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Auer, Ertel, Ott1 Fachschule für ET/MT Water power Stations This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication]

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Presentation on theme: "Auer, Ertel, Ott1 Fachschule für ET/MT Water power Stations This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Auer, Ertel, Ott1 Fachschule für ET/MT Water power Stations This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. An contribution for the success of the power turn.

2 benefits of water power stations cons of water power stations the future of hydropower in germany references Structure Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

3 -Cheap electricity generation - small cost for going operation - long lifetime -good redemption of input money example:. Benefits of water power stations Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

4 Price per KW between 1000€ and 3500€. Payment per KW/h 7,65 Cent. 5 MW = 5000KW 5MW * 2.000€ = 10 Million € + 2% running costs (200.000€) Final costs for building = 10.200.000€. 43.800.000KW/year *0,0765€ = 3.350.700€/year 10.200.000€ / 3.350.700€ = 3,04 years Benefits of water power stations Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

5 Environmental safety -no carbon dioxide production -no heating of the water -no rays Benefits of water power stations Flood control -Reservoir power station are perfect aganst high tide Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

6 Benefits of water power stations -High energy output -System effectivenes up to 90 % -adjustable turbine -No weather and time effects -Better water bodys -better navigabillity -Building of irrigation systems Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

7 Cons of water power stations -Strong intervention in nature -flood above the dam -dehydration below the dam - changing of the river course - decreace of the fish species Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

8 Cons of water power stations Help for some fishes Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

9 Cons of water power stations -consequences for humans -Rehousing of whole citys -More dangerious earthquackes -Destruction of cultural artifacts(Reschensee) Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

10 The future of germany Auer, Ertel, Ott17.07.2013 Wasserkraftwerke

11 References amortisation.php wasserkraft-contra-umwelt-1.623169 der-wasserkraft.html solar/article8791062/Die-Nachteile-und-Vorteile-von- Wasserenergie-im-Vergleich.html themen/wasserkraft/kurzinfo/ Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

12 Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

13 Thank you for your Concentration! Ott7.10.2013 Water power Stations

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