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The assessment task for this unit will be in the form of a debate. You will be asked to pretend to be: A villager A logging company owner A mayor of a.

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Presentation on theme: "The assessment task for this unit will be in the form of a debate. You will be asked to pretend to be: A villager A logging company owner A mayor of a."— Presentation transcript:

1 The assessment task for this unit will be in the form of a debate. You will be asked to pretend to be: A villager A logging company owner A mayor of a growing city An environmentalist in New York City Each person above has an opinion about how the forest should be used.

2 Who should decide how resources are used? Do we all value resources the same way? Are some resources more valuable to some people?

3 You may use your notes for the quiz after the presentation. Yes, there is a quiz.

4 Please take quick notes during this presentation. Notes should be in your own words. Tell me to slow down if you need to. Students will be asked questions during the presentation. If the students get more points than the teacher, then you get more points than the teacher.


6 There are really only two forces that could be responsible for that forest to disappear. Can you name them? HumansNature

7 In Geography, we use the terms Unnatural (Humans) Natural (Nature)

8 What are natural (nature) causes that could make a forest disappear.

9 Wind or storm

10 How can you tell it was a storm that made those trees fall? Random falling

11 What is another way to tell? Splintering

12 Storms with high winds can be very destructive. Here is a picture of the damage to my house after a wind storm. I had to clean it up by myself.


14 Another natural cause of forest decline?

15 Finally, one more natural cause.. Disease and pests.

16 Now for the human causes of deforestation and loss of forest For our class, we are more interested in these causes and reasons. There are really only 3 main causes but many reasons

17 Fire Cutting Acid Rain

18 For our class, we will only look at the reasons for cutting trees Please take out your maps

19 According to your book, where does much of the deforestation occur in the world? Can you find it on your map? The Amazon


21 If you can’t find it right away, let’s try some detective work. This is a picture of the world taken at night from space. Do you think that huge areas of forests would have a lot of lights?


23 But that’s not enough to find it. Dark does not mean forest. Deserts are also dark at night. Remember, rainforests are usually found in hot tropical climates—not too far North or South


25 Next, use this map to mark the areas of high deforestation in the world


27 Can you name them? There are 3 main reasons why deforestation is happening in tropical areas. Which one accounts for the most deforestation?

28 Logging Commercial agriculture Subsistence Agriculture

29 What is Other? Mining, roads etc.

30 Take a look at these pictures. Guess which pictures are caused by which reason for deforestation. Example: subsistence farming, logging, cattle grazing, plantation







37 Can you name any negative effects of deforestation?

38 Soil erosion Loss of habitat Loss of potential medicine Loss of CO2 reducing material Loss of culture and history

39 Can you think of any benefits of deforestation? (for the people doing it)

40 Can feed the family Use wood for fuel Make income

41 Get into groups of 3 Given what you know about the causes of deforestation, come up with a list of possible strategies that countries, cities, people and the world can do to help reduce the amount of deforestation that occurs.

42 Does this all mean that forestry is a bad thing? Not entirely

43 Clear cutting is generally considered a bad thing It is a form of non-selective cutting. They cut everything. This kind of forestry is very efficient. It is also quite easy to do.

44 Some ways that companies try to reduce the impact of clear cutting are Replanting Cutting only some sections (blocks)



47 There are some advantages to this type of clear cutting. Can you think of any?

48 How about re-planting. Can you tell which forest is natural and which has been replanted?





53 Now that you see the differences, get into groups of 3 and list some of the reasons why replanting is not a perfect solution

54 We said that much deforestation occurs in the tropical rain forests. There are many forests around the world. Why would it be such a problem in the tropics? Let’s look at some maps.

55 World map indicating Human Development Index (2006).

56 What is the Human Development Index? What does the previous map show? What kind of conclusions can we draw from this?

57 So….When we speak of deforestation due to cutting, there are many issues to consider Effects on environment Effects on economy(ies) Effects on local people

58 Land and forests mean different things to different people Think of the following people: Logging company owner Rain forest villager Environmentalist in New York concerned about Global warming Mayor of a growing city near forest edge

59 For each character, write a brief reflection (in the first person) about what the forest means to them. Each character’s reflection should be about 1-2 paragraphs. You should explain how the person feels about the forest, how the person benefits from the forest, and how that person thinks the forest should be used.

60 Example of whaler and whales My name is Brad, I am a whaler. I live by the ocean and I make my living by fishing for whales. Fishing for whales allows me to earn a living. I depend on the ocean to provide the whales for me. Without them, I could not make money. Some people say that whales are beautiful and should be protected from me, but I believe that whales are no different from Cows or pigs. I should be allowed to fish for whales because I do not take too many, just enough for me to live. But big companies should not be allowed to fish because they take too many. They kill them all.

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