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All types in the CLR are self-describing – CLR provides a reader and writer for type definitions System.Reflection & System.Reflection.emit – You can ‘read’

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Presentation on theme: "All types in the CLR are self-describing – CLR provides a reader and writer for type definitions System.Reflection & System.Reflection.emit – You can ‘read’"— Presentation transcript:

1 All types in the CLR are self-describing – CLR provides a reader and writer for type definitions System.Reflection & System.Reflection.emit – You can ‘read’ programs – You can map between type systems – You can interrogate objects and types inside a running program Reflection Overview

2 Execution model Cobol VB C++ C# CIL code (+ metadata) Loader/verifier Managed Code Uncompiled method call Execution Language compilers.NET languages JIT compiler

3 Reflection Core Concepts Metadata – Single location for type information and code – Code is literally contained within type information – Every.NET object can be queried for its type – Type metadata can be explored with Reflection Dynamic Type System – Highly dynamic and language independent – Types may be extended and built at run time Allows on-the-fly creation of assemblies See my CodeDom tutorial

4 Metadata uses Allows type developed in a PL to be used by code in other PL GC uses to traverse objects Serialization (essential for Web Services) IDE (e.g. IntelliSense)

5 Exploring Metadata Who are you? What are you? Anything special about you? Now tell me what you have! Types and Instances

6 System.Type Access to meta-data for any.NET type Returned by System.Object.GetType() Allows drilling down into all facets of a type – Category: Simple, Enum, Struct or Class – Methods and Constructors, Parameters and Return – Fields and Properties, Arguments and Attributes – Events, Delegates and Namespaces C# also has the, typeof(), is and as operators.

7 What are you? Value, Interface or Class? – IsValueType, IsInterface, IsClass Public, Private or Sealed ? – IsNotPublic, IsSealed Abstract or Implementation? – IsAbstract Covers all possible properties of a managed type Very intuitive API, no "Parameter Hell"

8 Type Reflection Object IEnquire IPrint ITransfer Account Savings Savings.BaseType ==Account Savings.BaseType.BaseType == Object ITransfer.BaseType == null Account.IsSubClassof(IEnquire) == false Savings.IsSubClassof(Account) == true Savings.GetInterfaces() == { IPrint, ITransfer, IEnquire } IEnquire.IsAssignableFrom(Savings) == true

9 Reflection and the CLR type system System.Object EventInfoPropertyInfoFieldInfoMethodBase System.Type ParameterInfoMemberInfoModuleAssembly MethodInfoConstructorInfo

10 MetaData: Type Info at Runtime [serializable] public class Person : { public event OnSaveChange onsv; public Date DOB; public string FirstName; public string LastName; public string Name { get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; } } public Person(string First,string Last) { FirstName=First;LastName=Last; } public bool Save() { System.Type t = this.GetType() ; foreach( FieldInfo f in t.GetFields() ) {... } } System.Type Attributes Fields Properties Constructors Methods Events Parameters

11 Reflection MetaData Samples // Test sample class public class Test { private int n; public Test(int a) { n=a;} public void Foo(float a, object b, string c) { } } //Retrieve the Type object public static int Main(string[] args) { Type type1 = typeof (Test); Test t1 = new Test(0); Type type2 = t1. GetType (); Console.WriteLine(“type of t1 is {0}”, type2); return 0 } Note: type1==type2 ReferenceEquals(type1, type2) == true

12 Reflection Type and Instances Type Safety First! Type checking at run time – if (o is Customer) { … } Dynamic Invocation through Reflection – Support for late binding: MethodInfo.Invoke() MethodInfo.Invoke FieldInfo.SetValue() FieldInfo

13 Reflection GetMethods Example //Get a list of methods supported by a class public static int Main(string[] args) { Type type1 = typeof(Test); MethodInfo[] minf = type1.GetMethods();GetMethods foreach (MethodInfo m in minf) { //Print out the method name and whether it is public Console.WriteLine(“Name: “+ m.Name + “,” + ((m.IsPublic) ? “ public” : “”) + ((m.IsVirtual) ? “virtual” : “”); //Get the list of parameters ParameterInfo[] pi = m.GetParameters(); foreach (ParameterInfo p in pi) Console.WriteLine(“ “ + p.ParameterType + “ “ + p.Name); } return 0 } Name: Foo, public System.Single a System.Object b System.String c Name: GetType, public Name: ToString, public virtual Name: Equals, public virtual System.Object obj Name: GetHashCode, public virtual Press any key to continue...

14 Reflection MemberInfo Base class for all "member" element descriptions – Fields, Properties, Methods, etc. Provides member kind, name, and declaring class MemberInfo MethodBase ParameterInfo FieldInfo EventInfo PropertyInfo MethodInfo ConstructorInfo

15 Anything special about you? Special Memory Layout? – IsAutoLayout – IsExplicitLayout – IsLayoutSequential COM Objects? – IsCOMObject More… – IsUnicodeClass – IsSpecialName, etc.

16 Now tell me what you have! Finding and Exploring Members – MemberInfo: GetMembers(), FindMembers() Exploring Fields and Properties – FieldInfo: GetFields(), PropertyInfo: GetProperties() Exploring Constructors, Methods and Events – GetConstructors(), GetMethods(), GetEvents() Exploring attributes, determining implemented interfaces, enumerating nested types, … Summary: Everything you may ever want to know

17 Type and Instances Type Safety First! Type checking at runtime – C#: if (o is Customer) { … } – VB: If TypeOf o Is Customer Then … End If Dynamic Invocation through Reflection – Support for late binding MethodInfo.Invoke() FieldInfo.SetValue() PropertyInfo.SetValue()

18 Reflection Dynamic Creation Example You can use CreateInstance and other methods to create instances at run-time and call their methods and properties. See the example here for more –

19 Reflection The Bigger Picture Types know their module; modules know their types Modules know their assembly and vice versa Code can browse and search its entire context Assembly Module Class Struct Constructor Method Field Class Interface Class Delegate Class Interface

20 Traverse every element in an assembly Using System.Reflection; public static void WalkAssembly(String assemblyName) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load (assemblyName); foreach (Module module in assembly.GetModules()) foreach (Type type in module.GetTypes()) foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMembers()) Console.WriteLine ( “ {0}.{1} ”, type, member.Name; }

21 Object Creation OK, now see my CodeDom tutorial

22 Serialization Save state of an object on disk or send to a stream (we will cover this more later): public class Point : { public double x; public double y; public double length; // computed from x, y };

23 Solutions Inherit from a base type: class Point : Serializable { … } but … – base type does not know derived type – requires multiple inheritance Java solution: class Point implements Serializable { … } but … – method granularity – customization requires full rewrite of WriteObject, ReadObject

24 Solution: Attributes [Serializable] public class Point : { public double x; public double y; [NonSerialized] public double length; // computed from x, y };

25 Reflection Summary Reflection = System.Type + GetType() Explore type information at runtime Enables attribute-driven programming Bottom line: Fully self-contained structural model Used extensively in Visual Studio

26 VisualStudio.NET and Reflection Component Class Description DefaultValue Help Localizable ReadOnly ComponentMode l Attributes Toolbox Properties Window Designers Help

27 System.AddIn There is a new set of classes in the System.AddIn namespace for aiding in plug-in architectures. I have not had a chance to look at this closely, but it appears to be more for creating Adapter’s (see the Adapter design pattern) and creating a common interface (called an IContract). In other words allowing a plug-in that did not support your interface in the first place. See AddIns-with-System-AddIn.aspx. AddIns-with-System-AddIn.aspx

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