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Creating An Overall Impression Effective speech, whether in a formal or an informal situation, depends upon factors other than the words spoken.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating An Overall Impression Effective speech, whether in a formal or an informal situation, depends upon factors other than the words spoken."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating An Overall Impression Effective speech, whether in a formal or an informal situation, depends upon factors other than the words spoken.

2 The speaker who is carelessly dressed or whose posture suggests boredom begins with a disadvantage. Appropriate Dress and Grooming...

3 The two aspects of grooming that are always important are cleanliness and neatness. The listener expects a carelessly prepared talk from someone who appears careless.

4 Good Posture and Carriage… Stand Tall But Not Stiff. Standing tall will make you look self-confident and will give others a good impression of you.

5 Avoid Mannerisms such as playing with objects, clearing the throat, or wetting the lips, repeating ‘uh’ or ‘and’ frequently, and overusing slang expressions.

6 Pleasant Facial Expressions… Look Interested: A pleasant, interested, alive-looking expression is a winning expression.

7 Before the Speech… Visual materials or handouts make your presentation more effective. Have variety and pep in your talk. Insert an amusing story. Practice..Practice..Practice

8 During the Speech… Look at your Audience… Look directly at the assembled people. Look at those in the middle, those to the right, those to the left.

9 Practiced speakers advise brief eye contact with individuals in various parts of the audience. Keep your head up. Listeners respond to someone who is talking directly to them.

10 Observe Audience Reaction… Use only time allotted. Watch your audience and be sensitive to their changing moods. Hide Your Nervousness Remain confident…Stand Tall! Take a deep breath before you speak.

11 Factors of Voice Quality… Use a conversational tone Your voice should reflect a warm, easy conversational tone. Volume, intensity, and force- describes the quality in your voice that enables people to hear you.

12 Tone- reveals your attitudes and feelings to your listeners. Tempo- Use pauses to stress major points. Most inexperienced speakers have a tendency to speak too quickly. Pitch- moderately low voice is usually most pleasing.

13 Adapt your Talk to the Audience Consider age, sex, educational and social background, economic status, experience and interests. Limit Your Subject Do not ramble on about too broad of a subject.

14 Make 2 or 3 specific points. Prepare Your Outline It is critically important that you find a narrow topic. Prepare notes on note cards first.

15 Arouse and hold interest Talk.. Don’t Read or Recite ! The success of your talk will depend on how well you are able to arouse and hold the interest of your audience.

16 Carefully Select the Closing Words Inexperienced Talkers often give themselves away by lowering their voices as they say the last few words or by dashing off the ending in a hurried rattle.

17 One Way To Find The Appropriate Closing Is To Ask This Question: “What Single Idea Do I Want My Audience To Take With Them After They Have Heard My Talk?”

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