Technology in your History Class Betsy Varghese Education 504 Holy Family Fall 07 Click here for VideoClick here for.

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2 Technology in your History Class Betsy Varghese Education 504 Holy Family Fall 07 Click here for VideoClick here for Video

3 Slide Contents (hyperlinked) Introduction Summary Findings Detailed Findings Conclusions Additional Resources Scanned Documents and Pictures

4 Introduction My focus is on History projects, but this can be helpful for majority classes. It will create self-esteem for students and they will be proud of themselves when they complete their project. The sites are categorized by the top 20 sites and then I will share with you the top 5 sites I found will be great for research findings. The sites range from technology to research base sites. It will be helpful for teachers to take a look at the sites and pick ones that are helpful to their classes. I encourage teachers to take this opportunity and read over the sites and apply it to your lessons.

5 Summary Findings National Geographic: As the magazine is very popular these days, the website is equally as great. This site is filled with great articles and facts. It also includes many images and videos that are great for any classroom. Teachers can find great activities, videos and pictures to share with their students. I found this site to be a great way to include activities. Website: http://www.nationalgeographic.com Kids Search Tools: This research engine provides safety and control that every teacher and parent are looking for. This site provides the essential tools when searching a certain subject. It provides the student with the best website that are child safe and recommended for classes. I highly recommend this site and it is a great way for student to start their project. Website:

6 Summary Findings…… Education Week: This website is great way to read on current events in the education field. This site will give you the opportunity to subscribe to the Education Week magazine. I highly recommend this magazine. The articles are helpful for any parent you need the additional information they deserve to know. It is a great way for teachers and parents to have the ideal involvement they students need. Website: High Beam Encyclopedia: This website is a great way for students to dive into concrete facts. This site provides information for students who are writing papers and need information. This is a great site for research. It can also link the students to many websites that are related to their topic. I highly recommend this site for beginners. Website:

7 Summary Findings….. Encyclopedia Britannica: This website breakdowns subject into sub heading. It is very useful and creative. It provides the students wit information that they would ordinarily not find in a encyclopedia. Students can begin their research paper with this website. They can write down information that is appealing to them. I highly recommend this website for every classroom. Website: Researching America: If your student needs help to find information on a research paper this is the site for them. This site provides the basic facts on events that happened in America. It provides them the guidance they need when researching a paper. It will link them to many sites that will provide them the concrete information they need. Website:

8 Detailed Findings Website 1:  Lesson Plans: It provides format on how to write a lesson plan to incorporating activities and games. The section links the viewer to many sites that are helpful when writing a lesson plan.  The different links include: Top 10 lesson plan features, Five minute filters, Math activities and much more. The lesson plan section is a great way for new teachers to read previous lesson plans that many experienced teachers have written. There are holiday lesson plans that revolve around a certain holiday and incorporate the main lesson. This section is very useful and I recommend it to everyone.

9 Detailed Findings…. Website 2: This website provides information for teachers and students. This site is known to be a Online Teachers Resource. It has detail information on each content area. Each area is then broken down to provide information such as, games, activities, worksheets, etc. It is a great website for teacher to improve their lesson plans and incorporate technology into their classroom. The homepage of the website is broken down into section. They are lesson plans, worksheets, downloads, background sites, rubrics, social studies, games, teaching idea, teaching tutorials, teacher tools, themes, and teacher workbook.

10 Detailed Findings…. Website 3: This site is a research engine for every student. It is broken down for easy finds and useful for research. It was created in way that is very attractive to young children. This site is made just for them. It provides them the essential to researching a topic and finding great sites on their own. The educator does not have to worry about awful websites, because this site provides the best links that are child safe. The site breaks down section and provides them a way for them to focus on one topic.

11 Detailed Finding… Website 4: This website provides everything and more! This site is directly connected to the “The History Channel” that many of us watch at home. Now this website will share the newest information on the historical events that has happened in the world. They provide video archives to share with your students. This site is very easy to maneuver and factual information. The advancement of technology has given us the opportunity to demonstrate the historical images that is important to us. It is essential that every student have the chance read and watch images of historical events that had took place. This site has a “Classroom Features” section that is dedicated for us educators.

12 Detailed Findings Website 5: This site was created with the mind of every mother who had a child in school. Children need guidance as they are growing up. They need to be observed when they are doing things. On that note, this site is a great way for teachers and parents to sit back and relax. The will have the confidence knowing that their children are looking through a search engine that is made just for them! I believe that children will need to start early and learn how to use a computer. As the world is moving forward, technology is also growing. This site provides guidance to help maneuver around a computer with ease.

13 Conclusions The sites that I have found are very useful for my own classroom. I have done extensive research to bring you the best websites out there. It was a great experience for me to get out there and find educational sites. There are millions of sites targeted towards education, but I have located the ones that will help your student grow. The sites are geared towards a specific subject which will allow you to quickly check them and see if it suit you. I know that not all of my sites are potential for every classroom, but I hope that they will come of great use to your students in the years to come. I hope that my research will gain a new understanding of the internet.

14 Closing Remarks Click Here

15 Scanned Documents and Pictures OCR Document Education World

16 Additional Resources Following are links to some additional resources available at my website and our school server. My website: http://bvarghese28.angelfire.com School website: http://www.holyfamily.edu Internet Address Book: This document contains the 20 websites I have found useful in the classroom. Please feel free to take a look at them at my website. Internet Address Book: Research Excerpt File: This document contains websites and it description. There are pictures and links to connect you to the website. Please feel free to check it out at my website. Research Excerpt File Research Report: This document contains all 20 websites and the top 5 websites I have picked. Please take a look at the document. Research Report

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