Kerala - Population - 2011 Census state population MaleFemaleTotal 160212901736638733387677 Child population (0-6years) MaleFemaleTotal 169593516263123322247.

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2 Kerala - Population - 2011 Census state population MaleFemaleTotal 160212901736638733387677 Child population (0-6years) MaleFemaleTotal 169593516263123322247

3 Literacy and Education  Literacy  State average – 93.91%  Male – 96.02%, Female – 91.98 %  Education  Number of schools – 14479  No. of students – 45,39,033  School dropouts – 23,984

4 State Nutrition Policy Framed the State Nutrition Policy in collaboration with line departments; Govt approval awaited State Plan of Action for Children (SPAC), 2004 Spelt out strategies and monitoring indicators to improve nutrition status of children  Children 0 to 6 years  AGs, P&LMs  Marginalized groups – coastal & tribal areas, neglected/street children

5 Care for Children

6 ICDS Number of Districts -14 Number of ICDS-258 Number of Anganwadi Centres - 33115

7 Intersectoral Convergence Health Department Education Department Agricultural Department Rural Development Department LSGD PWD, KWA Fisheries Department Public Relations Department District Sanitation Mission Food and Nutrition Board

8 Nutrition and Health Status of Women and Children S.NoIndicatorsNFHS – 3 (%)DLHS – 3 (%) 1Maternal and Child Health Mothers who had at least 3 antenatal care visits for their last births (%)93.995.3 2Mothers who consume IFA for 90 days77.374.3 3 Child immunization and vit.A Supplementation Children 12-23 months fully immunized BCG, DPT, Polio, Measles (%)75.379.6 4Children 12 — 23 months who have received BCG(%) 96.399.1 5Children 12 — 23 months who have received DPT (%) 84.087.1 6Children 12 — 23 months who have received 3 doses of polio vaccine (%) 83.186.6 7Children 12 — 23 months who have received measles vaccine (%) 82.187.9 8Children 12 — 23 months who have received Vit.A doses 64.464.1 9 Feeding Practices and nutritional Status of children Children under 3 years breastfed within 1 hour birth(%)55.464 10Children 0 — 5 months exclusively breast fed (%)56.269.1 11Children 6 — 9 months receiving solid or semi solid food and breast milk (%) 93.684.5 12Children under 3 years of age who are under weight21.2- 13 Anaemia among children & adults Children 6-35 months who are anaemic (%)56.1- 14Pregnant women aged 15 — 49 who are anaemic (%)33.5- 15Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)1512

9 Year wise sanction of ICDS Projects YearNo. of ICDS projects 19751 198010 198559 199086 1995120 2000163 2010258 2012258

10 Type of Projects Number of Rural projects231 Number of Urban projects26 Number of Tribal projects1 Total number of projects258

11 Number of Anganwadi Centres Before 1 st phase ICDS expansion25393 AWCs sanctioned during 1 st phase expansion3258 AWCs sanctioned in 2 nd phase expansion3464 AWCs sanctioned in 3 rd phase expansion 1000 ( 871 Full AWC + 129 Mini AWC) Total No. of AWCs 33115 (32896 full AWC + 129 mini AWCs)

12 Community Participation and Involvement of PRIs Recruitment of AWWs/AWHs Supplementary food distribution, Regularity of opening of AWCs Observance of VHNDs Immunization Construction of AWCs Mobilization of community support to AWC, Awareness generation on health and nutrition issues, etc.


14 Type of Anganwadi Building Sl. No DistrictOwnRentPaccaKaccha Water Supply Child Friendly Toilet Smokeless Chulla Renewable Source Rent Free Building 1Thruvananthapuram1397156314264319214383281114101 2Kollam14331232143238100834513421958 3Alappuzha893119214492480136739919164 4Pathanamthitta6466510986871021092 5656 Kottayam1062862198465133382100125 6Ernakulam15181124273012818032711401216 7Idukki11402901477706582612110117 8Thrissur1994856194714212852183010166 9Malappuram2204149800862000103 10Palakkad20706930014262850069 11Kozhikode1821906032068491400209 12Wayanad748126008212300283 13Kannur1596616005441101501256287 14Kasargod99934911390436720529860 Total195211195813584928142695631341818671890

15 Coverage of SNP Beneficiaries Year No. of beneficiaries 0-6yearsPW & LM 2006-079,59,8681,67,386 2007-0811,91,9392,17,779 2008-0911,67,1832,27,564 2009-1011,02,0732,50,205 2010-1110,46,6772,10,281 2011-128,85,7891,95,927

16 Year wise PSE Beneficiaries YearNo. of beneficiaries 2006-075,23,328 2007-085,66,415 2008-095,44,979 2009-105,31,096 2010-115,14,040 2011-124,51,171

