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Published byKelly Knight Modified over 9 years ago
T HE M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION January 11, 2011 Slide 22 updated April 2, 2014 presented by the Office of Education Information Management
A GENDA Purpose of the collection What is included in this comprehensive collection Data elements for MSC Process required for completion Deadlines
S TATE F ISCAL S TABILIZATION F UNDS (SFSF) Data collected on MSC satisfies the data requirements of Indicator (b) SFSF information on the VDOE website: ion/index.shtml Specific information about Indicator (b) can be found in the Phase 2 application pages 59-63. ion/va_sfsf-phase2_application.pdf
I NDICATOR (b)(1) Indicate which of the 12 elements described in section 640(e)(2)(D) of the America COMPETES Act are included in the State’s statewide longitudinal data system; Element 8 – A teacher identifier system with the ability to match teachers to students Element 9 – Student-level transcript information, including information on courses completed and grades earned
I NDICATOR (b)(2) Indicate whether the State provides student growth data on their current students and the students they taught in the previous year to at a minimum, teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the State administers assessments in those subjects in a manner that is timely and informs instructional programs Current Students – Fall collection Students they taught in the previous year – EOY collection Output from MSC will include teacher-level rosters with student growth data included
I NDICATOR (b)(3) Indicate whether the state provides teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in grades in which the state administers assessments in those subjects with reports of individual teacher impact on student achievement on those assessments. Students they taught in the previous year – EOY collection Output from MSC will include teacher-level rosters with student growth data included
D EVELOPING THE D ATA C OLLECTION T OOL Internal VDOE working group consisting of 10 offices from areas of instruction, teacher licensure, special education, federal programs, research, assessment, and information management. State-wide webinars were presented in August to LEA student information systems contacts. Feedback was collected. Feedback sessions were conducted with Virginia Beach, Chesterfield, Bedford, Loudoun and Fairfax
S TREAMLINING E XISTING C OLLECTIONS Small focus groups met at DOE to study the similarities and differences between some existing collections and the MSC. Math and Science Course Enrollment (CEDC) Instructional Personnel (IPAL) Secondary Enrollment and Demographic Form (SEDF-CTE) Student Data Upload (SDU) Student Record Collection (SRC)
A C OMPLICATED M ATTER – VA C OURSE C ODES Existing list not adequate for a collection of this magnitude and detail Existing list contains “assignment” codes Content Algebra I, Keyboarding, AP Calculus To whom the instruction is delivered Learning Disabled class, Elementary Administrator roles Principal, Guidance Counselor In many cases, insufficient for elementary and special education section-level reporting
A DOPTION OF NCES C OURSE C ODES (SCED) SCED School Codes for the Exchange of Data VDOE will provide a crosswalk from the existing list to the SCED It is not a one-to-one mapping LEAs should plan to build a crosswalk from local course codes to the SCED LEAs should use the state’s crosswalk to help with this process
T HE R EALITY OF A DOPTING THE SCED SCED is a means to communicate with the state NO REQUIREMENT for localities to use the SCED for scheduling or in course catalogs When course information is sent to VDOE, use the SCED code to describe the course Time is on your side MSC will accept SCED codes OR existing VA Course Codes for at least two years Without partial adoption, MSC becomes difficult to compile First draft of state crosswalk is complete Problems identified. Solutions are being researched.
L ISTING OF SCED C OURSE C ODES Prior-to-Secondary Course Listings Secondary Course Listings
W HAT TO R EPORT Report data for all teachers in and courses taught by: your LEA, private providers to the students for whom your LEA is responsible, AND the public regional programs for whom your LEA is the fiscal agent. For all the data about teachers, a Local Provider Id is required. Do not use generic IDs in place of a Virginia Teaching License.
W HAT TO R EPORT Student records are expected for courses completed AND those attempted when the student was enrolled in that section for more than 20 days. Local policies for adding/dropping courses have been considered. See Superintendent’s Memo No. 52, March 7, 2008, for guidance to local school divisions regarding policies for changing students’ course schedules.
W HAT TO R EPORT For 2010-2011 EOY collection and 2011-2012 Fall collection, a warning will be given on the Master Schedule Data Collection for missing students Based on attendance data provided on the Student Record Collection This will become a fatal error beginning with the 2011-2012 EOY collection. The SCED Subject Area is required for all sections. Both SCED course codes and VA Course Codes are accepted choose one or the other for each section.
