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Hosted by Mr. Zagata presents:

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2 Hosted by Mr. Zagata presents:

3 100 200 400 300 400 Vocab.Ps. Of Sp.ConflictStories 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 So small as to be barely measurable; minuscule; minute; tiny Infinitesimal

5 1,2 Noun A person, place, thing, idea/concept

6 1,3 Conflict. A struggle between opposing forces

7 1,4 Author of “A Sound of Thunder” Ray Bradbury

8 2,1 A statement; declaration; proclamation Assertion

9 2,2 Pronoun A word used in place of a noun

10 2,3 Dilemma When the protagonist must choose between two equal alternatives

11 2,4 This author wrote for a newspaper at the age of 10 and won an O. Henry Memorial Prize. Richard Connell

12 3,1 A denial of responsibility or knowledge; condition; stipulation Disclaimer

13 3,2 Adjective Modifies a noun or pronoun

14 3,3 An author’s device where he/she hints as to what will happen in the impending conflict Foreshadowing

15 3,4 We read this short story by Julia Alvarez “Daughter of Invention”

16 4,1 Misgivings which keep one from doing something; compunction; hesitations because of morals; qualms Scruples

17 4,2 “His” and “Her” can be these two parts of speech. Pronoun and Adjective

18 4,3 When the protagonist tries against opposition to achieve some goal Accomplishment (external) Conflict

19 4,4 This is the nickname of the dictator Trujillo Chapita

20 5,1 The use of good judgment and common sense; good sense; discretion; carefulness Prudence

21 5,2 Antecedent The word a pronoun replaces

22 5,3 When a protagonist is forced to choose between two things; two sets of values, or two courses of action Decision (internal) Conflict

23 5,4 This character said the following: “Just ran off the Path, that’s all, a little mud on my shoes…” Eckels

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