17 The State level organizational structure of an ICDS Project Sl. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts SanctionedIn position 1.Addl.Director10 2.Joint Project Co-ordinator21 3.Asst.Director11 4.Programme Officer22 5.Account officer11 6.Senior Supt.11 7.Junior Supt.22 8.Junior Statitical Inspector22 9.Clerk1412 10.Typist22 11.Head Accountant53 12.Confdl. Assistant11 13.Head Clerk1 1 14.Driver61 15.Peon52 Total4632

18 District Level Functionaries for ICDS Programme SI. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts SanctionedIn position 1.Programme Officer 14 2.Jr.Statistical Inspector 14 3.Jr. Superintendent22 4.Head Accountant43 5.Clerk1816 6.Typist14 7.Driver14 8.Peon14 Total9491

19 Anganwadi Pension Scheme Pension amount - Rs 500/- per month per Worker - Rs 300/- per month per Helper Being disbursed to their bank accounts Through E- Transfer - State Bank of Travancore Total Pensioners – 6000

20 Other Initiatives Anganwadi Workers and Helpers’ Welfare fund - Medical assistance,Housing/Educational/Marriage loan,Educational Award, Death Compensation  Advisory Committees for Welfare fund  Monitoring Committees fir ICDS at State, District, Ward,Panchayat/Municipal level  Anganwadi Welfare Committee headed by ward member


22 Budget Estimate for the Salary of the State Functionaries Sl. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts Time line for filling up vacancies Salary honorarium per month Estimated budgetary requirement for the FY SanctionedIn position 1.Addl.Director11Aug 201275685908220 2.Joint Project Co-ordinator21Aug 2012887201064640 3.Asst.Director11Aug 201247569570828 4.Programme Officer22Aug 20121052551263060 5.Account officer11Aug 201240126481512 6.Senior Supt.11Aug 201240635487620 7.Junior Supt.22Aug 2012847291016748 8.Junior Statitical Inspector22Aug 201257489489868 9.Clerk14 Aug 20124975715970852 10.Typist22Aug 201279633955596 11.Head Accountant55Aug 20121966312359572 12.Confdl. Assistant11Aug 201232016384192 13.Head Clerk11Aug 201236369436428 14.Driver66Aug 20122170312604372 15.Peon55Aug 20121136601363920 Total4645171311920557428

23 Budget Estimate - District Level SI. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts Time line for filling up vacancies Salary honorarium per month Estimated budgetary requirement for the FY SanctionedIn position 1.Programme Officer14 8/20127381508857800 2. Jr.Statistical Inspector 14 8/20123349154018980 3.Jr. Superintendent228/201260000720000 4.Head Accountant438/2012968251161900 5.Clerk18168/20123130003756000 6.Typist14 8/20123060753672900 7.Driver14 8/20123060753672900 8.Peon14 8/20122658253189900 Total94918/2012242086529050380

24 Budget Estimate - Block Level Sl. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts Time line for filling up vacancies Salary honorarium per month Estimated budgetary requirement for the Year SanctionedIn position 1CDPO2582201032000012384000 2ACDPO7141257501509000 3Supervisors1292119840058125480697500 4Head Accountant6656219037526284500 5Clerk293251659250079110000 6Clerk Typist5640112000013440000 7Typist105100210000022500000 8Driver16899222750026730000 9Peon316148493750059250000 Total2625211660379583724555000

25 Budget Estimate Anganwadi Level Si. No. Name post/ Functionaries No. of posts Time line for filling up vacancies Salary honorarium per month Estimated budgetary requirement for the FY SanctionedIn position 1Anganwadi Workers 32986 131944000 (32986x 4000) 1583328000 2Anganwadi Helpers 32986 -- 82465000 (32986x 2500) 98958000 3Anganwadi mini 129 322500 (129x 2500) 3870000 Total66101 2147315002576778000

26 Empowering Girls

27 Type of Supplementary Nutrition Type of food 6 months to 3 years (items in detail) 3 years in 6 years (items in detail) at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. P & L women (items in detail) at 3 p.m. Take Home Ration A food mix called Nutrimix containing cereals, pulses, groundnut & sugar N.A Morning snacks -- Ground nuts, banana, biscuit, milk, egg, ragi powderwith jaggery & coconut -- Hot cooked meal -- Rice & green gram (noon meal) 1. Uppuma with broken wheat, black gram, oil, vegetable etc. 2. Mix of green gram, jaggery & coconut 3. Payasam with rice flakes, jaggery & coconut 4. Aval mix with rice aval, jaggery, ground nut & coconut Uppuma with broken wheat, black gram, oil, vegetable etc. Mix of green gram, jaggery & coconut Payasam with rice flakes, jaggery & coconut Aval mix with rice aval, jaggery, ground nut & coconut

28 Per Unit Cost of Supplementary Nutrition Target GroupUnit cost/beneficiary/day (Rs.) Children 6 months to 6 yearsVaries from Rs.4.35 to 7.25 Pregnant & lactating mothersVaries from Rs.5.35 to 13.25 Severely under nourished childrenVaries from Rs.8.35 to 13.25

