Overview of the Pedagogical Guidelines (2006) IST workshop, Agadir, December, 2006.

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1 Overview of the Pedagogical Guidelines (2006) IST workshop, Agadir, December, 2006.

2 Outline  Theoretical framework  Teaching practices: Language components and skills  Classroom management  Project work  Assessment  Bibliography

3 I. Standards  Definition: « specify what students should know and be able to do (content), what they might be asked to do to give evidence of standards (performance), and how well they must perform (proficiency). “ « specify what students should know and be able to do (content), what they might be asked to do to give evidence of standards (performance), and how well they must perform (proficiency). “

4 Standards Rationale: - »as rigorous goals for teaching and learning » - »as rigorous goals for teaching and learning » - «ensure that our schools offer students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success.” - «ensure that our schools offer students the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success.”

5 Standards vs Curriculum?  Standards define « broad perspectives »  Curriculum: lessons, materials, techniques; i.e. « details of the day-to-day schooling »

6 Applications of standards through the curriculum  Ability to think  Skill in communication  Production of quality work  Connections with the community

7 Standards: Background  Research in ESL: « Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century” (general outline)  Moroccan educators (performance standards to support each content standard)

8 Standards: Key notions  Communication  Cultures  Connections  Comparisons  Communities

9 Standards for level 3 Content and performance  Communication: interpersonal, interpretive, presentational  Cultures: practices, products  Connections

10 Syllabus for Level 3  Speaking  Listening  Reading  Writing  Themes and topics  Grammar  Functions

11 II. Skills: a. Reading Rationale: Rationale:  as a ‘skill in its own right’;  as a life requirement;  in relation to writing;  as exam requirement

12 Reading: Competencies  Macro-competencies (global):determining the organization of a text, recognizing the function of a text, undertaking project work related to the theme of a text,...  Micro-competencies (sub-competencies): scanning, skimming, inferencing, evaluating information,... scanning, skimming, inferencing, evaluating information,...

13 Teaching reading: steps  Pre-reading: previewing title, semantic mapping, picture stimulus,...  While-reading: identifying text organization/ function, ‘word-attack’ skills,...  Post-reading: oral/written follow-up, summary, debate, project work,...

14 II. Skills: b. listening  The teaching context  Interrelated with speaking  Aims and competencies: communicative, cultural, strategic, methodological

15 Teaching listening  As a complex skill  Types of activities  Outcomes  Requirements

16 Methodology: suggested procedure 1.Preparation 2.Presentation 3.Listening 4.Checking 5.Re-listening 6.Follow-up

17 II. Skills: c. speaking  Rationale: ”Success (in language learning ) is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language “ ”Success (in language learning ) is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language “ Nunan 1991. Nunan 1991.

18 Types of tasks  Prononciation exercises;  Dialogues : dialogue completion, jumbled exchanges, dialogue recital / rehearsal,  Responding to teacher questions / comprehension q.  Role-plays : situational cues, functional cues, free role play; role cards,  Songs / poems recital,...

19 Procedure 1.Prepare 2.Present 3.Practice 4.Evaluate 5.Expand

20 II. Skills: d. writing  Rationale: producing pieces of written discourse  Competencies: generating, organizing ideas; planning; exploring materials (magazines,...) ;...  Discourse forms: Journals, e-mails, letters, anecdotes,...

21 Main Stages  Pre-writing  Writing  Follow-up

22 Grammar  Rationale: descriptive vs generative grammar; usage vs use,  Objectives: generate instances of correct usage, manifest knowledge of the language system,...

23 Approach Approach  Combination of inductive and deductive  Competency-based approach (ref. charter)

24 Competency-based approach  Definition: « In ESL a competency is a task-oriented goal written in terms of behavioural objectives… It is not what the students know about language, but what they do with the language.” « In ESL a competency is a task-oriented goal written in terms of behavioural objectives… It is not what the students know about language, but what they do with the language.” (Nunan 1988 : 34) (Nunan 1988 : 34)

25 Bissonnette and Richard’s model  Level one: skill/’what to do’ level: enables the learner to reproduce and explain the content (e.g a grammatical rule) in his own words.  Level two: capability/’when and how level’: the learner should be able to determine when, why or how to use the material.  Level three: : Competency/ “mastery” level. This level is characterized by the successful, frequent and automatic use of the material, be it a structure or whatever. and automatic use of the material, be it a structure or whatever.

26 Steps  Specify objectives in behavioral terms  Skill level: presentation/comprehension check  Capability level: practice/production  Competency level: use/application  Evaluation: checkist criteria: automaticity, authenticity, contextualization, skills integration

27 Functions  Rationale: CBI ‘learners should be able to use the target language in their actual and foreseeable social, vocational and academic situations’  Types: greeting, asking for permission, expressing ability, possibility,...

28 Methodology 1.Preparation 2.Presentation 3.Receptive practice 4.Productive practice 5.Recycling

29 Classroom management  Definition: ‘Classroom management refers to the ways in which student behaviour, movement, and interaction during a lesson are organized by the teacher to enable teaching to take place more effectively. Classroom management covers a wide range of areas including managing pair and group work, handling transitions, giving instructions, and dealing with disruptive behaviour.’

30 Classroom Management  Managing pair work  Managing group work  Teacher and learner roles

31 Project work  Definition  Major benefits  Projects presentation  Project work topics

32 Continuous Assessment  Aims  Rationale  Test specifications

33 Bibliography  Testing  Learning theory  Language teaching methods

34 Thank you.

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