What Should We Do About Animal Welfare?

3 2 3 1 Prospective determines weighting People engaged in raising animals and veterinary medicine tend to weight the component of animal bodies relatively more. People not engaged in raising animals put relatively more weight upon animal minds and animal natures. 1 3 2

4 Discussion Assignment 1.Review responses to questions as well as other relevant points raised in the text. 2.Identify relationship between your assigned reading and one or more of the components of welfare (Bodies, Minds or Natures). 3.Identify one or more way(s) in which your group feels companion animal welfare could be improved (related to your text reading).

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