Chapter 15 Section 4.  Counter-Reformation  Jesuits  Ignatius of Loyola  Council of Trent  Charles Borromeo  Francis of Sales  Teresa of Avila.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Section 4.  Counter-Reformation  Jesuits  Ignatius of Loyola  Council of Trent  Charles Borromeo  Francis of Sales  Teresa of Avila."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Section 4

2  Counter-Reformation  Jesuits  Ignatius of Loyola  Council of Trent  Charles Borromeo  Francis of Sales  Teresa of Avila

3  Protestants not the only ones dissatisfied  Catholics also upset  Counter-Reformation- series of reform in the Catholic Church

4  Girolamo Savonarola- monk preached fiery sermons against the church in the 1400’s  Called on church to melt down its gold and silver to buy bread for the poor

5  Convinced people to burn jewelry and trinkets  “The bonfire of the vanities”  First allowed by the pope  Pope Alexander excommunicated Savonarola  1498 executed in Florence

6  Jesuits- society of Jesus, religious order to reform the church  Ignatius of Loyola founded Jesuits in 1534  Nobleman, soldier  While recovering from an injury read books on saints  Became a soldier of God

7  Father general- ran it like a military institution  Emphasized obedience to the church  Concentrated on education to combat the Protestants  Established missions, school, and universities  Effective organization, gained ground on Protestants

8  Paul Pope III in 1545 called the council  Need to redefine the doctrines of the church  Examined criticisms by the Protestants and Catholics  Clarified Catholic teachings on certain points

9  Reforms addressed the corruption of the clergy  Training of priests  Financial abuses  Indulgences were abolished  Rejected Protestant’s emphasis on self- discipline and individual faith

10  Church could help believers achieve salvation  Using mystery and magnificent ceremonies to inspire faith  Consistent with the belief of millions  Majority of Europeans remain Catholic

11  No compromise between Catholics and Protestants  Bold action boost to Catholicism in Poland  Other parts of Europe return to the Church  Catholics felt renewed energy

12  By 1700 Jesuits operated 699 colleges in Italy, Germany, and other places  Future leaders educated in Jesuit schools  Order had an influence over public affairs  Worked in India, China, and Japan

13  Charles Borromeo Archbishop of Milan  Decisive steps to implement reform  Build new schools to educate priests  Francis of Sales  Founded a religious order for women  Returned Calvinists to the church through missionary work

14  Women took on more roles  Before Renaissance they lived in secluded convents  1543-Italian nun Angela Merici began Saint Ursula Company for teaching girls

15  Jane of Chantal formed an order to teach girls to become teachers  Schools throughout Europe  Work denounced by anti-Jesuits and the Church as dangerous

16  Teresa of Avila  Age 20 ran away to a convent  Thought rules were too lax  Followed her own strict rules fasting, sleeping, and prayer  Reformed the Carmelite order  Had visions of Christ  Her faith inspired many to stay in the Church

17  Roman Inquisition in 1542 to fight Reformation  Popes increased the Inquisition’s powers  Accused Protestants of witchcraft and breaking the law  Spanish monarchs set up a tougher one in 1478

18  Used it to convert Jews, Muslims and later Protestants  Index of Forbidden Books- to stamp put rebellion  People not to read books on the list  Lose their souls  Torture and execution damaged the Church’s image

19  Renewed zeal spread Catholic faith to other continents  North America- and elsewhere softened the harsh colonial rule  Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church and formed many factions

20  Discord and rifts between Protestants  Luther and followers denounced Anabaptists and Zwingli’s followers  John Calvin disapproved of some of Luther’s ideas  Luther’s these opened the door to religious freedom

21  Luther and Catholics viewed Jews as heretics  Spain forced conversion or they had to leave  Jews resettled in eastern and southern Europe  Some areas they were forced to live in certain areas  Called a ghetto

22  Ghettos were walled and their gates closed at night  People feared witches roamed the land  Fears increased during hard times  Witches were rounded up and tried  1580-1660 thousands tried and executed as witches  Mostly women and the poor

23  Rising sense of nationalism  Protestant Reformation encouraged formation of independent states and nations  Rulers and merchants wanted less church involvement  Political power separated from churches

24  Italy bounced between two powers  Sack of Rome by Spaniards and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1527  Italian wars ended in 1559  Expanded the Italian Renaissance

25  Artist from Italy fled north bringing new techniques  Troops returned carrying new ideas

26  Unhappy with high taxes, lack of power, new ideas  Peasants unhappy  Reformation preachers were backing idea of freedom  1524 tens of thousands German peasants stormed monasteries

27  Martin Luther accused of the unrest denounced it  Luther’s refusal to back peasants prevented the Reformation from spilling into a social revolution  Holy Roman Emperor Charles V wanted to turn back Protestantism

28  1546 war against Luther’s German princes  Peace of Augsburg signed in 1555  Had religious compromise  Allowed each prince to pick their religion  Subjects had no say in the choices

29  France the Huguenots, Protestant minority fought the Catholics  Fighting ended when their leader became Catholic  Conversion led to political stability  1598 Edict of Nantes granted religious freedom to Protestants

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