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Musical Terms Instead of the usual handheld flashcards, I projected these from my computer. Easier to use, always stayed nice, and all students could see.

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Presentation on theme: "Musical Terms Instead of the usual handheld flashcards, I projected these from my computer. Easier to use, always stayed nice, and all students could see."— Presentation transcript:

1 Musical Terms Instead of the usual handheld flashcards, I projected these from my computer. Easier to use, always stayed nice, and all students could see better. Feel free to jazz it up, edit, add to, and shift slides around periodically to mix it up. Slides are currently set to show answer and advance on click, you may prefer timed animation.

2 Adagio Slowly and leisurely

3 ABA Form in which there is one section of music, a contrasting section, and the 1st section is repeated

4 Decrescendo Gradually softer

5 Sempre Always

6 Spiritual Sacred songs

7 Harmony Two or more pitches sounding at the same time

8 Ostinato A rhythmic or melodic passage that is repeated continuously

9 Timbre Tone color, the distinct sound of an instrument or voice

10 Accent (>) Give the note extra emphasis or loudness

11 Rhythm Short and long sounds grouped into patterns

12 Piano (p) soft

13 Ritardando (rit.) Gradually slowing

14 Staccato (.) With distinct breaks between successive notes; separated

15 D.S. (%) Go back to the sign (%)

16 Improvisation Making up a song while singing or playing

17 Vocal Voices

18 Tempo The speed of the beat

19 Band A music group consisting of brass, woodwinds, percussion

20 Legato Play or sing smoothly and connected

21 Form How the sections of music are repeated

22 Coda A special ending

23 Choir A group of singers

24 Largo slowly

25 Diminuendo Diminishing; softer

26 Strings Type of instruments who produce sound by vibration of strings

27 Call and response Form in which one group sings or plays a phrase and another group answers

28 Steady beat A consistent and regular pulse

29 Moderato Moderate speed

30 Lullaby Sleep song

31 D.C. Go back to the beginning

32 Rondo Form in which 1 section of music is repeated with contrasting sections in between

33 Instrumental Use of instruments

34 Con With

35 Allegro quickly

36 Presto Very fast

37 Phrase Musical thought or idea

38 Waltz A dance in 3/4 meter

39 Sforzando With sudden emphasis

40 Mezzo medium

41 Unison Everyone sings or plays the same part

42 Solo One person plays or sings

43 Orchestra Music group consisting of strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion

44 Conductor A person who leads a musical group

45 Dolce sweetly

46 Harmony The sounding together of 2 or more notes

47 Percussion Drum type instruments who produce sound by striking (hitting)

48 Pitch The highness or lowness of sound

49 Composer A person who writes musical works

50 Arpeggio Playing the notes of a chord separately

51 Poco little

52 March Music with a steady beat suitable for a parade

53 Brass Instruments who produce sound by vibrating lips

54 Dynamics volume

55 Verse-refrain Form in which there are 2 sections of music that alternate; form of most pop music

56 Crescendo Getting louder

57 Sacred Religious music

58 Acapella Singing without accompaniment

59 Woodwinds Instruments who produce sound by a vibrating reed or column of air

60 Forte (f) Loud

61 Canon One voice enters after another in exact imitation of the first

62 Duet 2 people play or sing

63 Meno less

64 Quartet 4 voices or instruments

65 Lento slowly

66 Tutti All instruments or voices

67 Melody The tune of a song

68 Fine The end

69 Grazioso Smooth, elegantly

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