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Negotiation – Cont. March 4, 2014 Basic Concepts, Negotiation Prep PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts.

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Presentation on theme: "Negotiation – Cont. March 4, 2014 Basic Concepts, Negotiation Prep PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Negotiation – Cont. March 4, 2014 Basic Concepts, Negotiation Prep PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts

2 First…Grades

3 Journals – All Graded! Two files were returned in the dropbox. 1. Your journals themselves with comments.  Blue highlights are spelling, proofing, grammatical errors  Yellow are my substantive comments.  If you want comments next time—read these!!! 2. The grading rubric – an excel file this time. Each journal was worth 40 points; total 120


5 MIDTERM – Also Graded The red total on the front of your midterm is your RAW score. Add 3 points to that and that is your adjusted % score: 83+3 = 86% = your final score out of 100. 83

6 Midterm Curve: Adjusted Grades Top score = 97.5 – A+72.5-76.5 C (4) 93-97.5 = A (6)70 C- (1) 90-92.5 = A- (4)62.5-66 D (4) 88-89.5 = B+ (4)59.5 D- (1) 83.5 B (4)41-56.5 F (5) 80-82 B- (2)

7 The midterm is worth 15% of your grade, so Multiply your adjusted % grade (the score on the front of your test + 3) Multiply that times150 That will be your point score in the final grade calculation. For example, if your test says 83, your adjusted score is 86/100 or 86%. Your “official” midterm grade will be 150 x 0.86 = 129/150.

8 What to do if you are unhappy: Read what I was looking for on the “answer sheet” which is now posted online along with the power points for this week.

9 If you think I made a mistake Bring your test in to office hours (or make an apt at a different time) and explain to me why you think I made a mistake. If you just didn’t do as well as you wished, but you did get a C or better, you can do extra credit. If you got a D or an F, you can retake the midterm.

10 Extra Credit Attend a World Affairs Conference Session (April 7-11) on a conflict-related topic, and write up a 3-4 page description of what was discussed, relating it to concepts in this class. The more concepts you relate to the session (in a meaningful way), the more points you can earn. Or attend another conflict-related event and do the same thing…for instance, tonight…

11 Panel Discussion (Debate?) of Proposed Academic Boycott of Israel With Ass. Profs. Cheryl Higashida and Steven Salaita in favor and Prof. Patty Limerick and Prof. Russ Moore opposed. Tuesday, March 4th at 7 p.m. in Benson Earth Sciences room 180.

12 Max extra credit Is one grade (15 points) on the midterm—raising your grade from C to B or B to A. Note: To get this much extra credit you must apply at least 10 different concepts from THIS CLASS (with footnotes to material from this class) to the World Affairs or other presentation. It cannot just be notes from the presentation.

13 If you got a D or and F on the midterm, You can re-take it and earn the average of your new grade and your old grade. If you do much better on the final exam (earning an A or a B), and also do well on the journals and class activities, I will decide that your original midterm grade was an “anomaly”, and give you your full make-up grade instead of the average. (That allows people to dig themselves out of pretty deep holes…if they really put in the effort.)

14 You must arrange a time to take the re-do exam this week. (You don’t have to re-do it this week, but we need to have a time scheduled this week) and you must have the re-do finished before spring break.

15 Questions??? ?

16 Back to Negotiation: Negotiation Prep Before you start a negotiation that matters, you should ALWAYS PREPARE!

17 What do you think that means?

18 Questions you should always answer: 1. What do you want to accomplish? (What are your goals: agenda/relationship/both) 2. What strategy do you plan to use? (Competitive, cooperative, hybrid)

19 Questions you should always answer: 1. Who should make the opening offer? (You/them?) 2. What should that offer be? (Very high, a little high, right on, a little low, very low, WHY?)

20 Questions you should always answer: What concessions can you make? What concessions will you NOT make? What benefits can you offer? What benefits can you NOT offer?

21 Questions you should always answer: What is your BATNA? Can you improve it? (How?) What is their BATNA (how might you find out?) What is your WAP?

22 Questions you should always answer: What are your sources of power? Can you increase those? How will you use that power in this negotiation?

23 Let’s try it! Buying…and selling a used car. PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts

24 Two people will be sellers, two buyers Fill out the negotiation prep sheet….(put your name on it and hand it in AFTER you do the negotiation.) PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts

25 Then negotiate, and after you do that, Fill out the negotiation “results” sheet. PowerPoint Summary of: Key Negotiation Concepts

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