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1 InCAS Update for Teachers June 2011. 2 Learning Intentions With reference to InCAS, teachers will be aware of: Current information from the Department.

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Presentation on theme: "1 InCAS Update for Teachers June 2011. 2 Learning Intentions With reference to InCAS, teachers will be aware of: Current information from the Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 InCAS Update for Teachers June 2011

2 2 Learning Intentions With reference to InCAS, teachers will be aware of: Current information from the Department of Education ; The 5 key processes involved in managing the assessments; Interpreting data at class and pupil level; Remediation strategies provided by CEM; Requirements for sharing information with parents and pupils; Current CCEA Help and Support ; and Will have the opportunity to: Complete data analysis activities Share best practice.

3 3 Introduction to InCAS Interactive Computerised Assessment System: is a computer-based diagnostic assessment which is adaptive focuses on the pupil as an individual selects the initial question based on the pupils age presents further questions in response to the pupils answers Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.9

4 4 The primary purpose of InCAS assessments is to contribute to diagnostic support for pupils learning – it is not to compare pupils. InCAS …. provides assessments in Reading and General Maths and optional associated assessments and is an integral part of our wider, collective efforts to raise outcomes in literacy and numeracy for all young people. Paragraphs 4,7 - DE Circular 2010/20 Purpose of InCAS

5 InCAS Exemptions Pupils with a statement of special educational needs who has been assessed as having severe learning difficulties. Pupils exempted from any of the requirements of the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2006. New Irish Medium Primary School or unit does not have to carry out the InCAS in the school year in which it first becomes grant-aided. Paragraph 27 - DE Circular 2010/20 5

6 6 The interests of pupils rather than institutions must be at the centre of efforts to improve educational achievement and tackle underachievement.

7 7

8 8 InCAS Circular Number: 2011/10 Subject: Count, read: succeed - A Strategy to Improve Outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy 13 th May 2011

9 Key elements of the strategy a) The revised curriculum, which has literacy and numeracy at its core. (b) Revised assessment arrangements that complement the curriculum and attach priority to progression in literacy and numeracy. (c) Supporting the central role of teachers in raising pupil attainment. (d) Early intervention to address underachievement. (e) Engaging parents, families and communities. (f) More effectively identifying and sharing the best practice that exists in so many schools… 9

10 10 InCAS Assessments in N.I. 2007-20082008-20092009-20102010- 2011 Reading 881 Schools 25846 Pupils 880 Schools 46715 Pupils 886 Schools 96237 Pupils 881 Schools 91590 Pupils General Maths 888 Schools 25856 Pupils 889 Schools 47059 Pupils 886 Schools 94439 Pupils 881 Schools 91025 Pupils Developed Ability 119 Schools 3037 Pupils 234 Schools 11433 Pupils 345 Schools 30886 Pupils 549 Schools 49897 Pupils Mental Arithmetic 290 Schools 7248 Pupils 346 Schools 17347 Pupils 345 Schools 33213 Pupils 507 Schools 43308 Pupils Spelling 450 Schools 13742 Pupils 443 Schools 21906 Pupils 399 Schools 40352 Pupils 515 Schools 47335 Pupils Attitudes 127 Schools 2500 Pupils 174 Schools 7843 Pupils 227 Schools 19652 Pupils 382 Schools 30765 Pupils

11 11 Session 2 5 Key Processes School / Classroom Management

12 12 Using InCAS: Key processes Creating the Assessments Completing the Assessments Sending the Assessments for Marking Accessing and Understanding Feedback Using the Information

13 13 InCAS – Practical Guidance for Teachers Creating the assessments Completing the assessments Sending the assessments for marking Accessing and understanding the feedback

14 14 School Preparation Booklet Best Practice Suggestions: A meeting with relevant staff early in the Autumn term One person nominated to have responsibility for conducting the Preparation of the InCAS software Early decision as to whether you intend to use InCAS with Year groups outside of 4, 5, 6 & 7 Consider use of Non-statutory InCAS assessments Consider the computer resources in your school Ensure that InCAS 11-12 software is installed on the required computers


16 16 Completing the Assessments Build the InCAS assessments into your timetables; Take account of when you intend to give the age- equivalent outcomes in writing to parents and hold parent meetings; Ensure all relevant staff are familiar with: –the September 2011 Information for Teachers Using InCAS manual; and –CEM Remediation Guidance (Literacy & Numeracy documents).

