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Cooperative Learning for Meaningful Learning Yael Sharan.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperative Learning for Meaningful Learning Yael Sharan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooperative Learning for Meaningful Learning Yael Sharan

2 When does it make sense to study with another person?  An open-ended question  No prescribed answer or solution  Skill building

3 What is Cooperative Learning?  Small groups of 3 or 4  Helping one another  Sharing materials  Sharing ideas  Planning how to work together

4 A Cooperative Task or Learning Activity  Specific contributions &/or roles  Mutual help  Each one accountable  Clear evaluation criteria

5 Cooperative Learning Methods  Teams-Games-Tournaments - TGT  Student Teams Achievement Divisions - STAD  Cooperative Structures  Learning Together  Jigsaw  Complex Instruction  Group Investigation  Constructive Controversy

6 How Cooperative Learning Methods & Models Differ Mastery and motivation STAD, TGT, Jigsaw Social skills and interpersonal communication Learning Together Structural Approach In-depth intellectual inquiry, intrinsic motivation and equal status interaction Complex Instruction, Group Investigation

7 What CL methods and models have in common:  Learning activities suitable for group work  Student interaction focused on task  Cooperative behavior  Positive interdependence  Individual accountability -

8 How does CL affect teachers? Move from transmission approach to… Transaction Transformation

9 Before You Choose, Ask Yourself About: Group size Teacher's role Students' role Time Rewards Main aims Students' age The curriculum Preparation Forming groups

10 What Causes CL to Spread Around the World?  Diverse theories  Research support  Multiple methods, models, procedures  Teacher education  School-wide change


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