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Health Mrs. Haywood-Fleming A-126. Trimester 1- Rotations (Every 3 weeks) HealthRugbyVolleyballFitness.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Mrs. Haywood-Fleming A-126. Trimester 1- Rotations (Every 3 weeks) HealthRugbyVolleyballFitness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Mrs. Haywood-Fleming A-126

2 Trimester 1- Rotations (Every 3 weeks) HealthRugbyVolleyballFitness

3 Mission of Health Education:  Provide students with the knowledge and resources they need to make responsible and well informed decisions regarding their overall health.

4 Health Curriculum 7 th Grade Health and Wellness (intro to the four health components) Making Healthy Decisions (goal setting, communication and refusal skills) Mental and Emotional Health (stress management and prevention, understanding and expressing emotions, self-esteem building) Nutrition (adopting healthy eating habits) Human Growth and Development (a review unit of the 5th grade curriculum; reproduction, understanding the changing body, mind, and feelings during adolescent years) Chronic Diseases (cause and effect, prevention and current research analysis). 8 th Grade Health and Wellness (review the four health components) Nutrition (healthy eating habits) Building Healthy Relationships (social skills, teen dating, conflict management, preventing abuse and violence and bullying) Safety and Injury Prevention (home/fire safety, CPR and First Aid) Substance Use and Abuse (the effects alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs have on the body and learning refusal skills) Infectious Diseases (transmission and prevention of viral and bacterial infections, STD’s and HIV/AIDS)

5 Required Materials Folder with fasteners 1 Subject Notebook/ Loose Leave Paper Pen/Pencil  Students are to bring their materials to class every day.

6 Grading System  Health accounts for 25% of a student’s Physical Education grade.  A student’s Health grade will reflect their daily participation points, class assignments, homework, projects, and quiz/test scores.

7 Student Expectations  Be Prepared – Come to class on time (3 unexcused tardies will result in a detention). Bring all required materials.  Be Attentive – Listen when teacher, guest, or other students are addressing the class.  Be Respectful – Respect the teacher, guests and other students at all times.  Be Appropriate – Behavior should be of an appropriate nature.  Be Positive – Be supportive of others and open- minded to new ideas.  Be Safe - Horseplay in this classroom is unacceptable.

8 Contact Information  Mrs. Haywood-Fleming   (708)-524-7837

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