Please sit down in your student’s desk.. Welcome to Mrs. Adams’ Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Please sit down in your student’s desk.. Welcome to Mrs. Adams’ Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sit down in your student’s desk.

2 Welcome to Mrs. Adams’ Class

3 Please fill out the three blue papers found in your folder and leave them on the desk when you leave. Update the demographic paper on line. Visit the PTA in the gym and the computer lab if you need help with the on-line materials. Make sure to read the rest of the papers in the folder and bring back Adams’ Disclosure statement signed.

4 Myconnect District program for text reminders. To: 385-313-8398 Message: join@mrs.adamsjoin@mrs.adams send

5 My Goals and Expectations  My goal is to help and encourage each student to reach their full potential as a 6 th grader so they can move onto 7 th grade with confidence. My expectations for each student is that they will respect themselves, their classmates and their teachers by ALWAYS being their best selves. (Respect Chart)

6 Did You Know? Sage Test Math Scores in one classroom. That a teacher discovered. Days Missed Scores

7 Baby Picture for student of the week. You will get it back.

8 Summer Reading Paper We will let you know the date as soon as possible.

9 Book orders from scholastic will be available. You can order on-line or with the order form that comes with the booklet. (Make checks out to Scholastic) Great way to have books for the 40 Book Challenge. If you would like to order on-line, follow the instruction on the paper in the folder.

10 New Reading Specialist/ More information will come on our School Reading Program. * 40 Books Challenge/6 th grade goal. * Recording sheet will be kept here at school. * Titles of the books/ number of pages. * Books that reach 350 pages can count for 2 books. * Novel reading in class goes toward the challenge. (When students get done early with their work, they need to be pull out their own novel and read. They always need a book in their desk that they can read.)

11 Portal Please use the portal to be informed. Your Student’s grades should never be a surprise. ( At Wahlquist next year, that will be all the teachers use.) If you need help, go to the computer lab and the computer specialists can help you.

12 Mailbox Keep your papers for the quarter. Take the papers home and store under your bed in a box or something.

13 Volunteer Paper Each class will have a head room volunteer. This list of helpers will be for PTA help and a resource for me to call for help as needed in my classroom.

14 Late work: partial credit except when absent / put in the bin. Family problem that kept your student from getting their work done, then write me a note, I will give them another day.

15 Planners Keep daily Stamped for Friday Missing work will be marked yes or no Sign and record reading days Bring back on Monday Check Portal (Lots of time and money is spent on the portal so parents will always be informed as to how their student is doing. Always updated Wednesday afternoon.) Planners are required and will affect their Behavior Grading Sheet and the rewards that go along with that. ( See Packet) (Wonderful skill for Wahlquist) Please leave planners on their desks ready for school. Notice the student ID and email is taped in the front and on the folder. They will need it a lot.

16 Math Proficiency Conceptual Understanding Math fluency is vital to success in 6th grade Problem Solving Speak and write the language of math (Spiral notebook 100 pages/ Math Journal) Stay in the struggle Math website- (Log on and become familiar with this program using it often.)

17 Cooperative learning and table work. 1.One of the greatest skills a person can develop is working well with others and being part of a group that you contribute to as you accomplish a task. 2. Having the desks set up in table format is very important to me in helping the students develop this skill. 3.Tables are changed often. So they will be with different students throughout the year. 4.Encouragement from home in taking advantage of each new group your students find themselves part of will help them learn and grow. 5. The whole year will include many different cooperative learning activities.

18 Goal Sheet Write a academic goal that will truly make a difference for you. Example: I want to understand all new math concepts. Reaching the goal: I will do everything I can to make sure I understand the math concept that is taught each day. Examples of what I might do are use the videos for the math program, ask more questions when Mrs. Adams is teaching, get extra one on one from my teacher, and put more effort into my learning. This will be used in their PTC. Bring back to school within a few days.

19 If you need to talk to me in the next few days for one on one time, the paper is in the back.

20 I am so excited to get to know each of your students. Please communicate with me when you have concerns. I love being a teacher. I know it will be an exciting year getting ready for 7 th grade.


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