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Mussolini and Fascist Italy

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1 Mussolini and Fascist Italy
3rd Year Junior cert history

2 Early career Socialist teacher. Wounded in WW1.
Founded Fascio di Combattimento (blackshirts) Fasces symbol.

3 Fascism After World War I, Benito Mussolini, organized the Fascist movement. He derived the word Fascist from the ancient Roman symbol of authority, the fasces-a bundle of rods surrounding an axe. This picture was meant to suggest the power of a strong central government uniting all its people in one goal. Fascists favoured dictatorship and nationalism; they opposed democracy and communism.

4 Against Democracy. Fascists believed that democratic governments were weak and inefficient. 
For Dictatorship. Fascists supported the seizure of power by force and violence. They believed that dictatorship was a strong and efficient form of government. Under fascism, the government would control every aspect of human activity. This is called a totalitarian state.

5 For Extreme Nationalism
For Extreme Nationalism. Fascists exaggerated the accomplishments of their nation. They supported imperialism so their nation could develop and rule an empire. They glorified war and claimed that military might was proof of the nation’s strength and vitality. Only superior nations would have power in the world. Against Communism. The Fascists opposed the Communist ideals of Marxism. They did not support the idea of a classless society or a worldwide revolution of the working class and peasants. They believed that having a property-owning class and a worker class would maintain a stable and healthy economy.

6 Why Fascism became popular.
Weak governments. 1 million dead. Disappointed with Paris Peace deal. Inflation and Unemployment. Fear of Communism Blackshirt violence. March on Rome. Victor Emmanuel III hands Mussolini power

7 Becoming a Dictator 1923 biggest party gets 2/3 of seats
Opposition walked when Matteotti was murdered Rule by decree OVRA secret police Il Duce. Cult of the Personality Brainwashing, Balila. Propaganda

8 Successes at home Autostada and railways Latern Treaty
Draining of Pontine Marshes Employment increased. ‘Battle for Grain’ ‘Battle for Births’

9 Foreign Policy Aims: to recreate the Roman Empire and to make the Med an Italian lake. Took Libya, Abyssinia and Somalia. Friendship developed with Hitler = 1936 Rome-Berlin Axis (allowed anchluss if Italy kept South Tyrol) 1939 Pact of Steel (full military alliance) Italy did not join WW2 (army not ready) until Germany seemed to be winning in 1940. Hitler had to send Rommel to help Italy in North Africa.

10 Propaganda Propaganda 2 Soviet prop Anti- communist How to spot a communist

11 The End Allies invaded Mussolini arrested on king’s orders.
Nazis released him. Puppet government set up. Partisans killed him

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