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Do Now: What sources do you use to research topics for your classes? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What sources do you use to research topics for your classes? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What sources do you use to research topics for your classes? Why?

2 Primary Source: Accounts of an event written by the person who witnessed or experienced it. FIRST HAND! Secondary Sources: Interpret primary sources Second Hand Information - conveys the experiences and opinions of others

3 Diaries Letters Memoirs Journals Speeches Manuscripts Newspaper Articles Interviews Photographs Audio or video recordings

4 Usually in the form of published works Journal articles Textbooks Encyclopedias

5 Ask yourself some questions: How does the author know these details? Was the author present at the event?  Where does this information come from—personal experience, eyewitness accounts, or reports written by others?

6 With your partner… Solve The Tolland Man Mystery Next to each source (A-E) identify whether they are Primary or Secondary Sources Answer ALL questions on the opposite side of the handout

7 How do primary and secondary sources help us study history?

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