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Results/Outcomes Based Accountability Based on the Work of Mark Friedman Trying Hard is Not Good Enough (Working smarter not harder)

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Presentation on theme: "Results/Outcomes Based Accountability Based on the Work of Mark Friedman Trying Hard is Not Good Enough (Working smarter not harder)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results/Outcomes Based Accountability Based on the Work of Mark Friedman Trying Hard is Not Good Enough (Working smarter not harder)

2 RBA is A way of thinking and working to improve – quality of lives for communities (population) – performance of services / agencies (performance) Development of measures to be able to demonstrate success

3 Leaking Roof Experience: Measure: Story behind the baseline (causes): Partners: What Works: Action Plan: Inches of Water ? Fixed Not OK Turning the Curve Outcome thinking in everyday life The Leaking Roof Result:

4 Population Where a group of partners take on the responsibility for the well being of a population in a geographical area –Neglected children in Oxfordshire –Families affected by DV in Oxfordshire

5 Principles Know where you are and where you want to be Simple well understood language Use data wisely Devise a simple plan – low cost / no cost Making change happen – talk to actions –Be more ambitious about less –Conditioning –Timing –Tipping point

6 Population Questions What are the quality of life conditions we want for children who live in our community What would this look like if we could see them How can we measure these conditions How are we doing on the most important measures Who are the partners that have a role What works What do we propose to do about it

7 Talk to Action Results Experience Data Story behind Partners What Works Strategy

8 Performance A manager or group of managers take on responsibility of a program, agency or service –OSCB –Training Subgroup –M & E Subgroup

9 Questions Who are our customers How can we measure if our customers are better off How are we doing on the most important measures Who are the partners that have a role to play What works What do we propose to do?

10 Performance Measurement How much did we do? (Quantity)How well did we do it? (Quality) Customers Served Activities % Common Measure Workload ratio, staff turnover, staff morale, % staff trained Did we treat you well Activity-specific measures %of actions timely and correct % of clients completing actions % of clients meeting standards Is anyone better off? % Skills / Knowledge achievements, test scores, participants in training who show improved skills % Attitude / Opinion customers who believe the service helped them with their problems % Behavior % Circumstances

11 How much did we do? Not All Performance Measures Are Created Equal How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? Least Important Quantity Quality Effect Effort 2 nd Most Important Important Least Most

12 How much did we do? Proposed National Indicator Set How well did we do it? Did it make a difference? Numbers of CAF Number of referrals % of initial assessments for childrens social care carried out within 10 working days % of core assessments for childrens social care that are carried out within 35 working days of commencement % of child protection plans lasting 2 years or more % of child protection cases which were reviewed within required timescale % of referrals to childrens social care going on to initial assessment % of applications for care proceedings which have been assessed as incomplete Childrens social worker vacancy rate Childrens social worker turnover rate Population: % increase of children and young people who have suffered unintentional/deliberate injuries or preventable deaths % children who report they feel safer Performance: % children becoming the subject of child protection plan for a second or subsequent time

13 How much did we do? Possible Additions to National Indicator Set on Safeguarding How well did we do it? Did it make a difference? Number of children with childrens plans % of initial assessments within 10 working days % of core assessments for childrens social care carried out within 35 working days of commencement % of child protection plans lasting 2 years or more % of child protection plans reviewed within time scales % of applications for care proceedings deemed as incomplete by the courts service % social worker vacancy rate %social worker turnover rate % complaints % surveyed families saying service was delivered in a respectful and timely manner Population % of children who report that they feel safer % reduction in children referred for physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect % increase of children who have suffered unintentional/deliberate injuries or preventable deaths Performance of agencies: % of children subject to CP Plan for a second or subsequent time % of childrens plans whose recommendations have been successfully implemented % reduction of children with CP Plans % children receiving CP services reporting they feel safer as a result of services % parents who say as a result of intervention that their parenting has improved % of children whose risks are reduced as a result of intervention and are removed from childrens plans within 6 months


