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Understanding Text Structure ©Mauri Fava 2014. Cause and Effect 2 CauseEffect Cause Effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Text Structure ©Mauri Fava 2014. Cause and Effect 2 CauseEffect Cause Effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Text Structure ©Mauri Fava 2014

2 Cause and Effect 2 CauseEffect Cause Effect

3 Cause/Effect Structure therefore since as a result hence consequently because if…then Shows how one event leads to another or how an event produces effects or consequences. Signal Words: 3

4 Cause/Effect: find the signal words. The needs of human populations in Africa have affected the chimp population throughout the continent. Habitat loss is the main cause of declining numbers. As a result of human expansion, the number of chimps has gone from over a million to under 200,000. Chimps are also killed for their meat. Consequently, about 4,000 chimps are slaughtered each year to feed their closest cousin: man. Finally, chimps can fall victim to many human diseases such as the deadly ebola virus. Therefore, as humans encroach upon chimp territory, they bring lethal disease with them. 4

5 Cause/Effect: The needs of human populations in Africa have affected the chimp population throughout the continent. Habitat loss is the main cause of declining numbers. As a result of human expansion, the number of chimps has gone from over a million to under 200,000. Chimps are also killed for their meat. Consequently, about 4,000 chimps are slaughtered each year to feed their closest cousin: man. Finally, chimps can fall victim to many human diseases such as the deadly ebola virus. Therefore, as humans encroach upon chimp territory, they bring lethal disease with them. 5

6 Problem/ solution 6 ProblemSolution

7 Problem/Solution Structure difficulty challenge threat concern solution hope possibility answer Similar to cause and,but this text structure provides solutions. Signal Words: 7

8 Problem/Solution: find the signal words. While the chimpanzee’s future is uncertain, conservation agencies are stepping in to fight the many threats. One challenge is to find and stop poachers. Agencies such as the Jane Goodall Institute are addressing this problem by pushing for stronger anti-poaching laws. Another way to address the poaching concern is to help local governments train and equip law enforcement officers to catch poachers. Also, promoting eco-tourism may offer promise. If tourists pay a great deal to see chimpanzees in their natural habitats, locals can be convinced that chimps are worth more alive than on their plates. These are just a few of the ways that conservation agencies are offering hope for the chimpanzees of Africa. 8

9 Problem/Solution: While the chimpanzee’s future is uncertain, conservation agencies are stepping in to fight the many threats. One challenge is to find and stop poachers. Agencies such as the Jane Goodall Institute are addressing this problem by pushing for stronger anti-poaching laws. Another way to address the poaching concern is to help local governments train and equip law enforcement officers to catch poachers. Also, promoting eco-tourism may offer promise. If tourists pay a great deal to see chimpanzees in their natural habitats, locals can be convinced that chimps are worth more alive than on their plates. These are just a few of the ways that conservation agencies are offering hope for the chimpanzees of Africa. 9

10 10 Sequence/ process 4 2 3 1

11 Sequential Structure first second finally next after finally Topic information is organized by steps. Signal Words: 11

12 12 To make a snowman, start by rolling a big ball for the body. Then roll a smaller ball and put it on top of the big ball to use as a head. Next, find two sticks to use as arms. Then you can use objects such as coal, a carrot, and raisins to make the face. Add a hat and your snowman is complete!

13 13 To make a snowman, start by rolling a big ball for the body. Then roll a smaller ball and put it on top of the big ball to use as a head. Next, find two sticks to use as arms. Then you can use objects such as coal, a carrot, and raisins to make the face. Add a hat and your snowman is complete!

14 Time to test yourself! 14 I do my chores each Saturday. First, I fold the laundry and put it away. Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside to play.

15 Which type of text structure did this author use? 15 a.Sequential b.Cause and effect c.Problem/ solution

16 16 Mrs. Jonas was worried about Marco because he often fell asleep in class. She decided to call Marco’s parents to discuss the problem. During the phone call, Mrs. Jonas suggested that an earlier bedtime might help Marco to get more sleep at night so that he would not need to sleep during class.

17 Which type of text structure did this author use? 17 a.Sequential b.Cause and effect c.Problem/ solution

18 18 To make a yummy smoothie, first put some milk into a blender. Then add a banana and some frozen berries such as strawberries and blueberries. You may also want to add some grapes. Next turn your blender to its lowest setting and gradually increase the speed until everything is blended. Then pour it into a glass and enjoy!!

19 Which type of text structure did this author use? 19 a.Sequential b.Cause and effect c.Problem/ solution

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