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Common and Proper Nouns

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Presentation on theme: "Common and Proper Nouns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common and Proper Nouns

2 Common nouns Name generic people, places, or things Name ideas
Do not begin with a capital letter Can work as subjects or objects in sentences

3 Proper Nouns Name specific people, places, or things
Must begin with a capital letter Can work as subjects or objects in sentences

4 Examples of Common Nouns
dog woman grocery store zoo happiness ability pretzel snack boy tiger joy friends

5 Examples of Proper Nouns
Fluffy Mrs. Teacher Maryland Zoo Giant Cockeysville Nick Damien Karina Spongebob Dunkin’ Donuts Bart Simpson Bermuda Kate Mr. Principal

6 Practice! locker poodle cat Mr. Snuffy Barbie Leroy Lumpkin
Circle all proper nouns in red. Circle all common nouns in blue. poodle cat Mr. Snuffy Barbie Leroy Lumpkin

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