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Quiz pgs. 651-675 2B 1.How does Serbia become independent? 2.What did the Tanzimat promise? 3.What is meant by calling the Ottomans the “sick man of Europe”?

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz pgs. 651-675 2B 1.How does Serbia become independent? 2.What did the Tanzimat promise? 3.What is meant by calling the Ottomans the “sick man of Europe”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz pgs. 651-675 2B 1.How does Serbia become independent? 2.What did the Tanzimat promise? 3.What is meant by calling the Ottomans the “sick man of Europe”? 4.What is a cause of the Opium war? 5.What ultimately happened to the Qing emperors?

2 Quiz pgs.651-6753A 1.What was the Eastern Question? 2.What is Pan-Slavism? 3.What was the Decembrist revolt? 4.What were the provisions of the Treaty of Nanking? 5.What ultimately happened to the Qing emperors?

3 Ottomans and Russian Empires Unit 7 Lecture 7

4 Military Decline Lagged behind Europeans Janissaries held a lot of power –Stopped practicing military techniques and didn’t modernize weapons Loss of military power caused a decline in the power of the government

5 Territorial losses Caucasus to the Russians Greece and Serbia became independent Egypt

6 Economics Trade had transferred to Indian Ocean or Atlantic Ocean Imported European goods, but didn’t export much Became financially dependent on Europeans Couldn’t pay interest on loans and economics turned over to foreign powers

7 Extraterritoriality Europeans in other territories were under European laws, not native laws Europeans set up their own banks and commercial enterprises Seemed as a humiliation for the Ottomans

8 Reforms Selim III –Tried to remodel the army, but Janissaries revolted –Killed the new army, locked up the Sultan Selim’s successor tried again and the Janissaries killed everyone of the royal family except one-Mahmud II

9 Mahmud II’s Reforms Killed the Janissaries and created a new army European style uniforms European weapons and training Sent people to schools in Europe

10 Mahmund II’s Reforms Secondary education school system Established scientific, technical, and military academies Taxed rural landlords Abolished military land grants Undermined the ulama Constructed new roads Built telegraph lines Created a postal service

11 Legal Reforms Tanzimat (1839-1876) –Commercial Code 1850 –Penal code 1858 –Maritime code 1863 –New civil code 1870-1876 Public trials, equality before the law, privacy rights Education reforms –Primary and secondary schools –Free primary school

12 Opposition to Reforms Religious conservatives –Reforms undermined Islam Young Ottomans Ottoman bureaucrats –Wanted a constitution

13 Abdul Hamid II Signed a constitution He suspended it after a year Dissolved parliament Exiled liberals Executed some Tried to protect empire from foreigners

14 The Crimean War Russia considered themselves the protectors of the Christians Ottomans told the French they could have that title Russians invaded French, British, and Italian Piedmont fought against the Russias

15 The Crimean War Embarrassment for Russia Ended the Concert of Europe No one could have Ottomans lands First modern war

16 Emancipation of Serfs Serfs were free, but worked on Mirs Mirs were village systems Peasants had to pay tax to nobility Ended up in debt

17 Reforms Zemstovs –Local elected councils –Were still subject to the tsar Court System –Trial by jury –Elected judges

18 Industrialization Sergi Witte-Finance minister Railway construction High protective tariffs Invited foreign investors Created usual social movements associated with industrialization


20 Protests Peasant unrest Assassination of Alexander II Decembrist Revolt under Nicholas II Tsars forced Russian language on other nationalities Pogroms against the Jews

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