The Era of Jeffersonian Democracy. Election of 1800.

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Presentation on theme: "The Era of Jeffersonian Democracy. Election of 1800."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Era of Jeffersonian Democracy

2 Election of 1800

3 Jefferson Considers his win a “Second Revolution” Wants to undo much Federalist policy ◦ Eliminates excise tax ◦ Not much else Peaceful transfer of political power ◦ From one party to another

4 Man of the People Swore off fancy clothes Ended ceremonial dinners Greeted people at the White House Didn’t speak in public

5 Marbury v. Madison (1803)

6 Marbury v. Madison Adams appoints a bunch of judges ◦ Judiciary Act (1801) ◦ Federalist judges Republican Congress repeals act ◦ Judges don’t get jobs Marbury (one of the judges) sues

7 Chief Justice John Marshall

8 Marshall’s Ruling Can’t force Jefferson to appoint Marbury Rules the 1789 Judiciary Act unconstitutional Says the Supreme Court decides which laws are okay and which are not ◦ Judicial Review Many thought the states should decide


10 Jefferson shrinks military Afraid of gov’t power Shrinks Army, strips Navy Reverses stance on Navy ◦ War against Barbary Pirates “Shores of Tripoli”


12 Louisiana Purchase (1803)

13 Louisiana Napoleon bought it from Spain ◦ Wanted Mississippi River for shipping/military Slave revolt in Santo Domingo (Haiti) ◦ Yellow Fever outbreak Napoleon abandons hopes for empire

14 Louisiana Monroe offers 10 million for New Orleans Napoleon offers whole territory for 15 Jefferson doesn’t think he can do it ◦ Constitution doesn’t say so ◦ Does it anyway ◦ Uses the National Bank to pay for it



17 Lewis and Clark Expedition


19 Jefferson’s Second Term France and England fighting ◦ Both attacking American ships/shipping British force American sailors into Navy ◦ Impressments Embargo Act (1807) ◦ Stop trading with both countries ◦ Ruins New England shipping


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