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Directions for the next slide Change the background of the PowerPoint – Click the “Design” tab above – Choose a theme you like for your presentation Delete.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions for the next slide Change the background of the PowerPoint – Click the “Design” tab above – Choose a theme you like for your presentation Delete."— Presentation transcript:


2 Directions for the next slide Change the background of the PowerPoint – Click the “Design” tab above – Choose a theme you like for your presentation Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

3 Click here to Begin

4 Directions for the next slide – Input a picture of yourself or choose a clipart – Fill in the information – Listen for directions on how to record a sound and insert it into your presentation – Using the microphone, record short introduction about who you are and why you chose that picture Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

5 Who Am I? Age: Nickname: I was born (where): I live (where):

6 Directions for the favorites slide – Choose a clipart or a picture of your own – Fill in the information Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

7 My Favorites Favorite color: Favorite food: Favorite book: Favorite TV show or movie: Favorite game:

8 Directions for the family slide – Choose a clipart or a picture of your own – Fill in the information Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

9 My Family Parent/Guardian: Siblings: Other family members: Things I like to do with my family:

10 Directions for the animal slide – Choose a clipart or a picture of your own to represent your pet or your favorite animal – Fill in the information Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

11 My Pets/Favorite Animal Pet/Animal Name: Type of Pet/Animal: Funny story about my pet/Why you like this animal:

12 Directions for the hobbies slide – Choose a clipart or a picture of your own – List three favorite activities or hobbies you enjoy doing Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

13 Hobbies/Activities

14 Directions for the next slide – Choose a clipart – Write about one thing you did this summer Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

15 One fun thing I did this summer: Where I went: What I did: Why I liked it:

16 Directions for the school year slide – Choose a clipart or a picture of your own – List three things you are looking forward to this year Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

17 This school year, I am looking forward to:

18 Directions for the quiz slide – Do not do anything for the following slide Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

19 So what did you learn about me? Take the Quiz

20 Directions for the next slide – Type in the correct answer in one box and the incorrect answer in the other box – Follow the teacher’s directions on how to put the correct ACTION on the correct box Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

21 Question 1 What am I looking forward to this year?

22 Directions for the next slide – Type in the correct answer in one box and the incorrect answer in the other box – Follow the teacher’s directions on how to put the correct ACTION on the correct box Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

23 Question 2 What kind of animal is my pet or that I said I liked?

24 Directions for the next slide – Type in the correct answer for box a or b and the incorrect answer for box a or b – Follow the teacher’s directions on how to put the correct ACTION on the correct box Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

25 Question 3 Where did I go this summer? a.) b.)

26 Directions for the next slide – Do not do anything to the following slide Delete this slide after you are done following the directions!

27 How did you do? Click to find out!

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