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Child Abuse and Neglect. Know what child abuse is.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse and Neglect. Know what child abuse is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse and Neglect

2 Know what child abuse is

3 History of Children’s Rights Little Mary-Ellen –Francis and Mary Connelly Etta Wheeler and Henry Bergh 1874 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

4 Child Abuse and Neglect Recognize the signs of abuse

5 Child Abuse and Neglect Understand risk factors and effects of abuse

6 Child Abuse and Neglect Take action to report abuse

7 Child Abuse and Neglect Plan how to prevent abuse

8 Test Your Knowledge c) Child abuse and neglect followed by drowning. 1. What is the single leading cause of death for children ages four and younger? a)Drowning b)Motor vehicle accidents c)Child abuse and neglect d)Choking on Food e)Falls

9 Test Your Knowledge b) Day 2. Four children die as a result of child abuse in the home in the US each a)Year b)Day c)Week d)Month

10 Test Your Knowledge a) 10 seconds: over 3 million every year 3. On average, child abuse is reported somewhere in the US every a)10 seconds b)20 minutes c)hour

11 Test Your Knowledge c) 1 out of 3 4. How many people report child abuse when faced with an actual situation? a)3 out of 4 b)1 out of 2 c)1 out of 3

12 Test Your Knowledge b) False: 75 to 95% are abused by people that they know 5. Strangers pose the greatest risk of sexual abuse to children. a)True b)False

13 Test Your Knowledge b) False: 50% are married. Expression problems, and the need for power and control are also issues. 6. The child molester is a sexually frustrated person. a)True b)False

14 Test Your Knowledge b) False: 14% select children under 5. 46% select ages 6-11. 33% select ages 12-15. 7. Child molesters prefer very young children. a)True b)False

15 Test Your Knowledge c) In their teens: 70% before the age of thirty,often as early as 12 8. The average age that child molesters first attack a child is when they (the attackers) are a)In their early 20s b)Middle-aged c)In their teens

16 Test Your Knowledge b) False: More often it is a pattern of behavior and the longer it continues, the more serious the consequences 9. Child abuse is usually a one-time occurrence. a)True b)False

17 Test Your Knowledge a) True: 4 times the rate. Even if parents manage special needs of child, there is still risk of maltreatment by other caregivers. 10. Children with disabilities are abused more frequently that children in the general public. a)True b)False

18 Test Your Knowledge b) False: most love their children, but in times of crisis and stress, they strike out at what is closest. 11. Abusive parents hate their children. a)True b)False

19 Test Your Knowledge b) False: Abuse cuts across all boundaries of economic level, race, ethnic heritage and religious beliefs. 12. Child abuse victims come from families of minorities and the poor. a)True b)False

20 Test Your Knowledge b) False: a major goal of protective services is to keep the child in the home unless there is immediate danger or the parent is unresponsive to help. 13. In child abuse cases, the child should always be removed from the home. a)True b)False

21 Test Your Knowledge c) 50 to 80% 14. Studies suggest that _____ of all abuse cases involve some degree of substance abuse by the child’s parents. a)15 to 25% b)25 to 50% c)50 to 80%

22 Test Your Knowledge d) All of the above 15. Which of the following actions can help stop abuse and neglect. a)Helping a stressed-out parent with babysitting or making a family meal b)Learning the signs of abuse so you can recognize them c)Reporting known or suspected abuse d)All of the above

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