Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Friday, October 16, 2015  DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Friday, October 16, 2015  DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Friday, October 16, 2015  DO NOW: take out your notebook and a pen.

2 What is a TYPEFACE?  A typeface refers to a group of characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation, that share a common design or style.  Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica and Courier are all typefaces.

3 What is a FONT?  Fonts refer to the means by which typefaces are displayed or presented in a specific style, weight and size.  Example: Arial - Bold - 12pt

4 What is a FONT FAMILY?  The different options available within a font make up a type family. Many fonts are at a minimum available in roman, bold and italic. Other families have many more options.

5 What is a SERIF FONT?  Serif fonts are recognizable by the small lines at the ends of the various strokes of a character. As these lines make a typeface easier to read by guiding the eye from letter to letter and word to word, serif fonts are often used for large blocks of text, such as in a book.  Times New Roman is an example of a common serif font.

6 What is a SANS SERIF FONT?  Serifs are small lines at the ends of character strokes.  Sans serif, or without serif, refers to typefaces without these lines.  Sans serif fonts are often used when a large typeface is necessary, such as in a magazine headline.

7 What are TYPE tools?  Set text horizontally or vertically on the canvas.  Shortcut: T Horizontal type tool Vertical type tool

8 How does text work with layers?  Click on the canvas with the text tool and Photoshop will automatically create a new layer with a T icon.  Whatever you type out will be the name of that layer.

9 How do I style text?  The CHARACTER palette provides access to the computer’s typeface library. Font SizeLeading

10 What is LEADING?  Leading is the space between lines of type.  The term leading is derived from the days of hot metal type when strips of lead were placed between lines of type to provide line spacing.  Leading is measured by the point size + additional space. Example: 12/14 = 2 points leading 12/15 = 3 points leading


12 PROJECT: Magazine cover design Challenge: Design a magazine cover using Adobe Photoshop. Your magazine cover will be based off of an existing magazine. You can choose which magazine but it has to work with the images that are provided. You will be able to create your own cover lines. You will be provided with the photos for the cover. These photos will need retouching. You will use the various retouching tools to fix the image in order for it to be on the cover.

13 Magazine cover requirements: You must have: 1. A background color that compliments all text and imagery 2. A cover photo (will be provided) 3. A Masthead 4. 1 Main Cover Line and 3 additional Cover Lines 5. Dateline: (Issue date and issue price) 6. Your magazine cover will be graded on if you included the above elements and how you carry out unity in your magazine cover.

14 Magazine cover requirements: A good cover needs to accomplish four things: 1. Identify the personality of the magazine. 2. Attract the target audience 3. Lure the reader into the magazine 4. Establish a visual identity (consistent use of format)

15 TODAY: 1. Copy the folder 34-magazine images to your flash drive. 2. Choose an image for your cover. 3. Create a new file with the following specs: 8.5x11”, 300 dpi, CMYK. 4. Save your file as: yourname_magazine.psd 5. Begin creating your layout.


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