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The Periodic Review Report at the Community College: Opportunities for Collaborative Institutional Renewal Valarie Avalone, Director of Planning Dr. Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "The Periodic Review Report at the Community College: Opportunities for Collaborative Institutional Renewal Valarie Avalone, Director of Planning Dr. Michael."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Periodic Review Report at the Community College: Opportunities for Collaborative Institutional Renewal Valarie Avalone, Director of Planning Dr. Michael McDonough, Provost and VP, Academic Services

2 Goals  To challenge the task-oriented perception of the review process;  To identify concrete strategies that will yield benefits beyond the immediate need of completing the report;  To plan a PRR process that promotes meaningful and productive campus-wide collaboration and renewal.

3 About MCC  Comprehensive community college founded in 1961 in Rochester, NY;  Serves over 38,000 credit/noncredit students ing 80+ degree and certificate programs;  70% of students enrolled in transfer programs;  36% of students under 20 years old;  32% of students identified as underrepresented.

4 About MCC Challenges and Opportunities  The urgency of college readiness and the linked demand of the completion agenda;  The changing dynamics of the regional population;  Shrinking local and state support;  A college faculty and professional staff in transition.

5 The PRR: A Four-Stage Approach  Plan – develop a team, a timeline, and a process;  Act – gather information;  Evaluate -- decide what should go into the report;  Draft – scaffold the report around the standards.

6 Stage I: Plan – Building A Team The PRR Team poses significant challenges. In ideal terms, it functions as 4 teams in one:  Alignment > to share information  Consultative > to support decision making  Coordinating > to foster communications  Authoritative > to make decisions

7 Stage I: Plan – Building a Team Composition and characteristics are crucial:  Cross divisional;  Mix of new, veteran, and senior staff;  Campus-wide credibility;  Familiarity with wide range of internal and external stakeholders;  Specific knowledge base;  Institutional authority.

8 Stage I: Plan – A Timeline  Preliminary Work  Team Appointment  PRR Requirements  Collect Essential Data  Draft Report  Institutional Review  Edit Report  Prepare Executive Summary  Final Review (President & Board of Trustees)  Submit to Commission January – September June September – November December – February March April April – May June 1

9 Stage I: Plan – A Process Five operational policies should guide the PRR:  Stability;  Direction;  Structure;  Leadership;  Resources

10 Stage I: Plan – A Process The PRR process requires:  An analysis of the current strategic plan (progress, evidence, and assessments);  A comprehensive response to both MSCHE recommendations and institutional recommendations;  A recognition that the institution confronts new challenges and opportunities

11 Stage II: Act The actions of the PRR Team reflect institutional change since the Self Study, the Evaluation Team Visit, and subsequent report. The purpose of the PRR is to establish and demonstrate a culture of evidence.

12 Stage II: Act This process will promote:  A culture of evidence from multiple sources;  A culture of authentic collaboration;  An attitude of RENEWAL

13 Stage III: Evaluate Student SuccessInstitutional Success Course Learning OutcomesDepartment Assessments General Education Outcomes Program Outcomes

14 Stage III: Evaluate These evaluations must be  Comprehensive;  Systematic;  Consistent;  Sustained;  Broadly Communicated

15 Stage IV: Draft As the PRR process unfolded, we adopted a five-step process to the writing task: 1.Assemble (scaffold) a comprehensive (and lengthy) first draft. 2.Revise for length, voice, and purpose. 3.Circulate. 4.Edit to incorporate appropriate feedback. 5.Review.

16 Lessons Learned  You can never have too much data;  You can’t begin too early;  You can’t spend too much time planning (and you plan from the end);  Picking the right committee members is crucial to success;  You must resource the committee

17 Lessons Learned  You must return to the language of the standards;  You must design a timeline (and incorporate some flexibility);  You must open doors for the team;  You can never have too long a first draft;  You must have the lone writer.

18 Questions ?

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