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Healthy food. FOOD Healthy food (полезная еда) Unhealthy food (вредная еда) My favourite food is ….

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy food. FOOD Healthy food (полезная еда) Unhealthy food (вредная еда) My favourite food is …."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy food








9 Healthy food (полезная еда) Unhealthy food (вредная еда) My favourite food is ….

10 I think pizza is healthy, but cola is unhealthy. I think …. is healthy, but ….. is unhealthy.

11 Keep your healthy (поддерживает ваше здоровье) Give you energy (дает тебе энергию) Help you to grow and make you strong (помогает тебе расти и делает тебя сильным) Empty foods (вредная еда) 1. 2. Porridge 3. Honey 4. Cheese 5. 6. Fish 7. Cola 8. Complete the table with the words from the box. chips breadcabbage apple sweets eggsmeatbutter

12 Read the statements and say true or false: All foods are good for you. Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat Sweets, chips and coke keep you healthy. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

13 MENU for breakfast for lunch for dinner __________ _______________ ___________


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