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CHAPTER 16 MEDIEVAL INDIA. INDIA Politically disunited Caste system Hindu faith Small states North and South India.

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2 INDIA Politically disunited Caste system Hindu faith Small states North and South India

3 N. INDIA Harsha (Pre-Islam) ◦ Buddhist ◦ Hospitals, roads

4 ISLAM Three areas ◦ Military  Mid 7 th century ◦ Merchants  Significance ◦ Turkish-speaking, Central Asia

5 DELHI SULTANATE Muslim conquest Delhi 1206-1526 300K soldiers Powerful Islamic state Islam and Hinduism Religious toleration

6 S. INDIA Two kingdoms ◦ Chola ◦ Vijayanager

7 TEMPLE BUILDERS Kingdom of Chola

8 SOCIETY Local rule ◦ Politics, social Hindu temple ◦ Social and economic center

9 AGRICULTURE Irrigation Dams, reservoirs, etc. Increased production

10 INDIA  Urbanization: several cities, 100K people  Population ++:  600: 50 million  1500: 100 million

11 MEDIEVAL INDIA Trade Cross-roads of postclassical period Cosmopolitan Global trade ◦ Arabs, Chinese

12 MEDIEVAL INDIA Specialization ◦ Cotton textiles ◦ Sugar refining, carpet weaving

13 HINDUISM Vishnu: preserver Shiva: god of fertility and destructive deity

14 ISLAM Little initial interest Gradually increased ◦ Buddhists, untouchables 1500: 25% of population Sufis ◦ Mystics ◦ Personal, emotional approach ◦ Meaning to life

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