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Writing the Persuasive Essay. Following the Prompt To begin a persuasive essay, you must first have an opinion you want others to share. The writer’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing the Persuasive Essay. Following the Prompt To begin a persuasive essay, you must first have an opinion you want others to share. The writer’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing the Persuasive Essay

2 Following the Prompt To begin a persuasive essay, you must first have an opinion you want others to share. The writer’s purpose is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s viewpoint or to take a particular action. That’s why the essay must be centered around a clear position, which represents the writer’s viewpoint on the issue and forms the basis of the argument.

3 To be valid, an opinion or point of view must be supported by facts and information. Support your position with specific examples—from your own life, from your experience in and knowledge of the world and modern life, and from what you’ve read, seen, and discovered through books, movies, television, news, and history.

4 Be sure to - state your position clearly Use appropriate organization Provide specific support for your argument Choose your words carefully Edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling

5 You can use ethos, logos, pathos, or a combination—but you have to rely on what you really know and understand. That means NO false evidence!

6 Paragraph 1: Introduction Opening sentence Hook Thesis/Claim

7 THESIS/CLAIM The thesis statement:  states your position on the topic  sets up the structure for the paper. (the “road map” for your essay) The claim comes in the opening section of your paper. It states your belief and what you wish to argue.

8 Paragraph 2: SUPPORT THE THESIS Concession and Refutation can serve as your topic sentence. First reason: details Second reason: details Third reason: details  These are your arguments.

9 Concession Concession: an agreement with, to allow a reasonable claim to be expressed from an opposing point of view With a concession, you recognize the arguments made by the other side. A concession builds your credibility. It shows that you can discuss the other side with objectivity. A concession grants that the other side has some truth.

10 Refutation Refutation: counter argument, states your side with your two reasons. Following the concession, a refutation argues at length against the opposing viewpoint by proving your side has MORE truth. The concession and refutation sections, which go together, exist because arguments always have more than one side. It is always dangerous to ignore them.

11 Details to Support your reasons Facts Statistics Examples What you already know

12 Paragraph 3: Conclusion Restate your main points. Offer a solution if need be. Call to Action

13 Conclusion/Call to Action It draws your argument to a close, restates your claim, and makes a final appeal to values. It voices a final plea. It does not repeat information, but sums up the argument with a few final facts and appeals.

14 What is not effective Saying the opposing viewpoint is “stupid.” Good essays are clear, calm and factual. Prove it instead. Saying negative things about groups or individuals that have different view points. This does not support your position but makes you seem petty instead.

15 How many is that? 1.Intro Paragraph (with hook and thesis statement.) 1.Body Paragraph (with three reasons with details and examples for each reason.) 2.Conclusion Paragraph (restate thesis, offer a solution if needed, and give a call to action)

16 Reflecting on Your Paper Have you shown that you understand the objections to your position? Is it clear that your position still outweighs the possible objections?

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