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Grants: Activities, Funding Opportunities and Challenges Andreea M. Serban, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor Technology and Learning Services SOCCCD Board Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Grants: Activities, Funding Opportunities and Challenges Andreea M. Serban, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor Technology and Learning Services SOCCCD Board Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grants: Activities, Funding Opportunities and Challenges Andreea M. Serban, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor Technology and Learning Services SOCCCD Board Meeting June 25, 2007

2 Key Developments in State Funding  2002-2005 budget cuts in California Community Colleges funding; state grant funding significantly reduced  Governor's 2005-06 Budget: –expanded vocational and career technical educational opportunities for middle school and high school students –improved linkages between the career and technical curricula of the public schools and community colleges  Senate Bill 70, September 2005, provided $20 million to the California Community Colleges for CTE programs  System Strategic Plan for California Community Colleges

3 Total Grant Funding Obtained 2005-07  Technology and Learning Services (T&LS) 2006-07$1,550,000  Saddleback College$3,000,059  Saddleback Foundation$ 280,500  Irvine Valley College$ 41,028  ATEP$ 205,000  TOTAL $5,076,587  Saddleback College pending$3,951,956

4 Grant Applications and Status 2005-07 FundedNot Funded Annual Renewal Analysis T&LS 2006-07 2 $1.55M 1 $1.66M 1 SC15 $2,746,342 131 $253,717 29 SC Foundation 7 $280,500 9 $442,157 IVC1 $41,028 7 $411,117 ATEP1 $205,000

5 Topics/Programs Funded and Pending  Nursing$2,100,294  Transfer research/articulation$1,550,000  Teacher/counselor preparation in career technical education$ 406,900  Other CTE programs$ 978,365  Pending CTE programs$3,951,956  Other$ 41,028

6 Grant Challenges and Opportunities  Institutional commitment and direction  Organizational structure and staffing  Federal, state and private funding priorities  Complexity and, often, very short timelines of requests for applications  Consortia  Pre- and post-award grant management

7 Expected Future Grant Funding Directions and Priorities  Federal –Math, Science, Engineering, Technology  State –Career Technical Education –Partnerships for Economic and Workforce Development –Transfer –Basic Skills  Private –Varied and multiple opportunities

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