15 Measuring OSCB Performance using Results Based Accountability

16 Proposal Needs to be a combination of: –Population (welfare of children in a defined area ie neglect strategy, dv strategy, parental misuse strategy) –Performance (improving agency performance) ie Subgroups and OSCB agencies

17 Suggested Desired Results Safer Today - focussing on child protection work and things that affect immediate child safety Better Tomorrow – Wider safeguarding issues ie bullying e safety – accidents » gangs

18 OSCB Results Accountability Model Children and YP are Safer Today LSCB Subgroup Performance Population Neglect Sub misuse TSGQA&A Procedures CSC Health TVPDV Agency Performance

19 OSCB Results Accountability Model Children and YP are Better Tomorrow CDOP Subgroup Performance Population Bullying E safety Early Years CSC Health TVP Safe workforce Agency Performance

20 OSCB Population Based Reporting Template PopulationDefine the population you want to affect ContributionBriefly explain the desired outcome for this population and how it contributes to keeping children safer today WhyBriefly explain why this is important PerformanceShow 3 to 5 most important indicators in the form of a baseline with at least 3 years actual history. Story Behind Briefly explain, the causes behind the indicator and your performance for the last 3 years, if possible, include a pen picture of the trends shown above in the tables. Reference your accomplishments and show where they have contributed to improved performance. Use additional performance data as necessary to tell the story. What do you propose to do to improve performance to make children safer today in next 3 years Include Low cost – high impact ideas and contribution of partners. Include those ideas which have budgetary implications and where budget has been identified

21 OSCB Results Based Reporting Template Subgroup ContributionBriefly explain how your subgroup / agency in conjunction with others contribute to making children Safer Today Basic FactsMembers 5 most important functions PerformanceShow 3 – 5 measures for each How much did you do How well did you do it Did it make a difference If possible show trend for last 3 years Story Behind Briefly explain, the causes behind your performance for the last 3 years, if possible, include a pen picture of the performance shown above in the tables. Reference your accomplishments and show where they have contributed to improved performance. Use additional performance data as necessary to tell the story. What do you propose to do to improve performance to make children safer today in next 3 years Include Low cost – high impact ideas and contribution of partners. Include those ideas which have budgetary implications and where budget has been identified


23 How much did we do? Possible Local Performance Measures for LSCBs How well did we do it? Did it make a difference? Number of meetings Numbers attending LSCBs Numbers of items considered Frequency of meetings Numbers of sub committees established Progress on business plan % of Members attending regularly % of Members stating their satisfaction with meetings % serious case reviews considered % recommendations in training plan implemented % recommendations in Reports agreed Identifiable progress achieved on business plan % agreed recommendations reviewed on a regular basis Population: % of children who report that they feel safer % reduction in children referred for physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect % hospital admissions caused by unintentional or deliberate injuries Performance: % of children whose risks have been reduced and who are taken off their childrens plan within 6 month % of children receiving child protection services reporting that they feel safer % reduction of children with Child Protection Plans % Children's Plans which have been successfully implemented % of parents who report that services have improved the parenting of their children % children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plans for second or subsequent time

24 Safeguarding: Keeping Children Safe from Neglect How much did we do? (Quantity)How well did we do it? (Quality) Number of agencies using neglect checklist Number of agencies that use CAF Number of children receiving early intervention Number of children subject to protection plans for neglect Assessments completed within timescale, e.g. 10 days for initial assessment etc % of families saying they have been well treated % of production of definitions and guidance on neglect % of production of multi-agency training procedures relating to neglect % of multi agency staff expressing satisfaction with the provision of staff training % of recommendations implemented from serious case reviews Is anyone better off? Population: % reduction of children referred for neglect % of children who say they feel well cared for Performance: % of homes that are clean and safe, including childs bed % of child that are clean and dressed appropriately for the weather % of generally healthy children % of children with good language development % of children that do not run away % of children engaging positively with care giver % of children and young people saying they feel safer

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