Developing Ward/Branch “Reaching Out to the One” Plans Meeting with Bishops, Branch Presidents and Mission Leaders January 24, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Ward/Branch “Reaching Out to the One” Plans Meeting with Bishops, Branch Presidents and Mission Leaders January 24, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Ward/Branch “Reaching Out to the One” Plans Meeting with Bishops, Branch Presidents and Mission Leaders January 24, 2009

2 Topics Background Improving Results by “Altering the Management of Affairs” Ward/Branch Actions –Create and Implement a Plan –“Return, Report and Improve” Resources & Next Steps Discussion and Q & A’s

3 Our Sacred Stewardship Moses 1:39 “For behold, this is my work and my glory – to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” Matt 18:12-14 “How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if it so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray, Even so, it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” D&C 18:15 “And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!”

4 Stake Purpose Statement (Introduced in early 2004) Stake Purpose Statement (Introduced in early 2004) We invite all to come unto Christ and participate in the redemptive and enabling power of the Atonement. We encourage everyone to: Seek personal revelation and conversion through regular study and prayer; Receive all saving ordinances and keep the associated covenants; and Progress, as individuals and families, toward exaltation and eternal life.

5 Stake Key Indicators (Introduced in early 2004) Stake Key Indicators (Introduced in early 2004) Total Unit Membership Sacrament Meeting Attendance Active Primary Children Active Young Women Active Young Men Active Adult Women Active Prospective Elders Active Melchizedek Priesthood Holders Convert Baptisms & Confirmations 8-year old Baptisms & Confirmations Melchizedek Priesthood Holders Endowed Members Endowed Members with a Current Temple Recommend Adult Members that are Sealed to a Spouse

6 Stake Key Indicators 2003 2008 +/- Stake Key Indicators 2003 2008 +/- Total Stake Membership Sacrament Meeting Attendance Active Primary Children Active Young Women Active Young Men Active Adult Women Melchizedek Priesthood Holders Active Mel. Priesthood Holders Convert Baptisms & Confirmations 8-year old Baptisms & Confirmations Prospective Elders Active Prospective Elders Endowed Members Current Temple Recommend Holders Adults Sealed to a Spouse 3,328 3,375 +47 1,174 1,283 +109 272 306 +34 102 100 - 2 107 94 - 13 405 460 +55 511 535 +24 308 333 +25 77 35 - 42 27 28 + 1 692 708 +16 34 40 + 6 890 921 +31 462 551 + 89 717 750 +33

7 Improving Results “Altering the Management of Affairs” Improving Results “Altering the Management of Affairs” President Spencer W. Kimball said: “We have reached plateaus in certain areas of our activity and now it is time to pick up our loads and start climbing to higher peaks.” In Alma 49:11 we see that Captain Moroni “…altered the management of affairs” and great blessings of protection and strength came to the people

8 Improving Results “Altering the Management of Affairs” Stake Purpose will continue to provide ongoing direction Apply what we have learned, especially this past year Strengthen partnerships with Full-time Missionaries Create a sustainable “culture of inviting” Increase accountability and success Act in faith and sincerely believe that miracles will occur

9 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Building the Plan:  Make it simple and effective  Write it on 1/2 page of a single piece of paper  Begin by creating a strong Foundation - Develop a compelling, long-term Vision of the Ward/Branch - Set Goals for this year - Obtain Council members’ Commitment to “lead by example”

10 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Annual Goals Ward/Branch Vision Commitment Foundation

11 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Develop a compelling, long-term Vision of the Ward/Branch - Describe what the ward/branch will be like 5 years from now - Keep it short and easy to remember - Stretch, but make it achievable - Write it so that it will capture the imagination and inspire enthusiasm Examples: - The Waltham Ward: In five years we want two wards in Waltham, not one. Each ward will have more temple-worthy members than our present ward does today. - Metro area wards: In five years we want to have four wards in the greater Metro area and be working toward the creation of a fifth. 50% of the adult members will have received all of the essential saving ordinances. - A branch in the Stake: In five years we want to be a ward that is a highly visible, well-respected part of our local community. At least 60% of the adult members of the ward will have received all essential ordinances.

12 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Set Goals for this Year - Goals should lead to the realization of the Vision - Write them in a SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-specific) format - In 2009 we would like everyone to focus on the same three areas 2009 Goal Areas in the Stake: - Sacrament Meeting Attendance - Referrals by members who the missionaries can teach - Essential Saving Ordinances Performed

13 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Obtain a Commitment to lead by example from every member of the Ward/Branch Council - Personal “inviting” will be vitally important - Involvement of Leaders’ families will aid the process - Ward/Branch members will respond as leaders become personally involved in “Reaching Out to the One” activities

14 Imagine members journeying across a glacier and they are huddled at the edge of a frightening “reaching out” crevasse, afraid to jump across. If leaders push from behind, they will resist. If leaders jump across first and then assure members that it is safe, easy and achievable, many will follow.