29 Quantity of SNP Category of beneficiaries Type of food given Quantity/ beneficiary/day Calorie (K cal) Protein (gm) Children between the age group of 6 months to 3 years THR — A food mix called nutrimix 135 gm50018.76 containing cereals, groundnut, and sugar and fortified with micronutrients Children between the age group of 3 years - 6 years Morning snacks 200 ml1346.4 Milk Banana11161.2 Groundnut10 gm-25 gm57-1423-6.5 Egg1103.87.9 Noon feeding 60-80 gm 206.4- 275 5.6-8.6 Rice & green gram General Feeding 115-190 gm 406- 592.7 3.49-19.64 Uppuma with broken wheat, black gram, coconut oil, vegetables Mix of green gram, jaggery & coconut75gm-165 gm 351.55- 515.8 13-23.4 Payasam 95gm-125 gm 337.95- 395 3.6- 7.95 Aval mix with jaggery and coconut150 gm238.954.92 Pregnant women and lactating mothers Uppuma with broken wheat, groundnut, oil, vegetables I50gm-195gm 544.6- 728 15.38- 18.71 Payasam190 gm-250gm 675.0- 1022 16.72- 18.6 Mix of green gram, jaggery & coconut120gm- I 80 gm553-66526-27 Aval, jaggery, coconut, groundnut20077929

30 Total and Average Beneficiary Coverage Per AWC as on 31 st March 2012 Total population surveyed CoverageGap Children 6 months — 6 years PW & CM Children 6 months — 6 years PW & CM Children 6 months — 6 years PW & CM 28,12,0154,36,07910,46,6772,10,28117,65,3382,25,798

31 Growth Monitoring/Promotion and Children's Nutrition Status No. of SNP Beneficiaries(0 - 6 years) No.of PSE beneficiaries (3 – 6 years) Classification of nutritional status(0 to 6 yrs) 0-3 years3-6 yearsBoysGirlsNormal Moderately malnurished Severely malnurished 4,21,5404,51,171,2,26,3632,24,80811,73,3934,23,66714,396

32 PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS Project functionaries are unable to meet the expectation of stake holders Poor enrolment rate in pre-school Poor coverage of beneficiaries for nutrition and health activities Inadequate integration of services Low level of community participation in activities Improper implementation of new programmes Ineffective monitoring and evaluation

33 Procurement Materials and Equipments Items No. available in working condition No. to be procured during the year Estimated budgetary requirement (Rs.) Timeline for supply during FY (Tentative date) Means of verification (MPROJCs) State level and District Level Computer and printer851250008/2012UC Vehicle2319000008/2012UC Computer chair14 600008/2012UC LCD with laptop011500008/2012UC Photocopier0217000008/2012UC Coffee Vending Machne 0153000008/2012UC Fax Machine0152250008/2012UC Handy Cam0151950008/2012UC Color Printer0151500008/2012UC A/C0153750008/2012UC TOTAL5126000

34 Items No. available in working condition No. to be procured during the year Estimated budgetary requirement (Rs.) Timeline of supply during FY (Tentative date) Means of verification (MPROJCs) Block Level Computer and printer 156263131500008/2012UC Vehicle120138(hiring)34500000 8/2012 UC Computer table and chair15626326300008/2012UC LCD with laptop258 129000008/2012UC Photocopier025825800000 8/2012 UC Alamarah4897065648000 8/2012 UC Water purifier 030030000008/2012UC Coffee Vending Machne 025825800008/2012UC Fax Machine 701889400008/2012UC Table 815990495000008/2012UC Chair 85010005000008/2012UC Name Board 1501083240008/2012UC Cash Chest 14811033000008/2012UC Steel Rack 10093218640008/2012UC Others 0258129000008/2012UC TOTAL 169536000 Project Level

35 Anganwadi Level Items No. available in working condition No. to be procured during the year Estimated budgetary requirement (Rs.) Timeline of supply during FY (Tentative date) Means of verification (MPROJCs) AWC level Alamarah20,00013115655750008/2012UC Name Board32,000111522300008/2012UC Storage container 1650016615415375008/2012UC Adult scale20,0001311513115000 8/2012 UC Baby scale24,00091154557500 8/2012 UC Utensils30,000311515575000 8/2012 UC Uniform33,11533,115 x 426492000 8/2012 UC Preschool kit33,115 33115000 8/2012 UC Medicine kit33,115 19869000 8/2012 UC Others33,115 33115000 8/2012 UC TOTAL 255181000

36 Financial requirements for Training Regular Training - Rs. 402.385 lakhs Other training - Rs. 275 lakhs. Total 2012-13 - Rs. 677.385 lakhs Printing of 52 Theme Charts of 34, 000 Copies - Rs. 15 Crores Printing & Training on MIS in ICDS - Rs. 14 Crores


38 Thank You….

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