“It sort of makes you stop and think, doesn’t it”.

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Presentation on theme: "“It sort of makes you stop and think, doesn’t it”."— Presentation transcript:

1 “It sort of makes you stop and think, doesn’t it”

2 Reason

3 Knower(s) Natural Sciences Language Reason Emotion Sense Perception Mathematics Human Sciences History Arts Ethics Ways of Knowing Areas of Knowledge Theory of Knowledge Diagram

4 A Story A businessman had just turned off the lights in the store when a man appeared and demanded money. The owner opened a cash register. The contents of the cash register were scooped up, and the man sped away. A member of the police force was notified promptly. Statements about the story (True/False/Uncertain) 1. A man appeared after the owner had turned off his store lights. 2. The robber was a man. 3. The man who appeared did not demand money. 4. The man who opened the cash register was the owner. 5. The store owner scooped up the contents of the cash register and ran away. 6. Someone opened a cash register. 7. After the man who demanded the money scooped up the contents of the cash register, he ran away. 8. While the cash register contained money the story does not state how much. 9. The robber demanded money of the owner. 10. The story concerns a series of events in which only three persons are referred to: the owner of the store, a man who demanded money, and a member of the police force. 11. The following events are true: Someone demanded money, a cash register was opened, its contents were scooped up, and a man dashed out of the store.

5 TaK - Reason Empiricism starting point for all knowledge is experience Rationalism starting point for all knowledge is reason

6 TaK - Reason 1. Reason (noun) a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc 2. Reason (verb) to think or argue in a logical manner; to form conclusions or judgments from facts, propositions or premises (initial assumptions) What is meant by ‘Reason’?

7 Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones? TaK - Reason

8 There are three men on a train: one of them is an economist, one is a logician and one is a mathematician. They have just crossed the border into Scotland and they see a brown cow standing in a field from the window of the train. The cow is standing parallel to the train. The economist says, “Look! The cows in Scotland are brown”. The logician says, “No. There are cows in Scotland of which one, at least, is brown.” The mathematician says, “No. There is at least one cow in Scotland of which one side appears to be brown.” TaK - Reason

9 Goya - The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters 1798

10 “He that will not reason is a bigot*; he that cannot reason is a fool; and he that dares not reason is a slave” William Drummond 1585-1649 TaK - Reason * Bigot: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own

11 Reason enables us to go beyond the immediate evidence of our senses to acquire new knowledge The path is wet in the morning.... You left your mobile phone either on your desk or in your coat pocket... TaK - Reason

12 A dead body is lying in a field. He is carrying an unopened package. How did he die? TaK - Reason


14 Aristotle 384 BCE – 322 BCE …. wrote that women have fewer teeth than men

15 TaK - Reason Gustave Le Bon 1841 - 1931 Social Psychologist Influential theorist about Crowd Psychology Influential writings about propaganda techniques

16 TaK - Reason “… there are a large number of women whose brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains. This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion. All psychologists who have studied the intelligence of women, as well as poets and novelists, recognize today that they represent the most inferior forms of human evolution and that they are closer to children and savages than to an adult, civilized man….”

17 A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers, coat, gloves and ski mask. He is walking down a back street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its lights off but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man? TaK - Reason

18 You are presented with the following rule - Every card with a vowel on one side has an even number on the reverse side These are the cards: U U G G 7 7 2 2 Which 2 cards should be turned over in order to find out if this statement is true or false? TaK - Reason

19 You are a bar-person in a nightclub. The club has the following rule - Every person drinking alcohol must be over 20 years of age There are four situations: Person Drinking Beer Person Drinking Beer Person Drinking Lemonade Person Drinking Lemonade Person Aged 19 years Person Aged 19 years Person Aged 21 years Person Aged 21 years Which two situations should be investigated? http://skepticwiki.org/index.php/Wason's_Four-card_Task TaK - Reason

20 The two examples are formally identical. Why is it easier to spot the correct answers in the second example? Do your answers reflect something about human thinking in general? TaK - Reason

21 Three kinds of Reasoning  Deductive reasoning  Inductive reasoning  Informal reasoning TaK - Reason

22 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.... Sherlock Holmes TaK - Reason

23 Watchdogs bark at strangers The watchdog did not bark at the thief Therefore the thief was not a stranger The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.... TaK - Reason Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): "Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?“ Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.“ Gregory: "The dog did nothing in the night-time.“ Holmes: "That was the curious incident.”

