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Marketing masterclass with Sarah Mayberry and Sara Hood.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing masterclass with Sarah Mayberry and Sara Hood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing masterclass with Sarah Mayberry and Sara Hood

2 Who are we?

3 Day one What was Sarah doing? How did she feel about it?

4 Taking control Sarah meets Sara Sara introduces Sarah to the sales funnel

5 What’s a sales funnel? Strangers Acquaintances Friends Fans Super fans Recruit Engage Convert

6 What did we do first? Lists! Assets Activities

7 What did that look like? Facebook page (author page) Facebook profile (personal) Twitter Website + new website + blog Email list (no of subscribers) 37 books published (38 th about to land) Dear Author, Smart Bitches, Book Bub Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iBook Blog tour

8 What’s a sales funnel Whiteboard!

9 Hone Looked at honing what Sarah already does Make it deliver for maximum impact for minimum effort Then put together into a sales funnel

10 Engagement: Facebook Great engagement Good number of fans Personal profile full of readers Confusion between profile and page Not sure about what to post (inc. to where) Finding it a grind

11 Facebook: taking control Separate personal and page OR Suck it up and keep them intertwined (set up another profile?)

12 Facebook: taking control Four types of content: Inspire (40% + …highest reach) Entertain (40% + …highest reach) Inform Call to act (5% … lowest reach)

13 Facebook: taking control Scheduler: get the time monkey off your back! Insights: reach, engagement, best time to post, review performance Advertising

14 Facebook: taking control Spend an hour or less a week scheduling Spend 5 mins a day interacting – more time if you’ve got it Plan plan and plan some more

15 Facebook: taking control

16 Engagement: Twitter Combined personal and private Twitter Favourite social media platform Good following Analytics Good engagement All happening in real time

17 Twitter: taking control Keep combined personal and private Twitter Twitter Analytics Use analytics to pick good times of day Use (free) hootsuite to schedule and repeat

18 Social media: taking control Goal: think big BUT grow bit by bit Reach is good, but engagement is better Every week aim to be better Don’t compare

19 Social media: taking control You don’t have to do them all Better two done well than several poorly Use social media that: You enjoy Your readers use

20 Engagement: website

21 Website Design: Clarity Simplicity Punch Structure - blog on the front page! “Frictionless” Metrics - Google Analytics

22 Website Integrate the blog FRONT PAGE Why: Brings traffic Increases engagement – know, like and trust Helps SEO => improves Google ranking and discoverability

23 Website

24 Engagement: Newsletter

25 Newsletter: taking control

26 Auto responders: Double opt in Welcome List growth Frequency Lead magnet Recruitment campaign

27 Making it easy to sell Buy buttons on the website Buy links in the newsletter Maximise keywords on all platforms Choose categories in Amazon Invest in quality covers Fine tune blurbs Generate reviews in the blogger community Advertise on Book Bub, etc

28 Recruit Lead magnet: free book offer. First book in Brothers Ink series (indie) First chapter of next book in back of free book Social media links in free book Newsletter sign up invitation in new book

29 Launch of Anticipation What did Sarah do?? What worked? What didn’t? What was surprising? Outcomes?

30 Next steps Add Google Analytics Learn how to use it! Facebook advertising – recruit using different free book, value add, get onto newsletter list Keep going Write more books Rinse, repeat!

31 Questions

32 How to connect Sarah Mayberry: FREE BOOK! Facebook: SarahMayberryAuthor Twitter: @MayberrySarah Sara Hood: WEBINAR OFFER! Facebook: MarketingforWriters Twitter: @mktg4writers



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