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Pre A.P. U.S. History Notes Band Trip Notes 4/23 – 4/25.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre A.P. U.S. History Notes Band Trip Notes 4/23 – 4/25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre A.P. U.S. History Notes Band Trip Notes 4/23 – 4/25

2 The Democratic Revolution and the Age of Jefferson 1800 - 1815

3 The ‘Revolution of 1800’ Was a Peaceful Change in Government –First Time Government Completely Changed w/o Bloodshed Walked to Inauguration Instead of by Horse & Carriage –Told of Personality and Dislike of Pomp & Prestige Believed People Were all United as Americans Pledged “honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none”

4 Jefferson’s Change in Government Believed State Governments Were Closer to People and Should Rule –Opposite of Federalists Advocated Laissez – Faire Policy in Business and Industry Attempted to Cut Federal Budget and Lower Taxes –Albert Gallatin – Secretary of Treasury Cut National Debt from $83 Million to $45 Million Allowed Government to End All Internal Taxes –Only Source of Federal Money Came from Tariffs and Sale of Western Lands

5 Jefferson’s Take on the Military The Military Was Also on the List to Be Minimized Why: –Save Money for the National Government –Would Hopefully Eliminate Problem of Entangling Alliances in Europe –D-R’s Believed Large Standing Armies Heeded Dictatorships Cut Army From 4,000 to 2,500 Troops Minimized Naval Fleet from 25 to 7 Ships

6 Jefferson Fighting the Federalist Legacy Alien and Sedition Acts –Jefferson and Democratic Republican’s Do Not Renew Acts Intended to Hold Down Party Pardoned Those Convicted of Acts and Refunded Fines Paid The Judicial Act of 1801 –John Adams and Federalists Passed Act and Named Numerous Judges to Newly Created Positions While Leaving Office Would Save Federalist Legacy ‘Midnight Judges’

7 Overturning the Appointments Impeachment of a District Judge –Republican Congress Managed to Impeach a District Judge John Pickering Was ‘Mentally Unstable’ Impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice –Attempted to Impeach Samuel Chase Was a Loud – Mouthed Critic of the Republicans Basically Impeached b/c of ‘Political Bias’ – Was Impeached in House but Not Removed in Senate

8 A Landmark Court Case William Marbury –Named as Justice of the Peace of District of Columbia in ‘Midnight Appointment’ James Madison –Secretary of State for Jefferson –Told Not to Carry Out Duties and Deliver Commission Marbury Sues in Supreme Court for Position –Marbury v. Madison (1803) Decision: –Supreme Court Can’t Decide b/c Judiciary Act of 1801 was Unconstitutional –Saved Face of Supreme Court Established: –Judicial Review Supreme Court Can Specifically Declares Laws Passed Unconstitutional – Precedent Model for Lawyers & Court Officials to Follow in Future

9 Jefferson and the Expansion of the Country

10 America in European Affairs Great Britain and France Were Continuing their Battle for Supremacy in Europe Napoleon and France ‘Convinced’ the Spanish to Cede New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory to the French Problems for the Americans: –‘Right of Deposit was Removed’ –Would Have to Probably ‘Dislodge’ Napoleon from Area if Completely Settled America Didn’t Have that Powerful of a Military

11 The Louisiana Purchase Jefferson Sends Envoy to Purchase Louisiana Territory –Could Offer Max. of $10 Million to Purchase as Much Territory as Possible If French Would Not Sell, Must Immediately Make Treaty w/ British French Offered to Sell Entire Louisiana Territory for $15 Million –Slaves Revolted in Santo Domingo Against French Rule – Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture French Returned to Put Down Rebellion But Soldiers Died of Yellow Fever and Needed Army Elsewhere Without Hispaniola, New Orleans Was of Little Benefit for Napoleon – Would Rather Sell Land to Americans For War Effort and In-Case of Defeat, Wouldn’t Have to Give New Orleans to British

12 Controversy Over the Purchase Construction of the Constitution –Jefferson and D-R’s Were Strict Constructionists and Nothing in Constitution Stated Federal Government Could Purchase Territory The D-R’s Were Going to Attempt to Make Amendment to Change Constitution, But May Take Too Much Time and Napoleon May Change His Time –Jefferson Took Treaties to Purchase Land to Congress Shamefully and Admitted They Were Un-Constitutional –Congress Did Not Mind and Appropriated the Money for the Transaction

13 The Louisiana Purchase (1803) The United States Acquired the Interior of the Continent From France. It Was Approximately 828,000 Square Miles The Cost Per Acre Was About 3 Cents!!!!! If the $15 Million Was Paid to France in Full Silver Dollars, It Would Take 25 Ships and If Stacked, Would Be 3 Miles High!!!

14 Exploring the Louisiana Territory Jefferson Was Personally Interested in the West and Had Studied the Lands and Native American Groups There The Louis and Clark Expedition –Jefferson Sent His Personal Secretary and Army Officer, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to Explore the Louisiana Territory Directions for the Expedition –Find Source of Missouri River –Find a Usable Route Across the Rocky Mountains to Pacific Ocean –Observe the Customs of the Native Americans in the West Was the First Scientific Project to Receive Federal Money

15 The Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804 - 1806

16 Internal Issues With the Expanding Democratic Republican Party The Federalist and Burr Plot –Aaron Burr Was the Vice – President During Jefferson’s First Term and Dropped From the Cabinet in the Second –They Attempted to Form a Plot to Get New York and New England to Secede From the Union as a Result of the Republican Power Increase Alexander Hamilton Exposed and Foiled the Plan Even Though No Friend of Jefferson –Burr Challenged to a Duel and Killed Hamilton, the Final Major Leader of the Federalist Party Burr Attempted Two More Times to Destroy the U.S. Under Republican Rule –Once in the West and Once In Europe –Each Failed and He Lived in Controversy the Rest of His Life

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