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Review of Unit 1 Grammar, Vocabulary, pronunciation.

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1 Review of Unit 1 Grammar, Vocabulary, pronunciation

2 Grammar Present tenses: Simple and Continuous, Action and Non-Action verbs Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Perfect Future Forms: Going to, Present continuous, Will

3 Simple Present [VERB] + s/es in third person When we use Simple Present? 1. Repeated Actions: Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. For Example: The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. When does the train usually leave?

4 2. Facts: The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. For Example: Cats like milk. California is not in the United Kingdom.

5 Points Remember the spelling rules, e.g. Lives, studies, watches. Put adverbs of frequency, e.g., Usually, always, before the main verb and after be.

6 Present Continuous be + verb + -ing When we use Present continuous? 1. Actions in Progress Now In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on. Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.

7 2. Future Arrangement: For Example: I am meeting some friends after work. Is he visiting his parents next weekend? Points: Remember the spelling rules, e.g., living, studying, getting.

8 Action And Non-Action Verb Verbs that describe actions, e.g., make, cook, can be used in the simple present or continuous. Verbs that describe states or feelings, e.g., like, want, be, are not normally used in the present continuous. common non action verbs are: agree, be, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, matter, mean, need, prefer, realize, recognize, seem, suppose.

9 Simple Past Use the Simple Past for completed action in the past For Example: I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. I lived in Brazil for two years.

10 Past Continuous Was/were + verb + -ing Use the past continuous to describe an action in progress at a specific time in the past. For Example: Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.

11 Past Perfect Had + Past Participle The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past. For Example: You had studied English before you moved to New York. She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska.

12 Using narrative tenses together Example: Bond opened the door very slowly, looked carefully around the room and walked in. The window was open and the curtains were blowing in the wind. Clearly someone had left in a hurry.

13 Be going to + base form am/is/are + going to + verb Usage: 1. Future plans and intentions: It expresses the idea that a person intends to do something in the future. For Example: He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii. Who are you going to invite to the party?

14 2. predictions: "be going to" can express the idea of a general prediction about the future. For Example: The movie “The Wolf Of Wall Street" is going to win several Academy Awards. Point: Use going to NOT will/won’t when you have already decided to do something.

15 Will + base form Use will/won’t for instant decisions, promises, offers, and predictions. Examples: I will break the window (instant decision) I won’t tell anyone your secret. (promise) I will send you the information when I get it.(offer) The movie “Gravity" will win several Academy Awards.

16 Vocabulary

17 frozen homemade low-fat raw spicy sweet takeout I love my mother’s cooking. ………. food is always the best. Indian food can be very …….. Sushi is made with …… fish. Food that is kept very cold is …….. ………. food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat. People on a diet often try to eat ………. food. This tea is very …….. You’ve put too much sugar in it!

18 Boiled rice Roast chicken Baked potatoes

19 Grilled fish Fried eggs Steamed vegetables

20 Slide Title Product A Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Product B Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3

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