Sonja Vidič EMEP SB Chairperson Joint TFEIP/EIONET Meeting and Workshop 14-16 May, Bern, Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "Sonja Vidič EMEP SB Chairperson Joint TFEIP/EIONET Meeting and Workshop 14-16 May, Bern, Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonja Vidič EMEP SB Chairperson Joint TFEIP/EIONET Meeting and Workshop 14-16 May, Bern, Switzerland

2 Focused discussion Long-Term Strategy (LTS) for the Convention Implementation plan for the LTS Workplans to be linked to the strategic goals Visibility: web profiling, publications, leaflets, booklets Mapping systems, incompatibilities, efficiency Enhance coordination and cooperation within UNECE countries EMEP Grid, Resolution and Projection EMEP-WGE cooperation Revised mandate for HTAP Geographical outreach beyond UNECE region CLRTAP work and EU policy sinergies CLRTAP and cooperation with other UNECE Conventions

3 Decision 2011/14 Action Plan for the Implementation of the Long-term Strategy for the Convention I.Improve ratification and compliance II. Prioritize work and increase efficiency of operation of the Convention III. Future direction of Protocols IV. Links with climate change and delivery of co-benefits V. Outreach, communication and resources


5 Maintain what is well functionning with a more clear distinction between scientific work (TF, ICPs and centers) and more policy- oriented work by EB and subsidiary bodies EB WGE TFs on Effects Assessment 7 ICPs and centers EMEP SB TFMM TFHTAP TFEIP Centers: MSC-W, MSC-E, CCC, CEIP, CIAM WGSR TFIAM TFRN TF Abatement Techniques Experts pannels and centers IC

6 EXECUTIVE BODY EMEP SB WGSR IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE TF EFFECTS + ICPs /Centres TF MM + MSC E&W + CCC TF IAM + CIAMTF EIP + CEIPTF HTAPTF RNEGTEI Note for clarification:TF Effects will invite to its meetings the representatives of what are currently known as ICPs – the name could remain; the ICP meetings would then be ‘unoffical’ and would deliver what TF Effects wanted which in turn would be what EMEP Science and what EB want. The chairs of the TF, EMEP and EB would be responsible for the delivery.

7 An amended Gothenburg protocol what’s new ? Emission reduction commitments – relative ceilings. PM 2,5 BC to be considered as a fraction of PM 2,5 Updated/new Technical Annexes –possible to update no new annex IX – but a possibility to revise in the near future Flexibility for new parties - CET Adjustments Paved the way for new parties to the protocol

8 Adjustments To emission reduction commitments or inventories for compliance purposes Under extraodinary circumstances new emission source category significant change in emission factors significant changes to the methodology for determining emissions from a specific source category. Request to EMEP to develop provisional guidance for consideration by the EB 31 – dec 2012

9 Within the EU 27 countries….with 27 views Bad timing – economic crisis 1st priority – more parties on board The effect based approach got lost…. … the cost effectiveness got lost… … and so did the modelled scenarios.... a small step in the right direction 2013 Year of the Air. New NECD, AQ directive, Thematic Strategy

10 What’s next ? Development of guidance for adjustments (EMEP) Development of mitigation options and methods for emission inventories of BC (TFEIP, HTAP, TFIAM, EGTEI) Revision of the HM protocol – dec 2012 ? Reorganisation of the Convention

11 Thank you for your attention !

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