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U8 Natural disasters Integrated skills Away from danger! BY ECHO Hi! We are Minions 小黄人.

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Presentation on theme: "U8 Natural disasters Integrated skills Away from danger! BY ECHO Hi! We are Minions 小黄人."— Presentation transcript:

1 U8 Natural disasters Integrated skills Away from danger! BY ECHO Hi! We are Minions 小黄人

2 a big fire v. 燃烧 n. 烫伤,烧伤 The big fire is burning the house. People may get burn.

3 snowstorm People are trapped in the car. The car hit the bus stop. 被困 撞

4 flood walk through the flood water

5 earthquake

6 a traffic accident follow traffic rules 遵守交通规则

7 How to stay away from danger? a big fire a flood an earthquake traffic accident

8 The building is on fire. Try to get out as soon as possible 尽快

9 The building is on fire. Never take the lift( 电梯 ). You should run away by stairs( 楼梯 ). Lift 电梯

10 The building is on fire. Stay low to the ground a wet towel 湿毛巾 a wet blanket 湿毯子 thick smoke Cover…with… to protect…from…

11 1.Get to high places. 2.Do not walk or drive through the flood water. Flood

12 Earthquake 1. Hide (躲) at a corner (角落). 2. Hide under a strong desk. 3. Do not stay near a window. 4. Do not jump out.

13 What should we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents? 1. Always follow traffic rules( 交通规则 ). 2. Look left and right first before crossing the road. 3. Do not stay on railways.

14 Hi! I’m Lucy! Welcome to my talk! Talk: Away from danger ! Place: Sunshine Hall Time: 09:30 Wednesday Thank you for your tips! You are so helpful!

15 Try to get out as soon as possible. [ ‘taʊəl ] n. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself from (1) ________________. Stay (2) ____________ to the ground. Never(3) __________ into the building on fire. Get to (4)________ ground and stay there. Do not (5)__________ through the flood water. (6)________ under a strong desk or table to protect yourself. Do not stand near a (7)__________. Always(8) __________ traffic rules. Look (9) ______, right and then left when you cross the road. Do not sit, (10) ______ or ride your bicycle on railways. Danger Tips Fires Floods Earthquakes Traffic accidents thick smoke low go back high walk Hide window follow left walk Help Minion complete notes. [ru ː l] n. ['re ɪ lwe ɪ ] n. Listening Skills : 1: Predict( 预测 ) before listening Listening Skills : 1: Predict( 预测 ) before listening 2: Try to catch the main ideas and write parts of words at the first time.

16 I have learnt a lot about the talk. What about you? LET ME CHECK

17 尽快 遵守交通规则 浓烟 用一块湿毛巾盖住口鼻 贴近地面 到高的地方 在铁轨上走 躲在一个结实的桌子下 Level1:Challenge your memories!

18 Annie: What did you learn from yesterday’s talk, Simon? Simon: We learnt a lot about keeping ourselves safe from fires, floods, earthquakes and __________________. Annie: Really? What should we do if our building is on fire? Simon: We should try to _________ as soon as possible. Annie: How can we protect ourselves from thick smoke? Simon: We should use a ____________ to cover our mouth and nose and stay_______ to the ground. Annie: Well, what should we do when there’s a flood? Simon: We should get to ____________. Remember that we shouldn’t _______ through the flood water. Annie: I see. What should we do when an earthquake happens? Simon: Hide under a ______ desk or table. Stay away from a _____. Annie: What should we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents? Simon: We should always follow ______________. Moreover, it’s dangerous to sit, walk or ride a bicycle on _____________. traffic accidents get out wet towel low high ground walk strongwindow traffic rules railways Level 2: Help Simon answer Annie’s questions

19 Level 3: Work in pairs A : What should we do when there is a fire? B : We should… A : What mustn’t we do ? B : We mustn’t … What should we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents? A : … …(flood)… …(earthquake)

20 You did good job! So I want to share my bananas with you! When we are in danger, we can also call for help. Which numbers should I dial? ['daiəl] ★ ★ ★ ★ 110 119 120 122Police Fire Hospital Traffic Can you help me match them?

21 The building is _______. They should dial_____ for help. The car hit the tree and two people ____________in the car. They should dial____ for help. ____________hit the city and lots of people were hurt. They should dial_____for help. The man stole a purse from the lady’s bag when she was doing shopping. They should dial ____for help. on fire 119 were trapped 122 An earthquake 120 110 steal [sti ː l] V. stole [stə ʊ l] They are in danger! Let’s help them!

22 Now we’re good at staying away from danger and calling for help. But sometimes we may get hurt, shall we just wait for help and do nothing? 急救

23 What should we do first? What accident How to deal with it First, After that, Finally, Burn of hands [bɜːn] keep the hand in cold water for about ten minutes go and see the doctor cover the burn with a clean towel 急救

24 A: … when we…. Do you know…….? B: Sure. First, …. A: I see. What should I do after that? B: … A: Should I…? B: Yes/No…. A: All right. Thanks. What other accidents can we meet? Do you know how to deal with it? 急救 stop bleeding( 止血 ) bandages( 绷带 ) wound ( 伤口 )skin( 皮肤 ) pack…in ice( 冰敷 ) Band-aids ( 创口贴 ) tissues ( 纸巾 )

25 Winter holiday is coming. I hope you can have a safe and happy Spring Festival. minion What should we do to stay away from danger during the winter holiday? minion Give Minions as many ideas as possible. Winter holiday is coming. I hope we can have a safe and happy Spring Festival. Here are some tips for us to stay away from danger during the winter holiday. 1.We should… 2.We’d better.. 3.We must… 4.We shouldn’t… 5.We’d better not… 6.It is safe/dangerous to… 7.… 8.…

26 珍爱生命, 远离危险。 Cherish your life, away from danger.


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