W HAT TO R EPORT LEAs are expected to grow their local systems to include the MSC data elements and the elements identified as future enhancement fields. Future enhancement fields will be added IF and WHEN Virginia needs the data for required state or federal reporting or strategic educational research. Some may be added in 2012-13 - Some may never be added At least one year of advanced notice will be given Future enhancement fields will not be added before 2012-2013 unless we are required by law to do so before then.
A LL WE A SK … Work in conjunction with the other offices within your LEA Many different people will use this data to satisfy many different indicators and staff development needs Work in conjunction with your vendors Current systems most likely do not store all this data Every effort should be made to completely report MSC LEA Superintendents have expressed need for complete class rosters (including rosters for collaborative teachers) Do the best you can but be open about shortcomings and timelines to overcome them
W HAT H APPENS TO … Math and Science Course Enrollment (CEDC) This collection was retired after the 2009-2010 school year. Secondary Enrollment & Demographic Form (SEDF- CTE) If we add a spring time collection SEDF can be retired MSC prevents another course-enrollment based collection around nontraditional enrollment in designated courses Student Data Upload A pilot project is moving forward. Teacher license numbers will be collected as a means of piloting a teacher access portal in EIMS
W HAT H APPENS TO … Instructional Personnel (IPAL) It still exists but within MSC, most data will be collected through the MSC application Common data will be shared between MSC and IPAL Timelines and data definitions will be consistent between the collections A tangent application may be developed to collect details not applicable to most records (i.e. info on local licenses) IPAL edit checks will still be preformed IPAL reports will still be available via the IPAL application Teacher Licensure will provide the support on IPAL related questions and decisions Educational Information Management will provide the technical support for uploading the data
MSC D ATA E LEMENTS A Records Header Records needed to compile data submissions B Records IPAL specific records C Records Course records (shared between MSC and IPAL) one record for each section taught within the LEA by private providers to the students for whom your LEA is responsible at the public regional programs for whom your LEA is the fiscal agent Include fall, spring, year-long and summer school courses
MSC D ATA E LEMENTS D Records Teacher records (shared between MSC and IPAL) one record for each teacher that is connected to each section reported in the C records plus one record for all other instructional personnel not assigned to any sections (include all teachers, pupil personnel service providers and administrators) E Records Private Provider records For now, to be used to report any individual or entity without a VA License F Records Student Records (MSC only)
P ROCESS FOR C OMPLETION For MSC, data can be submitted in parts “Parts” must be complete sets “A” records are always required Certain combinations of B through F records can be submitted together All parts must be successful Superintendent must certify the data are correct DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY Teachers should be only be linked to students they teach Verification reports are not yet developed Feedback welcome
O UTPUT Student growth data will be made available to school divisions upon a successful data completion and fully verified EOY MSC Getting the teacher rosters with growth data in a timely manner is dependent on completing the EOY MSC Welcome other suggestions for useful reports
D EADLINES End-of-Year MSC Window opens: June 10, 2011 Window closes: September 30, 2011 (firm) Supt certification due: September 30, 2011 (softish) Section B of MSC not collected Fall MSC Window opens: August 15, 2011 Window closes: January 31, 2012 This deadline may be pushed up for the 2012-2013 school year Supt certification due: January 31, 2012 (firm) Section B of MSC is collected
N EXT S TEPS BY LEA S Meet with your local school division offices to discuss the collection and elements Devise a plan Email any questions, feedback or issues to Notify your vendors – there will be a DOE sponsored webinar for vendors on Feb 9, 2011. Vendors may attend the semi-monthly MSC webinars after Feb 9 th. Assign a Master Schedule Data Collection contact in the ERA application
N EXT S TEPS BY VDOE Superintendent’s Memo to be released January 21, 2011 Create a webpage for all documentation about MSC Website will be updated weekly with FAQs, scenarios, announcements, webinar minutes and other MSC news Close a few holes that still exist in the current collection Prepare written responses to/incorporate the feedback received through ResultsHelp Incorporate changes based on feedback where ever possible Begin development of edit checks
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