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Cholesterol and Your Heart Kelly Strine BSN, S-FNP.

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Presentation on theme: "Cholesterol and Your Heart Kelly Strine BSN, S-FNP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cholesterol and Your Heart Kelly Strine BSN, S-FNP

2 What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a naturally occurring fat that is found in our blood. Our bodies produce approximately 75% of the cholesterol in our bodies. The other 25% comes from our diets. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods. The body uses cholesterol for nerve cell function, sex hormone production and the production of vitamin D from sunlight exposure

3 What are the Different Types? This is the GOOD cholesterol. This helps to stop the BAD cholesterol from sticking to the lining of our blood vessels. This type can be the BAD cholesterol when too much is in the blood, it can clog arteries leading to heart attack and stroke. Extra Calories stored in fat cells HDL LDL Triglycerides

4 How Much is Too Much TypesDesiredAt Risk LDL70-129130+ HDL Men Women 60+ Below 40 Below 50 TriglyceridesBelow 150150+ Total CholesterolBelow 200200+

5 Why is Cholesterol Important? Elevated cholesterol can lead to plaque formation of the walls of the blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to harden and become stiff which can increase blood pressure. When the plaque forms on the blood vessels, it narrows the space that blood can flow through. When there is less blood flow, less oxygen reaches the tissues of the body. This can cause Heart Attack or Stoke!!!

6 There is GOOD NEWS HERE! You can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke by maintaining or lowering your Cholesterol!

7 How your can reduce your risk Eating a heart healthy diet. Eat less than 300mg Cholesterol each day. Take part in physical activity 30 minutes each day. Lose weight! Weight measurement less than 35in for women and 40in for men Avoid cigarette smoking or contact with cigarette smoke.

8 What foods will help me lower my Cholesterol? Eat This Fish, Poultry, and Lean Meats Baked, Broiled, or Roasted Skim or Low Fat Milk Oatmeal, Oat Bran, High Fiber Olive Oils Fresh Fruits/Vegetables Not That Red, Organ, or Processed Meats Fried foods Whole Milk White or Italian Breads Butter Cakes, Cookies, Pastries

9 For More Information Nutrition counseling is available through the Oneida County Office of the Aging at the Utica office 315-798-5456. Chronic Disease Management classes are also offered at the Office of the Aging. Call Jessie Orton at the Oneida County Health Dept at 798-5486(or)Call Donna DeRosa at the Oneida County Office for the Aging at 798-5456

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