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w Definition – “Values” are the standards and beliefs that a person considers important and that help a person to decide what is right and wrong.

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Presentation on theme: "w Definition – “Values” are the standards and beliefs that a person considers important and that help a person to decide what is right and wrong."— Presentation transcript:


2 w Definition – “Values” are the standards and beliefs that a person considers important and that help a person to decide what is right and wrong.

3 Where do VALUES come from? w Family w Friends w Media w Religion w Hobbies w Teachers w Coaches w Babysitters w Etc., Etc., Etc.

4 What is our goal??? To gain an understanding of what has influenced you to become the person you are today

5 WHAT WILL I NEED FOR MY COLLAGE??? Pictures Words Colors

6 What kinds of pictures??? w 5 early influences w 5 current influences w 3 objects that represent hobbies w 3 objects which symbolically represent feelings, ideas, and emotions

7 What are EARLY INFLUENCES??? w Parents w Grandparents w Siblings w Other relatives w Babysitters w Pre-school teachers/friends w Music teachers w Religion w Favorite t.v. shows w Favorite toy, blanket, etc.

8 What are CURRENT INFLUENCES w Parents or other family members w Friends w Media w Teachers w Coaches w Religion w Celebrities w etc., etc., etc.

9 3 objects that represent HOBBIES w Sports equipment w Musical instrument w Playbill or script w Places where hobby is performed (ballfield, concert hall, stage, skate park, etc.)

10 3 symbols of FEELINGS, IDEAS, EMOTIONS w Pick 3 emotions you feel best represent your moods. w Choose something to symbolize this feeling. w BE CREATIVE!!! Calm=still lake or new fallen snow Angry=fire or waves crashing w YOU GET THE IDEA

11 5 WORDS used to describe you w MusicalConfused w AthleticStylish w SmartLazy w FunnyTalented w MoodyDreamer w AdventurousScary w LoveableIntelligent –Etc., Etc., Etc…..

12 2 Favorite Colors w Choose two colors that you like or feel best represent you w Make these colors visible in your collage

13 When you are done, it should look something like this.....







20 50% of your project grade will be a written summary of your collage This explains your choice of pictures, words, and colors...organized by topics

21 Here is an example of a written summary w Remember - be brief but thorough w Final copy MUST BE TYPED



24 REMEMBER... w If you need magazines, scissors, glue or paper - come in for tutorial. WE HAVE PLENTY OF MATERIALS


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