15 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Add effective Building Blocks - Every Ward/Branch Organization should contribute - Transform current activities into “inviting” opportunities - Focus on one or two actions that are repeated frequently

16 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Annual Goals Ward/Branch Vision Commitment Building Blocks Foundation Bishopric & Public Affairs Elders Quorum High Priests Ward Mission Families Activities Committee YM/YW Relief Society Primary Families & Individuals

17 Potential Building Blocks for the Primary Meet with each seven year old child and their parents several months before they turn eight to plan for their baptism; coordinate with their Home Teachers to ask them to give lessons on baptism and confirmation. Or: inspire at least 2 members who are not now active, to accept callings to serve in the Primary. Or: We will invite the community cub scout pack to merge with our ward pack. We will hold pack meetings in the church, and involve a mix of members and non-members as pack and den leaders. Or: an idea that is even better suited for your ward or branch

18 Potential Building Blocks for the Relief Society Invite a non-member friend or less-active sister to teach a lesson at each Enrichment Night. Or: Involve at least three non-member friends or less- active sisters in every compassionate service activity. Or: Arrange for the Family History Consultants to assist sisters with their research and take family names to the temple during the year Or: An idea that is even better suited for your ward or branch

19 Potential Building Blocks for the Bishopric/Branch Presidency The bishopric will each find at least one person during the year for the missionaries to teach, so that we can speak in present-tense verbs and first-person pronouns about the blessings that stem from sharing the gospel. Or: When we ask members to talk in sacrament meeting, we will ask them to bring at least three non-member friends to that meeting. Or: Every fifth Sunday we will return and report to the entire ward on our progress with the Reaching Out to the One Plan. Or: An idea that is even better suited for your ward or branch

20 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Accountability - Wards/Branches may want to hold two Council meetings each month with one devoted entirely to the Plan (the most effective units do this) - Create charts to track progress in all three goal areas - Council members will be responsible to provide information to update charts as well as ideas on how to improve results

21 Creating Ward/Branch Plans Annual Goals Bishopric & Public Affairs Elders Quorum High Priests Ward Mission Families Ward/Branch Vision Activities Committee YM/YW Relief Society Primary Commitment Return, Report, Improve Accountability Building Blocks Foundation Families & Individuals

22 “Return, Report and Improve” President Thomas S. Monson has said: When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.”

23 Goal: Increase Sacrament Meeting attendance from 138 to 160 by the end of the year Reports Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 138 140 144 142 146 148 150 160 158 156 154 152 135 137 139 136 GoalActual Council Meetings One Council meeting each month should focus on the “Reaching Out to the One” Plan Create time by eliminating announcements & calendaring from this meeting Ward mission leader reports on progress towards goals Ward leaders, in a problem- solving mode, discuss the effectiveness of each element of the plan and what else they can do to improve results “Return, Report and Improve” “Return, Report and Improve”

24 By returning and reporting monthly, the ward council holds itself accountable for achieving its goals, and searches for better ways to meet them. Goal: Provide 48 member referrals to the missionaries by the end of the year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 4 8 16 12 20 24 28 48 44 40 36 32 1 3 10 6 13 18 YTD Goal YTD Actual B RS HP EQ WML YM Pri YW “What can we do to close this gap?” “Return, Report and Improve” “Return, Report and Improve”

25 Goal: Perform 60 essential saving ordinances for the living during the year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 5 4 10 7 20 13 15 8 25 27 30 35 60 55 50 45 40 Living Ordinances YTD Goal & Actual “Return, Report and Improve” “Return, Report and Improve” Essential Saving Ordinances consist of: Baptism, Confirmation, Mel. Priesthood Ordination, Endowment & Sealing

26 Resources “Leading a Great Ward Mission” booklet website “The Mission of the Wilmington Ward” DVD and web sites “Preach My Gospel” Handbook Full-time Missionaries Stake Presidency, Stake High Council and Stake Auxiliary Leaders

27 Next Steps Personally commit to lead the Plan and set an example by frequently “inviting” Meet with your bishopric/branch presidency, mission leader and HC Advisor to discuss introducing the Plan to your Ward/Branch Council Hold meeting #1 (see outline) to begin: - Creating a Vision for the Ward/Branch - Establishing Goals of 2009 - Obtaining commitments of Council members Hold meeting #2, get input and write draft Vision & Goals Send drafts to Stake Clerk by March 7 and be prepared to discuss them during the March 14 meeting with bishoprics & branch presidencies

28 Summary Through effective planning the following will occur: We will have a vision, goals and leaders who are committed to lead Priesthood and auxiliary organizations will contribute building blocks to the plan and follow-through on meaningful activities Progress will be reported towards goals at monthly Council meetings and problem-solving discussions will address what else can be done to achieve your goals As we share the gospel and as the Church grows blessings will be poured out upon us: Individuals and families will be spiritually strengthened Feelings of faith, personal purity, prosperity, health and happiness will permeate the Ward/Branch The Holy Ghost will prompt us and direct our actions We will fulfil our sacred stewardships as many of Our Heavenly Father’s children come unto the Savior, “One by One”

29 Discussion plus Questions and Answers

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