Windows Movie Maker Create and Download a Movie. Objectives □ Create a small video □ Download a video from a video camera to a computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Movie Maker Create and Download a Movie. Objectives □ Create a small video □ Download a video from a video camera to a computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Movie Maker Create and Download a Movie

2 Objectives □ Create a small video □ Download a video from a video camera to a computer

3 Audio Lighting Techniques Framing Focus Key things to think about when recording your video

4 Audio Considerations □ Built-in Microphone is usually not the best □ Alternatives ■ External Microphone ■ Lavaliere Microphone ■ Omni directional Microphone ■ Unidirectional Microphone

5 Lighting Techniques □ Too much light - video washed out □ Too little light - video too grainy □ Bright light behind the subject will cause the subject to be shadowed □ 3 Point Lighting is ideal ■ Key Light ■ Back Light ■ Fill Light

6 Framing

7 Focus □ Auto-focus can cause the focus of the camera focus to shift in low light or when movement appears in the background. □ Use a Tripod to avoid shaking. □ Avoid using the zoom feature. □ Avoid moving backgrounds ■ Cars ■ Trees blowing in the wind ■ Crowds of people ■ Fountains ■ Computer screens/TV’s

8 Capture from Video Device

9 Windows Movie Maker Editing and Enhancing your Movie

10 Objectives □ Add transitions and special effects to your movie □ Add titles and credits to your movie □ Add music to your movie □ Add narration to your movie □ Save your final movie for distribution

11 Controls how your movie plays from one video clip or picture to the next. You can add a transition between two pictures, video clips, titles, or a combination of these. Video Transitions

12 Video Effects Determines how a video clip, picture or title displays in your project and final movie. Allow you to add special effects to your movie. An effect is applied for the entire duration that the video clip, picture or title displays in your movie.

13 Titles and Credits Text based information – Title of the Movie – Name of Movie Creator – Date

14 Import Music Supported File Formats: –.aif,.aifc,.aiff.asf,.au,.mp2,.mp3,.mpa,.snd,.wav, and.wma

15 Add Pictures Supported File Types: –.bmp,.dib,.emf,.gif,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg,.png,.tif,.tiff, and.wmf

16 Import Additional Video Supported File Types: –.asf,.avi,.m1v,.mp2,.mp2v,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpv2,.wm, and.wmv

17 Add Narration to Movie Narrating the Timeline

18 Save Movie for Distribution File Types: – Windows Media Video (WMV) files – Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) files

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