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Inventory Throughout this slide show there will be hyperlinks (highlighted in blue) follow the hyperlinks to navigate to the specified Topic or Figure.

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory Throughout this slide show there will be hyperlinks (highlighted in blue) follow the hyperlinks to navigate to the specified Topic or Figure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory Throughout this slide show there will be hyperlinks (highlighted in blue) follow the hyperlinks to navigate to the specified Topic or Figure. Hyperlinks will only work when being viewed in a slide show.

2 Main Menu  Inventory Window Breakdown Inventory Window Breakdown  Setting up the Scanner Prompts Setting up the Scanner Prompts  Adding\Moving inventory Adding\Moving inventory Manually adding inventory Moving inventory Quick Add Template  Grid Shortcuts Grid Shortcuts Customize grid Grid filter Column sorting  Search Search Quick Find Find fast

3 Inventory  Open Windfall  Click on the Customer icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen (FIG 1)(FIG 1) Choose the customer Select the inventory tab This is where the inventory is located for each customer  The links below will explain all of the tabs in the inventory section.  Inventory Window Inventory Window  Location Location  Detail Detail  Detail 2 Detail 2  Custom Data Custom Data  Exceptions Exceptions  Attachments Attachments  History History

4 Setting up the Scanner Prompts Scanner Prompts are a way for you to tell the warehouse what information should be captured when bringing in inventory. Scanner prompts are customer specific. These changes have to be done under each customer.  Go to the customer icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen  A list of customers will appear  Double click on the customer  Click on the Configuration tab (FIG 2)(FIG 2)  This will show all of the different scanner prompts that are available.  Select the prompts needed for that customer. Scan article prompt - checking this box gives you the ability to scan the article number. Leaving this box unchecked will give you a drop down of article numbers. Condition prompt – The conditions must first be set up in Global. UDF Labels - these are user defined fields. This is great if you need to capture information that isn’t listed as a prompt above. In the lower section of the screen, type in the name of the UDF. Also make sure that you check the UDF box in scanner prompt section. The repeat box next to the UDFs will remember the information that was entered during the previous transaction. Important : A UDF cannot be named the same as something else in Windfall. Any box that is checked in the scanner prompt section will be a prompt that will appear when bringing in inventory for that customer.

5 Adding/Moving Inventory This will show you how to manually add and move Inventory throughout Windfall.  Manually Adding Inventory (FIG 3)(FIG 3) In the customer window under the inventory table, click on the white page icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen. This will add a new line highlighted in yellow Add the information for the piece that you will be adding (inventory number, article number, location, etc) When finished, click on the save icon on the top of the screen (the yellow will disappear)  Moving Inventory (FIG 4)(FIG 4) In the customer window under the inventory tab, select a piece that you want to move to a different customer, existing work order, new work order, or new location Right click on the inventory piece Select the action

6 Adding/Moving Inventory, cont.  Quick Add (FIG 5)(FIG 5) In the customer window under the Inventory tab, click on the Quick add icon on the tool bar at the top of the page. This will open the Add Inventory window Fill in the information for the inventory piece When finished click on the Add inventory button This will add the piece to the inventory  Template (FIG 6)(FIG 6) This is a quick way to add inventory that is similar to another piece In the customer window under the inventory tab, click on an inventory piece that you would like to copy. Click on the template icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen This will add a highlighted line to the inventory screen This will duplicate all of the information that is under the piece that was highlighted when the template icon was selected (except for inventory tag, location, and quantity) Once you have filled in the information, click on the save icon on the tool bar at the top of the screen.

7 Grid shortcuts The following Grid shortcuts will explain how to customize Windfall. To customize the grid under the inventory tab, start by selecting an inventory piece and right click on it.  Select inventory information - (FIG 7)(FIG 7) This will give you the different options to select from to change the grid. Anything that has a checkmark by it is already showing on the grid.  Grid Filter - (FIG 8)(FIG 8) Click on Edit Filter Button to set a Filter in the inventory grid. When the Filter Window opens, click on Add Filter Field. Click on the browse button next to the first field. This shows you all available fields that you can filter by. The second shows you all the Operands to use. The last field shows data from your database. Click on Add Filter Field again to add another Filter Click Apply to apply the filter you made to the inventory grid. The inventory grid will show the filtered information. When the Grid filter is on the Filter On button will turn red. To remove filter, click on the Filter On Button.  Changing the date in (FIG 9)(FIG 9) In the customer Window, under the inventory tab, select an inventory piece Click on the history tab Double click on the date The edit date and time window will appear, edit the date and time here Click on the ok button when finished  Column Sorting (FIG 10)(FIG 10) Under the Inventory tab on the header of the column, there should be a grey square. This means that the column you have selected is not being ordered by anything. Click on the grey square on the header of the column. A triangle pointing up should appear. This means that the column you have selected is now in ascending order. Click on the grey square on the header of the column twice. A triangle pointing down should appear. This means that the column you have selected is now in descending order.