24 A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms: The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? TaK - Reason

25 Deductive reasoning From general to particular All humans are mortal Edmund is human Therefore Edmund is mortal If the ‘assumptions’ are correct (which in Logic are called, ‘premises’) the conclusion has to follow. No if’s and but’s - it’s not a matter of personal opinion, nor is it affected by culture. TaK - Reason

26 Deductive reasoning From general to particular: Two premises and a conclusion Three terms – each occurring twice Quantifiers (‘all’, ‘some’, ‘most’ etc) This is formally called a Syllogism TaK - Reason All humans are mortal Edmund is human Therefore Edmund is mortal Premise 1 Premise 2 Conclusion Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Quantifier

27 There is a scene in a Broadway play where a guest at a party meets a Catholic priest. The guest asks, “Don’t you hear some terrible things in confession?” The priest replies, “Oh yes. In fact when i was just starting out as a priest, the first person who came to confession told me they had committed a murder.” Later on, a newcomer joins the party, and on being introduced to the priest says, “I met you a long time ago, Father. In fact I was the first person to come to you for confession.” TaK - Reason

28 Deductive reasoning From general to particular: TaK - Reason The first person who came to confession told the priest that he had committed a murder The guest at the party was the first person to come to the priest for confession Therefore the guest had committed a murder

29 Truth and Validity Truth : concerned with what is the case Validity : only concerned with whether conclusions follow from premises….. TaK - Reason

30 All polar bears are footballers Rinchen is a polar bear Therefore Rinchen is a footballer Valid argument – but not true You should not say that an argument is true or false, but that it is valid or invalid. TaK - Reason

31 Factual disputes If I think Singapore is south of the equator, and you say that it is north of the equator, our disagreement is easily resolved by reference to an atlas. Verbal disputes This is where the presence of an ambiguous term conceals the fact that there is no real disagreement. As shown in the following ‘bachelor’ example, the ambiguity can arise even with words in common use. TaK - Reason

32 Being careful in arguments: Definitions - Bachelor Anthony is 17 years old. He attends school and lives with his parents. Joe is 17 years old. He left home at 14 to start his own company and is now a millionaire. When not travelling around the world to attend business meetings he lives in his own house and has a playboy lifestyle. Charlie and Chris are homosexual lovers who have been happily living together for 20 years. David has been living with Sue for the last 10 years. They have 3 children. He has never been married and has no intention of ever getting married. Jim is a married to a woman who paid him $50,000 so that she could become a citizen of his country. He has met her once, and they have never lived together. Father Francis is a Catholic priest TaK - Reason

33 A: Dave is the best tennis player at the club. His serve is faster than anyone elses. B: No, Nick is much better! His volleying is amazing. TaK - Reason

34 A: National Inc. are doing well. Their sales so far this year are 15% up on last year. B: No, they aren’t doing very well. Profits so far this year are 30% lower than they were this time last year. TaK - Reason

35 A: Jenny is a great student. Although her assignments are always late, she always asks perceptive and intelligent questions in class B: Jenny is one of the worst students I’ve ever met. Her smart answers in class don’t make up for never getting assignments in on time TaK - Reason

36 A: That man just broke the law by driving like that. B: No he didn’t – that was perfectly legal TaK - Reason

37 Inductive reasoning From the particular to the general (the observed to the unobserved) This first bird can fly... This second bird can fly... This third bird can fly... This fourth bird can fly... This n th bird can fly... Therefore all birds can fly. TaK - Reason

38 Science uses inductive reasoning: Formulates general laws on the basis of limited observations – Metal A expands when heated Metal B expands when heated Metal C expands when heated..... a conclusion? TaK - Reason

39 Will the sun rise tomorrow? How do you know? How certain are you? TaK - Reason

40 Problems with Induction: Reasoning from the observed, to the unobserved How many observations should be made before we jump to a generalisation? TaK - Reason

41 1. Argument (noun) an oral disagreement; verbal opposition; contention; altercation: ‘a violent argument’ 2. Argument (noun) a process of reasoning; series of reasons: ‘I couldn't follow his argument’ TaK - Reason

42 Premise (Claim) Conclusion (Claim) Watchdogs bark at strangers The watchdog did not bark at the thief Therefore the thief was not a stranger Inference Argument DeductiveInductive Finds rules Applies rules Argument TaK - Reason

43 Deduction general particular Induction TaK - Reason

44 DEDUCTIONINDUCTION Definition Reasoning from general to particularReasoning from particular to general Example All metals expand when heated A is a metal Therefore A expands when heated Metal A expands when heated; metal B expands when heated; metal C expands when heated Therefore all metals expand when heated Value More certain, but less informative than induction More informative, but less certain than deduction TaK - Reason

