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Mutual Accountability The PRS approach/ Paris Declaration and the Africa Partnership Forum Donor CommitmentsInstruments for Transparency & EnforcementThird.

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Presentation on theme: "Mutual Accountability The PRS approach/ Paris Declaration and the Africa Partnership Forum Donor CommitmentsInstruments for Transparency & EnforcementThird."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutual Accountability The PRS approach/ Paris Declaration and the Africa Partnership Forum Donor CommitmentsInstruments for Transparency & EnforcementThird Party Assessments Presentation by Fletcher Tembo, WV UK at ODI Workshop on Southern Voices for Change in the International Aid System, held at ODI office, London 15 th November, 2005

2 Overview The PRS- Paris Approach Mutual accountability framework (World Vision, UK study) Mutual accountability framework (the World Bank 2005 review of the PRS) Issues/ ways forward The Case of the Africa Partnership Forum/ Africa Peer Review Mechanism

3 The PRS- Paris Declaration approach to mutual accountability Argument: a) offers a strong signal for country ownership and donor coordination/ harmonisation (b) the pooling effect on donors e.g 4 th Pillar in the World Banks new Strategic Framework for Assistance to Africa (c) gives a chance to pursue multiple forms of accountability.

4 Mutual Accountability : definitional issues Mutual accountability when two or more parties have shared development goals, in which each has legitimate claim that the other is responsible for fulfilling, and where each may be required to explain how they have discharged their responsibilities and be sanctioned if they fail to deliver DFIDs definition, cited in de Renzio et al, draft paper for this workshop, emphasis mine. Donor CommitmentsInstruments for Transparency & EnforcementThird Party Assessments

5 Private sector Who owns what? Who is accountable to whom? CITIZENS EXTERNAL CONSTITUENCY DOMESTIC CONSTITUENCY DONOR AGENCY GOVERNMENT Children, women, poor families Parliament Civil Society Parliament Civil Society PRS CYCLE - Policy - Budget - Aid flows - Trade strategies From conditionality to mutual accountability From consultation to influence and accountability Traditional institutions media Decentralised govt Decentralised donor agencies Adopted from de Renzio media

6 Mutual accountability Source: Presentation by Linda Van Gelder and Elliot Harris of WB/IMF, based on 2005 PRS Review (Trade) Overview Balancing Accountabilities Scaling Up Results PRSP Domestic Constituents External Actors Institution and capacity building agenda Analytic Underpinnings Participation more aid predictable harmonized aligned Government Polices, Programs, Public actions Poverty- and results- oriented Well- implemented

7 Some factors that can tilt the balance Source: Presentation by Linda Van Gelder and Elliot Harris at WB/IMF annual meetings, based on 2005 PRS Review Overview Balancing Accountabilities Scaling Up Results PRSP Domestic Constituents External Actors Analytic Underpinnings more aid predictable harmonized aligned Institution and capacity building agenda Lack of prioritization and specificity Limits on policy space Volume and modalities of assistance Conditionality institutionalized participation: who, when, how, what effective monitoring links to budgets Government Polices, Programs, Public actions Poverty- and results- oriented Well- implemented

8 (Re-) Balancing accountabilities Source: Presentation by Linda Van Gelder and Elliot Harris at WB/IMF annual meetings, based on 2005 PRS Review Overview Balancing Accountabilities Scaling Up Results PRSP Domestic Constituents External Actors Analytic Underpinnings Government Polices, Programs, Public actions Poverty- and results- oriented Well- implemented more aid predictable harmonized aligned Institution and capacity building agenda effective monitoring institutionalized participation: who, when, how, what Aid modalities that support domestic accountability Greater prioritization and specificity links to budgets PRSP Domestic Constituents External Actors Analytic Underpinnings Government Polices, Programs, Public actions Poverty- and results- oriented Well- implemented more aid predictable harmonized aligned Institution and capacity building agenda effective monitoring institutionalized participation: who, when, how, what Aid modalities that support domestic accountability Greater prioritization and specificity links to budgets

9 Issues from Zambia and Bolivia case studies/ Ways forward Institutionalisation of participation of civil society/ dealing with the question of legitimacy? From systems to support mechanisms that enhance voice/transparency/exit (Paris agenda) e.g. Zambia Harmonisation of agendas/ development cooperation then instruments

10 PEMFA Joint Technical Working Group Mining Working Group Agriculture Working Group Joint Country Assistance Strategy Working Group Donor Sector/Thematic Working Groups Six monthly Sector/Thematic Group Meeting Private Sector Development Forum Aid Management Steering Committee Consultative Group (CG) Meeting Examples of Sector/Thematic Groups Quarterly Minister of Finance Meetings Aid Management Technical Committee GRZGRZ/DONORSDONORS Public Expenditure Review Permanent Cabinet Aid Coordination Committee Donor Coordination Meeting Ambassadors' Donor Group AID COORDINATION SECRETARIAT Government-Donor Coordination in Zambia Source: Mwanawina, I (2005): Assessment of aid mgt capacity in Zambia

11 Issues/ ways forward Unless the PRS process is mainstreamed, it cannot drive mutual accountability, in which case it is not just capacity building/ address political interfaces Enforcement through both horizontal and vertical means (appropriate discourse of development) bearing in mind political economy issues Opening up the macro-economic policy & PSIA debate re: national participatory processes should be a priority

12 The Case of the Africa Partnership Forum To undertake mutual review of progress on commitments to the implementation of the NEPAD programmes and to determine what high level political interventions may be necessary –Implementation of NEPAD projects –Speeding up the APRM –Donor side commitments

13 Africa Partnership Forum Issues –Forum for specific NEPAD projects, could this mean less monitoring of donor commitments to specific African countries. National PRS subordinated, - - - to speed up the integration of NEPAD indicative plans into national development programmes and/or PRSPs to enable realisation of MDGs Nuhlu, 2005 p.15. –CSO monitoring through gender and CSO Unit, available space but is there danger of cooption? Possible solutions –NEPAD should remain a think-tank and de-linked from watch-dog roles, African Monitor proposal, shadowing of the APF

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