8 Different ways to Search This explains three different ways to search through the Windfall Inventory.  Search (FIG 11)(FIG 11) Click on an inventory piece Hold down the “control key” and the “f” key at the same time A small box will pop up that says “find” Type in the tag number or article number that you are searching for Click “find” The piece will appear highlighted in green in the inventory list  Quick Find In the customer Window under the inventory tab Click on an inventory piece Start typing the tag number While typing the tag number it will filter through the other tag numbers Once the tag number has been entered the tag number will be highlighted in black  Find Fast (FIG 12)(FIG 12) Click on the Find Fast icon on the tool bar at the top of the page Select the Search tab Insert the information to search by Click on the find button In the box at the bottom of the window will be the search results If what you are looking for isn’t in the warehouse a box saying “no inventory items found” will pop up

9 Right click in the grid All of the information that can be displayed on the grid Check means that it is being viewed on the grid No check means that it is not being viewed on the grid Back to Grid Shortcuts

10 10 Check this box to view all orders together Refresh Grid This is a filter so you don’t have to look through all of inventory for what you need to find. When it is on it will turn red. Total weight of everything listed in the grid Shows the current order that is being viewed Shows the current total that is being viewed Gives you the option to view Components in Warehouse, Components not in Warehouse, and all Components Gives you the option to view Inventory in Warehouse, Inventory not in Warehouse, and all Inventory Back to Inventory The plus sign next to the tag number means that this piece has a component If you click on the plus sign it will expand so the components will be visible

11 White page iconSave Icon Inventory Tab New line created when clicking on the White page icon Fill in information *Don’t Forget Yellow means save Back to Adding\Moving Inventory

12 Template Icon Save Icon Inventory piece to be duplicated Duplicated inventory piece *Don’t Forget Yellow means save Back to Adding\Moving Inventory

13 Quick add button Add Inventory button Back to Adding\moving Inventory

14 Click on the grey box once, if the triangle is pointing up, the column will sort in ascending order. Click on the grey box twice, if the triangle is pointing down, the column will sort in descending order. If there is no triangle in the grey box, the column will not be sorting by anything. Back to Grid Shortcuts

15 By holding down the Ctrl key and the f key this “find” window will pop up Find Next button Click here when finished Type in what you are searching for Once you click on the “Find Next” button it will highlight the piece that you are looking for in Green Back to Search

16 Inventory Tab Grid Filter on/off, this tells you if the Grid Filter is on or off. If the Grid Filter is on this button will turn red. Edit Grid Filter, Clicking on this will pop up an Inventory Filter Window (this is where you input the filter information) Browse to the field that you want to filter Operand Browse to what you want to filter by Apply the changes Click Add Filter Field to add a filter Back to Grid Shortcuts

17 Clicking on this option will allow you to pick columns to view in the inventory grid. Checks indicate that they are turned on. This option adds selected inventory to an existing work order. This option will put selected inventory on a new work order. This option will move selected inventory out of the warehouse. This option will move selected inventory to a new location. This option will move selected inventory to a different customer and/or Order Number. Clicking on this gives you the option to see Order Number in the grid Back to Adding\moving inventory

18 Configuration tab Inventory tab Scanner Prompts UDF fields *Don’t Forget Yellow means save Back to Scanner Prompts

19 Customer Icon Choose the customer Inventory tab Back to Inventory

20 Location tab This is a way for you to manually add or change a location or a quantity of a piece. This box shows you every location that this piece is in. Back to Inventory

21 The Detail tab contains information that you can add\change for an inventory piece Back to Inventory

22 All Attributes Manually add an image (setting up the image path is done under the configuration tab/other) Drop down for selecting a cost center (adding to this drop down can be done in global) Drop down for selecting a condition code (adding to this drop down can be done in global) Back to Inventory

23 All User Defined fields. (To change the names of the UDF fields go to the Configuration field) Configuration tab Back to Inventory

24 Exceptions tab Browse button Exceptions window (adding to this list can be done in Global) Back to Inventory

25 Attached PDF (only one item can be attached, however the PDF can have multiple pages. This works great for adding multiple pictures to a piece) Attachment tab Attachment window Adding an attachment Remove an attachment Back to Inventory

26 History tab Anything that is highlighted on the top of the screen will show the history of the piece at the bottom of the screen. This shows the history for this piece, when it was brought in, if it was moved, and when it was taken out. Back to Inventory

27 Find Fast Icon Fill in information to search by After clicking on the find button, the results from the search will appear in this box Find Button SEARCH TAB Back to Search

28 Inventory Tab Select a tag number History Tab Change date and time Select ok when finished Double click on history date to change Back to Grid Shortcuts

29 If you have any questions you can contact the support team at 314-925-1547 or you can email us at You can visit us at

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