17 17 Initial Teacher Preparation Ensure that pupils: are familiar with the computer/laptop that they will be using for the assessments, especially if they will be using a touchpad understand the assessments they will be completing and have had an opportunity to view the Inky Pupil Demo to help prepare for the assessments available from have sufficient time to complete the assessment/s. Once an assessment is started it cannot be paused have pencil and paper to complete the General Maths assessment Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.22

18 18 Teacher Preparation Summary Assessment Preparation Teachers should check that: they have the password list for the Class all pupils are listed and their details are correct wireless laptops (if used) are within range of the wireless network connection laptop batteries are sufficiently charged the sound is working on all the computers/laptops. there are a sufficient number of working headphones and that these are plugged in firmlyalso ensuring the sound is not set too loud. Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.22

19 19 Teacher Preparation Summary Remember pupils should not: be given help to answer the questions during the assessments use calculators, number lines etc. during maths assessments use pencil and paper for the Mental Arithmetic assessment leave the computer before completing the assessment repeat assessments Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.22

20 20 General Maths: Example X X X XX This assessment produced a General Maths Age of 7yrs 9m for Marina. X XX XX 5yrs 4m 10yrs 7yrs 4m 9yrs 2m 7yrs 6m 8yrs 4m 7yrs 7m 8yrs 2m This is the age range covered during this set of questions. Pupils are asked several sets of questions to give them a number of chances to demonstrate their ability. The number of questions in each set may vary depending on how many right answers a child gives.. X X X XX XX XXX To give her a good chance of getting the first question correct InCAS chose a question which is targeted at a pupil younger than her actual age. Marinas actual age is 7yrs 3m.


22 22 Assessment Marking As each pupil completes an InCAS assessment their data will be saved automatically onto your school system For ease, schools should ideally wait until all pupils have finished InCAS before sending assessments for marking. Once your assessments have been uploaded, your data will be analysed and charts and tables produced. It is recommended that you allow 24-48 hours for this to occur. You will need your schools unique User Name and Password to complete this process. Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.22


24 24 Types of Feedback Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.27

25 25 Standard Feedback Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.29

26 26 Scores Chart Achievement General Maths Modules Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.31

27 27 Understanding Data Reading Assessment: Minimum age equivalent outcome is 4 years. If a pupils combined Word Recognition and Word Decoding outcomes are low they will not be given a Comprehension passage - in this case the Reading Age will be based on their Word Recognition, Word Decoding and the minimum Comprehension outcome. General Maths Assessment: Minimum age equivalent outcome is 3 years. Along with an overall General Maths outcome pupils will receive a breakdown for Number, Measures Shape & Space and Handling Data - if they have answered a sufficient number of questions in a consistent manner. If not - this will be indicated with a # symbol in the feedback. Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.28

28 28 Missing Outcomes Issue: Pupils have completed assessments but their outcomes are not in the feedback. Check that: assessments have been sent for marking once they were done; and the whole process has been completed e.g. you must transfer and upload the assessments.

29 29 * Asterisks in Reading * You should never see an asterisk for Reading if there are outcomes for Word Recognition, Word Decoding or Comprehension. If a pupil has a Reading outcome you should never see an asterisk for their Word Recognition or Word Decoding. If a pupil has average or high Word Recognition and Word Decoding outcomes you should never see an asterisk under their Comprehension. An overall Reading outcome should be available to report to parents for all pupils who complete the assessment. Any queries in relation to asterisks please phone the Helpdesk 028 9026 1274

30 30 Age Comparison Chart Ref: Information for Teachers-2009 p.35

31 31 St. Itas PS - Case Study This case study outlines in practical terms one schools approach to: managing their InCAS assessments; analysing the feedback data; and using the data to assist their teaching planning. The case study can be found in the InCAS section on and is divided into 3 video clips.

