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Today’s goals Evaluate the final class media project

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1 Today’s goals Evaluate the final class media project
Introduce classical argument as a genre Begin planning for the class debate

2 Media project evaluation
We will be spending the next 20 minutes or so of class time evaluating the final projects of our multimedia groups from unit 3 Please pay close attention and then answer the questions provided on the survey links of the class website Your input will have an effect on the grade of your fellow classmates Be sure to pay attention to: Main idea/thesis: is this clear, strongly stated, and does it have an informative purpose? Viewer engagement: how well does the project capture the attention of its intended audience? Genre conventions: how much does the project sound like professional media of the given type Primary research: is this the focus of the project and is it presented in a rhetorically effective manner? Secondary research: does this support the project’s main idea, and is it properly documented?

3 What is Classical Argument?
Closed form prose Extreme focus on powerful thesis and rhetorical support Counterarguments make up an entire section or several paragraphs of the essay Thesis should take place in an ‘academic conversation’ with secondary sources but remain original Highly structured based off of classical Greek methods

4 Classical Argument Structure
Introduction (Good place to establish ethos) Thesis- should be an arguable claim with a supporting reason Forecasting of body paragraphs Body paragraphs Usually 2-4 strong reasons supported with evidence Should utilize logos and pathos (and sometimes ethos) Counter arguments may sometimes occur before body paragraphs or even in the introduction This is the only part of the essay that you can freely move without breaking from classical argument structure However, you should never end your essay with counter arguments (think of the serial positioning effect!) Conclusion

5 Classical Argument Development
You MUST utilize all three rhetorical appeals in your essay A single supporting point could be argued with different appeals depending on your strategy A single supporting point can utilize multiple appeals at once. Even pathos centered arguments can benefit from some facts and statistics

6 Group Activity: Classical Argument Analysis
In your unit 4 groups Select and read through one of the example essays on the class website while paying attention the following information. Use the essay to answer the questions below: What is the thesis or main argument the writer is trying to make? Take this directly from the text if possible. Is this a clear, original, credible, and arguable thesis? Indicate yes/no for each, and if not, give a brief explanation as to why. What are the main reasons the writer uses to support his or her claim? Are these forecasted in the introduction? What are some examples of each of the three rhetorical appeals that the writer uses? Give at least one example of each. How does the writer acknowledge, explain, or respond to opposing views? Where does this occur in the essay?

7 Group Activity 2: Debate Brainstorm
In your debate group, brainstorm ideas that you can use for the debate. Make sure to answer the following: What are the speaking points that each of your team members will use? What rhetorical appeal might each of these be? What are one or two points you think your opposing group will try to make? How might you refute them? What are one or two pieces of information you know about your topic that weaken your argument? How might these topics affect your angle of vision?

8 Homework: Read A&B 361-365 Journal Entry 26
Focus: Classical argument ideas Over the course of this semester, you have (hopefully) gained a deeper understanding of a contemporary, contentious, and arguable issue. (or multiple issues) Based on that understanding, what sorts of original arguments might you make on this topic. What are the major unresolved problems related to this issue? What sort of proposal or solution can you come with to solve this problems? How can you make those solutions unique or specific to your argument? Who might object to your solution or idea? What would the main argument against your idea be? If you have used several topics for your major essays, you may wish to consider instead: Of the topics you researched, which seemed the most appealing to you and why? Why did you originally decide to switch topics? For our final essay, will you choose one of these topics or switch to another? Pick one of the topics you have worked with and identify your main solution or argument for it, and try to think of what the main argument against it would be

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