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Presentation on theme: "LR Register Report R-LOGIC DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD."— Presentation transcript:


2 LR Register  This is very basic and the first report in R-Logic (Operations section).  LR Register gives you all the details about the LR you have selected.  From here we can get different reports for LR’s eg. You want to see all the LR created in month of June for some branch or want to see all LR for which bill is not generated etc. from here.  In this tutor I will show you few of these examples.  All the reports we will generate here can be exported to Excel, Word, PDF etc. formats.  In other software's there is a set format of reports but with this ERP software we can design our reports and display the data the way we want to.  Report conditions can also be saved so that the same conditions can be used again later. DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD

3 To start on main screen click on Reports link. DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now in the displayed menu click on Booking then a sub menu will be displayed where we will click on LR Register

4 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Form for generation of Report.

5 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD We will start by adding the conditions for generation of our report. Select the condition label from here. For first example I am going to select Booking Branch.

6 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now we will select the Operator. Operators will help in filtering the data. Between- is used to search data between two number to dates. It cannot be used for alphanumeric characters has to be numbers or dates. Not Equal To- uses to display all data not matching our entered text. Equal To- Will display only the records which matches our entered string. Less Than, Less Than Equal To, Greater Than, Greater Than Equal To all are used with numeric data. Like- is used for alphanumeric data or where we don’t know the exact name or value but know some part of it.

7 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Here I have selected Equal To and going to select branch name Jaipur

8 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now we need to select Condition. This is required if we need to add more search filter options. We have selected first condition where Booking Branch has to be Jaipur. Now if we select And then we can add another line of search condition and both have to be true only then the result will come. If OR is selected then any one of the selecting condition can be true for data to be displayed.

9 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now click the Add button so that the conditions we have entered are stored in the report.

10 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now will add another condition. Here I have selected LR date then operator is Between to select two dates. Here I have selected 1/6/2013 to 10/6/2013

11 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD There are lots of columns which will be displayed on screen But in some cases we need few or some particular columns only so in those conditions by clicking on Report Columns hyperlink we can select unselect the columns we want to see.

12 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Here we can select or un select the columns we want to display in the report.

13 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now click on Show button and the report will be displayed on the screen.

14 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD The report is displayed and the records are grouped on Consignor.

15 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD To see all the records without grouping drag the Consignor and put it any where in the columns list at any place.

16 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD As soon as we drag and drop the Column header down the data is ungrouped and is displayed.

17 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD We can also see the data by clicking on + sign in front of the Consignor name

18 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD All the LR’s under that Consignor Name are displayed on the screen.

19 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Another Example here I have selected Booking branch as PANIPAT SKM and second condition Is Bill Generated. System will display all LR’s for this branch for which the billing has not been done yet.


21 To export the report select the export format. The popular ones are Pdf, Excel or XLS for large data (select this if there is too much data).

22 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Now click on the Export button a window will open which will ask us to whether to save the file or display on the screen.

23 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD Here I have selected Open With option which will display the file only. Now click on OK button and the file will be displayed.

24 DESIGNED BY ASHWAN SAINI (EDP) AHMEDABAD The File is displayed on the screen.


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