32 32 Example Pupil Scores Table

33 Case Study 2 33 S/case_studies/index.asp

34 34 Key Processes USING THE DATA

35 35 Using InCAS Outcomes Pupil Level Monitoring individual pupil progress – to ensure every pupil is reaching his or her full potential. Class Level Help teachers plan their teaching during the school year to meet the needs of pupils in their classrooms. School Level Self-evaluation Development planning Target-setting

36 36 Diagnosing and Remediating Literacy Problems Using InCAS Software

37 37 Reading - an interactive compensatory process Word Recognition/ Word Decoding Comprehension

38 38 Reading Difficulties Phonological Deficit ( Word Decoding) Visual Memory ( Word Recognition) Speed of Processing (Comprehension) These can overlap

39 39 Comprehension Factors Contributing to Text Comprehension: 1. Knowledge of text structures 2. Vocabulary 3. Background knowledge 4. Fluent word recognition and decoding 5. Task persistence 6. Ability to understand verbal communication

40 40 Diagnosing and Remediating Mathematical Problems Using InCAS Software

41 41 Defining Maths Difficulties Low attainment: having a score that is below that expected given a pupils age. Under attainment: having a score that is significantly below that expected given the pupils ability. Lack of progress: it is a characteristic of weak mathematicians that they fall further behind the most able as they progress through the school. However, it should still be evident that they are making progress.

42 42 Session 3 Working with Parents

43 43 Reporting InCAS Outcomes to Parents 2011 Schools are required to provide age-equivalent InCAS outcomes for Reading and General Maths to parents in writing during the autumn term for the 2011/12 school year only. New chart available for autumn 2011. This information may be presented in either tabular or graphical format, depending on which presentation schools consider is most accessible to parents. Schools are required to offer parents a meeting to discuss outcomes by the end of the autumn term. Schools should ensure that parents are aware of the primary purpose of InCAS… contributes to diagnostic support for pupils learning – not to compare pupils.

44 44 A Parents Guide to InCAS - 2011 Insert a screen grab of the parent leaflet For more information: During the autumn term Year 4-7 complete InCAS Reading and General Maths; Reading and General Maths Ages for this year given to parents in writing; and An opportunity to discuss outcomes at a parent meeting. InCAS: Focuses on a pupils performance on one particular day; Is not designed to compare pupils with each other; Is intended to encourage you and your childs teacher to work together to support their learning as effectively as possible; Is not for any purpose related to the transfer of pupils from primary to post-primary school. Other information includes: Where a parent can view the Inky Pupil Demo; An explanation of InCAS Reading and General Maths; and An example of how InCAS might assess one pupils General Maths.

45 45 InCAS and Your Child Parent Presentation Where can I find it? What is this? This short video with animation was designed to explain InCAS assessments to parents and is presented by Christine Merrell and Stephen Albone (CEM). How will I use it? Show it at a group parent meeting. Suggest parents watch it at home if they need more information about InCAS.

46 46 Session 4 CCEA Support

47 47 New CCEA Support & Resources Parent Leaflet (2011) Information for Teachers Using InCAS in Northern Ireland 2011 including the original Practical guidance document. InCAS Preparation and Support Booklet (2011) Case studies on Using InCAS Data Inky Demos for all InCAS assessments CCEA Definitions Leaflet of the InCAS General Maths Modules Revised InCAS and Annual Report online training

48 48 CCEA Definitions of the InCAS General Maths Modules Senior ManagersConsidering areas for inclusion in the school development plan. Key Stage and Numeracy Co-ordinators Analysing the performance of whole classes, year groups and key stages. Teachers and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators Setting targets for the learning and teaching of individual pupils. TeachersReviewing the progress of the whole class and preparing work for groups of pupils. What is this? This document provides more information about the particular aspects of Mathematics and Numeracy in the Northern Ireland Curriculum that are assessed within the modules within InCAS General Maths. It may be used by, for example: Throughout this document all of the references are drawn from The Northern Ireland Curriculum Primary published by CCEA (2007) which is available for download on

49 49 Key points to remember 1.InCAS questions are chosen based on the pupils age and then on their answers. This means that, for example a Key Stage 1 pupil working well beyond their age may view questions normally associated with Key Stage 2; 2.General Maths lasts no longer than 20 minutes and it is not possible to assess every aspect of Mathematics and Numeracy in the Northern Ireland Curriculum within this short time; 3.Not all aspects of the Northern Ireland Curriculum can be assessed effectively on the computer; and 4.Several aspects of Number within Mathematics and Numeracy in the Northern Ireland Curriculum are assessed in the InCAS Mental Arithmetic assessment, which is optional and need only be completed if a school chooses to do so. CCEA Definitions of the InCAS General Maths Modules

50 50 InCAS home page

51 51 Evaluation Please complete the evaluation. This is important as your comments are valued and will inform future improvements.

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