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CHAPTER 20 Section 1:The British Empire in the Postwar Era Section 2:Turkey, Persia, and Africa Section 3:Unrest in China Section 4: Imperialism in Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 20 Section 1:The British Empire in the Postwar Era Section 2:Turkey, Persia, and Africa Section 3:Unrest in China Section 4: Imperialism in Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 20 Section 1:The British Empire in the Postwar Era Section 2:Turkey, Persia, and Africa Section 3:Unrest in China Section 4: Imperialism in Japan Section 5: Latin America Between the Wars Nationalist Movements Around the World

2 SECTION 2 Bell Ringer 20.2: What were some changes in African attitudes towards colonialism? Turkey, Persia, and Africa ExperienceResult World War I colonial education racism and political repression

3 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Turkey

4 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa After its defeat in WWI, the Ottoman Empire was stripped of all its land except Turkey.

5 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Founded the Republic of Turkey 1922 Became the republic’s first president

6 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa …believed that the traditional way of running Muslim countries had outlived itself, and that Turkey's chances of surviving the future as well as gaining new strength would only be achieved through adopting principles from the European countries.

7 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa His reforms included adopting Western dress, introduction of the Latin alphabet for Turkish, reduction of the centrality of Islam in Turkish public life, equality of all citizens regardless of religion, women’s suffrage and regular education of the masses. He introduced a political system that took many elements from Western systems, but he never allowed political pluralism, allowing only his own Republican People's party.

8 Political Cartoon Turkey, Persia, and Africa Parliament Membership during the Single-Party System in Turkey (1925-1945)

9 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Persia

10 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations.

11 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Reza Shah Pahlavi 1921 ~ seized control of the gov’t overthrowing the last Shah of the Qajar dynasty. ~ wanted to modernize his country and free it from foreign domination

12 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Reza Shah introduced many socio-economic reforms, reorganizing the army, government administration, and finances. He is considered the father of modern Iran.

13 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Reza Shah established an authoritarian government that valued nationalism, militarism, secularism and anti-communism combined with strict censorship and state propaganda. His secret police ruthlessly put down any opposition and suppressed political parties.

14 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Africa

15 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa African colonial troops fought for GB and France expecting to be rewarded after the war with greater political freedom. They would be disappointed.

16 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Missionaries and gov’t schools taught African students Western ideals of equality and self-rule. At the same time, the colonial gov’ts denied Africans these rights.

17 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa “After Africa’s sons had shed their blood on the altar of liberty and after having experienced that terrible plague called the influenza epidemic, are we not the same manna loving people? The period between the World Wars saw a huge increase in political activity in Africa, much of it led by the younger generation. Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria

18 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya Léopold Senghor of Senegal

19 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa What factors contributed to the increase in political activity and calls for nationalism in Africa after World War I? Increased education for Africans, Western ideas of nationalism and equality

20 SECTION 2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa QUIZ TIME!

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