45 Inductive reasoning From the particular to the general (the observed to the unobserved) I have never heard of a human being who didn’t die... then we generalise to... All human beings are mortal Inductive Reasoning allows us to make generalisations about the world. TaK - Reason

46 What distinguishes good generalisations? Number – you see one dog swimming... Variety – different circumstances; old dogs, young dogs, different breeds... Exceptions – find counter-examples... Coherence – you should demand more evidence to support surprising claims than unsurprising ones Subject area – eg. generalisations tend to be more reliable in the natural sciences than in the social sciences What is a generalisation? TaK - Reason

47 Give examples of some hasty generalisations Why do you think that people are so quick to jump to conclusions? What is the difference between a prejudice and a generalisation? TaK - Reason

48 Informal reasoning Fallacies (invalid patterns of reasoning) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXLTQi7vVsI&feature=related TaK - Reason

49 Since strict gun controls were introduced in Dodge City, the crime rate has risen. This shows that gun control does nothing to reduce crime. Jane said she trusted me, and she must be telling the truth because she wouldn’t lie to someone that she trusted. The ends justify the means. After all, if you want to make omelettes, you have to break eggs. Since the English always talk about the weather, if you meet someone who talks about the weather you can be sure they are from England. Since many great scientists have believed in God, there must be some truth in religion. We got on very well on both of our dates together. We are clearly well suited. Let’s get married! Do you want to be part of the solution or part of the problem? The average UK family has 2.4 children. The Smiths are very average people. Therefore they must have 2.4 children. Since no-one has been able to prove that we are alone in the universe, we must conclude that other life forms exist. Are all your family stupid, or is it just you? No breath of scandal has ever touched the Senator. So he must be an honest man. Just as you are more likely to take care of a car that you own than one that you rent, so a slave owner is more likely to take care of his slave than an employer is of his worker. TaK - Reason

50 Informal reasoning – Fallacies (Invalid patterns of reasoning) Post hoc ergo propter hoc – assume that because B follows A that A must be the cause of B Ad hominem fallacy – attack or support the person rather than the argument Circular reasoning – assume the truth of something you are supposed to be proving Special pleading – making an exception in your own case that you would not find acceptable if it came from someone else Equivocation – using language ambiguously Argument ad ignorantium – claim that something is true on the grounds that there is no evidence to disprove it False analogy – assume that because two things are similar in some ways that they must be similar in some further way False dilemma – assume that only two alternatives exist when there are in fact a wide range of options Loaded questions – a question that is biased because it contains a built-in assumption TaK - Reason

51 Bad reasoning Ignorance Laziness Pride Prejudice TaK - Reason

52 Some key points: Through reason we can acquire knowledge about the world that goes beyond the immediate evidence of our senses Deductive Reasoning - from the general to the particular Inductive Reasoning - from the particular to general Inductive Reasoning sometimes leads to our making hasty generalisations which are then reinforced by our tendency to only notice things which confirm them Dangers of Informal Reasoning The main causes of bad reasoning are a combination of ignorance, laziness, pride and prejudice Logic – the art of reasoning, can all too easily give way to Rhetoric – the art of persuasion TaK - Reason

53 Key points: It is important to be aware of assumptions, and recognize one is making them, though sometimes it will be necessary to make assumptions (due to urgency of decisions, lacking complete information etc) Sometimes it is not practical to have all the facts before making decisions; assumptions are necessary, but can be misleading Assumptions made by individuals (even for the same questions) may be different Increased awareness and sharing of assumptions can improve decision making TaK - Reason

54 ToK Essay Prescribed Title 2008: “Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing” TaK - Reason

55 Reason Perception Should we trust reason rather than perception? Perception Should we trust reason rather than perception? Religion Is religious belief rational or irrational? Religion Is religious belief rational or irrational? Ethics How important is consistency in moral reasoning? Ethics How important is consistency in moral reasoning? Arts What is the relationship between creativity and rationality? Arts What is the relationship between creativity and rationality? History What kinds of bad reasoning can be found in history? History What kinds of bad reasoning can be found in history? Human Sciences Are human beings rational animals? Human Sciences Are human beings rational animals? Maths Can mathematics be reduced to logic? Maths Can mathematics be reduced to logic? Natural Sciences Is there a logic of scientific discovery? Natural Sciences Is there a logic of scientific discovery? TaK - Reason

56 Questions… What constitutes a 'good reason' for belief? Does the nature of reason vary across cultures? Does knowledge always require some kind of rational basis? If knowledge claims cannot be rationally defended, or can be shown to be irrational, should they be renounced? How do beliefs affect the capacity to reason logically and the capacity to recognize valid arguments? TaK - Reason


58 by Joseph Wright TaK - Reason

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